If Mort Divine ruled the world

It is slightly reductionist.

Butler isn't a Kantian. She isn't saying that the material world is off-limits to us; she's saying that any attempt to expand our knowledge into new territories is at the same time an imposition of knowledge on those territories. If the thing itself is a kind of base materiality, then this isn't off-limits or unreachable; in fact, it's experienced every day. Even values and myth-beliefs can be traced (theoretically) back to some material instance or act of communication, but this origin is lost to us. At this point, all attempts to recover that origin can only be exclusionary or, at worst, totalitarian.

Butler's own theory answers Hume by presenting knowledge as an accumulative process. She concedes that purely constructivist and essentialist views are untenable; the idea that knowledge is accumulative insists upon an awareness as to where the basely material warps into the ideological.

For example, the case of women consistently performing more poorly than men in tests designed for admission to the military. The rage currently is over whether or not these tests are sexist, or created with men in mind. The question then becomes are these tests created that way for biological reasons (i.e. soldiers need to perform grueling tasks and males are biologically more capable than females) or historical reasons (i.e. for a long time women could not be soldiers and there is still a stigma against women in the military, suggesting a bias in these tests toward men).

It may very well be the case that we can isolate enough evidence to suggest the former, i.e. the biological requirements for the test. Butler's point (which I am extrapolating) isn't that we shouldn't act on these results, but that in acting on them we shouldn't thereby assume that we have discovered some fundamental condition of the sexes. We have actively contributed to the construction of sex in our culture, and we have to be careful not to fall back on this evidence as some kind of absolute precedent or axiom in future conditions.

I have no idea what Butler's actual opinions about women in the military are, and she may flagrantly disagree with what I just said. But that is how I understand her theory.
If by "fundamental condition" you mean the results of contingencies, then I don't find that necessarily radical. To make the statement that men are stronger than women isn't an absolute statement, and so can't be a fundamental condition of "manhood" or "womanhood". To think otherwise is at the very minimum, to put it in a very banal way, a misunderstanding of statistics.
Is it supposed to be radical? The way I see it, I'm appealing to various theorists to try and unpack the assumptions that get tossed around in the mainstream versions of these discussions. I'm not sure it always has to be radical, especially when it's trying to tone down the leftist rhetoric (which sometimes approaches the level of dogma). I often use radical when countering rightist, or conservative, perspectives that draw upon far more historically entrenched ideologies.
Anybody hear about The Twitter Harassment case out of Canada right now, involving two prominent feminists, Stephanie Guthrie and Heather Riley vs. a graphic designer, Gregory Alan Elliott?

I just read about this. And I am ashamed. A couple of vicious cunts. If anyone is doing the harassment it is these two. Bully anyone who disagrees with your regime; a coward's mindset.
Shows how shitty that comedy venue is

As well as how shitty SJWs are.

I just read about this. And I am ashamed. A couple of vicious cunts. If anyone is doing the harassment it is these two. Bully anyone who disagrees with your regime; a coward's mindset.

You said it man, it's actually pretty shocking, especially the level of irony going on.
Making a video game about some dumb cunt is harassment, never mind that he's made a similar game about a man in the past, but what they're doing to him and what their supporters are doing also isn't harassment?

Mind-boggling levels of retardation exist within the modern feminist and social justice movements I swear...
That was written with a somewhat tongue-in-cheek vibe so I can't tell if it's serious or not, but boooo hooooooooooo.

Marshall explained how frustrating it is to put on a pretty summer outfit and then get hit with that blast of cold. And you have to put on some jacked-up sweater you left at your desk.

^That's the point really isn't it? They want to look or feel pretty.
When women go out on a winter night they damn near wear summer clothes and have to bring a jacked-up coat with them, because often women choose playing up their visual appeal at the expense of comfort.
This is bullshit and pretty much every article or complaint like this from the past few months, whether from aging white male journalists or male comics on the downswing of their respective careers, has been bullshit---sensationalist Fox News-esque bullshit, perpetrated by those who strangely will bend over backwards to aim ever downwards at those who do exactly what education is supposed to prepare people to do: challenge power structures and social conventions, find and call out problems that may not have been acknowledged before, and work towards fostering more inclusive environments. The oversensitive student from hell is just a caricature of a predominantly reasonable and progressive movement among students to improve how schools and general society treat historically marginalized groups with respect and eliminate oft-unnoticed biases in the educational system---the extreme, if they even exist outside the confines of reddit horror stories in any significant number, would have always been there anyway.

someone I know in response to that article.