If Mort Divine ruled the world

"rights" are an illusion and counterproductive

these demographics leech of YOUR and MY hard earned wages and get free welfare, free food stamps, free medical... what did they do to earn this

the proactive solution is to abort their babies, stop their reproduction, and cease all aid so the adults die off as well

and also, Trump for president throw illegal immigrants and anchor babies OUT
Because rights exist. -edit: post jumped

Eugenics can easily be framed as in line with equal protection under the law. It's merely a question of what is protected.

I'm not proeugenics, and I'm not saying there aren't situations where one can sympathize with a decision to abort, but trying to pretend theres a great ethical gulf between different reasons for terminating pregnancies requires a lot more dancing than dancers would like to believe.
Because rights exist. -edit: post jumped

Eugenics can easily be framed as in line with equal protection under the law. It's merely a question of what is protected.

I can't envision anyone who would not expect the right to a family and reproduction to be included in the equal protection clause.

I'm not proeugenics, and I'm not saying there aren't situations where one can sympathize with a decision to abort, but trying to pretend theres a great ethical gulf between different reasons for terminating pregnancies requires a lot more dancing than dancers would like to believe.

It's not complicated at all, for the exact reasons I just mentioned. The eugenics debate concerns the rights of adult subjects and communities to reproduce. Pro-life arguments concern the rights of the fetus. There's no tension in defending the rights of adults and communities while denying rights to fetuses.
"rights" are an illusion and counterproductive

these demographics leech of YOUR and MY hard earned wages and get free welfare, free food stamps, free medical... what did they do to earn this

the proactive solution is to abort their babies, stop their reproduction, and cease all aid so the adults die off as well

and also, Trump for president throw illegal immigrants and anchor babies OUT

If rights don't exist, then there is no right to property. Therefore, you're contradicting yourself when you whine about "your" money. Without rights, anyone can take anything from you by any means, including via the state, and you have no grounds from which to cry about injustice.
If rights don't exist, then there is no right to property. Therefore, you're contradicting yourself when you whine about "your" money. Without rights, anyone can take anything from you by any means, including via the state, and you have no grounds from which to cry about injustice.

Spot on. Not having rights means words like 'mine' and 'yours' are irrelevant.
"Rights" don't exist. You have the ability to either engage in activity or not engage in an activity based on a complex arrangement of might. If you woke up tomorrow and a new law of the land, passed under popular pressure, said those who have posted on metal forums get SWATed and immediate execution, where would your rights be? As nonexistent as now.

There is no tension between saying "I want what I want" and "I want what I want" in different situations, which is really what it boils down to when we strip off the more "flowery" language.

Edit: Mine and yours are relevant. Might doesn't make right, but it makes "rights".
there is no real benefit to your perceived notions of "rights"

workers and contributors should live and be paid, not because of rights, but because they are useful.

the poor should not be allowed to spawn more poor babies and should not receive free handouts because they are useless.

one's place in this world should be earned; you're not born with it
Arg definitely believes what he says. There's too much corroborating evidence to prove otherwise. Everyone else could think it's entertainment that's cool, but I don't. Not trying to be mean or a wet blanket, but just like when everyone gets their panties in a bunch when Mort (sorry Mort!) says something (not even offensive, tbh) about cis white males, I'm going to have mine in a bunch too when people are talking offensively about minorities.

I truly think some people just need some assistance and with the right assistance they can be self sufficient. There's nothing wrong with receiving help when you need it. Whenever you get your self situated DD you can choose whatever kind of life you prefer, don't let anyone dictate your life/happiness when you have situated yourself.

I came back too late, to respond to HB and to not shit this thread up too much after this post I'm pretty much done.

Warning: this is long. my bad.

So you're saying you can't breed specific things out (i.e. Down Syndrome) just try to avoid it? Disabilities are inevitable. You can try avoiding it through "screening and shaming" all you want, but they will happen. We do not have control of our environment or genetics (or a combination of). How far are you willing to go with that? Things like ADD/ADHD that are becoming more and more common-- are they not allowed to live either? With things like this you run the risk of making a decision based on incorrect information and discredited scientific theories (because theories are constantly changing anyways), and will be in conflict with many philosophical principles of the American government system. Essentially, if you take away the rights of one group, you make it easier to justify taking away the rights of other groups as well.

There is a really great article that explains Buck V. Bell. But it's basically a ruling that was used to justify sterilization of people with "disabilities" and the "unfit" in order to eliminate defectives from the gene pool. They, of course, took advantage of this and abused it and sterilized people under the guise of "feeblemindedness" (which literally could mean anything). This law, to my knowledge at least, isn't even overruled because the government perhaps believe in extreme cases sterilization is necessary. However, I'm not arguing about extreme/specific cases. I'm arguing that if a family wants to have a child and are having complications but still go through with it they should be able to regardless if their child comes out with a disability.

Placing stereotypes on people with disabilities is just ridiculous. Every individual is unique. That original law came out because someone with a disability stole a chicken, so they decided to sterilize him. Would they have sterilized for crimes such as embezzlement? Probably not, so there's a giant hole right there. These sort of mandated sterilizations, screenings or whatever shape or form you'd want it to take to deter people who may have a child with some form of disability won't eliminate "mistakes." Maybe just the ones that seem more obvious.

Also, what you're proposing is quite absurd (the whole idea of shaming a woman if she wants to have a kid that has a chance of being disabled). The kid and the family are going to have a tragic life, according to whom? To stereotypes? Because the existence of a disability appears to you to be an overwhelming tragedy, a life filled with suffering and frustration? Sure, disabled people suffer and become frustrated, but so do non-disabled people. There are many carefully done studies which show that things like divorce or death cause more pain, suffering, and tragedy in the lives of disabled people than the existence of a disability.

There's already a shit ton of stigma out there, why should people be encouraged to add on to that? That's not only unproductive but encourages people to be ignorant. Teaching and giving people tools to become an active member of society is the only productive way in assisting those who have a disability. No one can dictate what someone else is or will be capable of, so the only best thing to do is to allow for them to participate and to not perpetuate stereotypes because there are many successful disabled people.
Omni/whoever else, I never said that I thought mandatory abortions were a great solution. See:

The ideal solution is required screening for all women seeking to give birth, and threatening to revoke government support should their children have serious defects and require it.

It's enough that I would prefer to describe myself as pro-abortion rather than pro-choice. I mean, I'm a libertarian idealist, but let's say there are a few areas where I have to crack the whip and control people? Then I'm sure as hell controlling those uteri to my heart's content, fuck the "choice" to create a broken life.

You can argue that a fetus is not a human and therefore it is fully a woman's prerogative to choose to abort it. Because the aborted fetus will never become a person, the fetus will never need to be protected. However, a fetus will develop into a human being. The second that thing is on the operating table, it now legally a human being to be given basic human rights and a chance at a decent life. A woman that knows she is going to create a fucked up human being with a horrible life is no better than a property owner that fails to inform a buyer of hazards or liabilities. How many of you are against incest? I know this is a socially liberal board so maybe no one here will contradict themselves on that point, but regardless you have to acknowledge that there is a long history of social stigma against it, likely due to the negative impact it has on the resulting child and the population's genetic stock. Your personal choice to control muh uterus and knowingly give birth to a child with no limbs is hardly different from giving birth to a child with healthy limbs and chopping them off. If you still want to protect the right of a woman to create a fucking miserable life for her offspring, fine, but at least acknowledge that she should be shamed and rejected by society just like any inbred alcoholic backwoods family.
So you're saying you can't breed specific things out (i.e. Down Syndrome) just try to avoid it? Disabilities are inevitable. You can try avoiding it through "screening and shaming" all you want, but they will happen. We do not have control of our environment or genetics (or a combination of). How far are you willing to go with that? Things like ADD/ADHD that are becoming more and more common-- are they not allowed to live either? With things like this you run the risk of making a decision based on incorrect information and discredited scientific theories (because theories are constantly changing anyways), and will be in conflict with many philosophical principles of the American government system. Essentially, if you take away the rights of one group, you make it easier to justify taking away the rights of other groups as well.

1. Not being able to eliminate the problem does not mean it isn't worthwhile to reduce it as much as possible. There will always be false negatives; for people screened as healthy and born disabled, they should receive the help they need to minimize their drain on society.
2. ADD/ADHD are incredibly common and vague diagnoses. How do you determine whether or not a fetus will have ADD, and more importantly, outside of potentially requiring a daily dose of ritalin, do people with these disorders actually cause a net drain on society?
3. All of this is made on the assumption that a fetus is a person. It's not.

There is a really great article that explains Buck V. Bell. But it's basically a ruling that was used to justify sterilization of people with "disabilities" and the "unfit" in order to eliminate defectives from the gene pool. They, of course, took advantage of this and abused it and sterilized people under the guise of "feeblemindedness" (which literally could mean anything). This law, to my knowledge at least, isn't even overruled because the government perhaps believe in extreme cases sterilization is necessary. However, I'm not arguing about extreme/specific cases. I'm arguing that if a family wants to have a child and are having complications but still go through with it they should be able to regardless if their child comes out with a disability.

Let them, but make sure that they carry the burden of their trophy cripple themselves.

Placing stereotypes on people with disabilities is just ridiculous. Every individual is unique. That original law came out because someone with a disability stole a chicken, so they decided to sterilize him. Would they have sterilized for crimes such as embezzlement? Probably not, so there's a giant hole right there. These sort of mandated sterilizations, screenings or whatever shape or form you'd want it to take to deter people who may have a child with some form of disability won't eliminate "mistakes." Maybe just the ones that seem more obvious.

Criminal acts committed by adults should be punished in the appropriate way. I'd imagine that a majority of property crimes are committed by people that could not be detected as having a strong predilection towards crime. Imprisonment prevents childbirth without cutting up junk.

Also, what you're proposing is quite absurd (the whole idea of shaming a woman if she wants to have a kid that has a chance of being disabled). The kid and the family are going to have a tragic life, according to whom? To stereotypes? Because the existence of a disability appears to you to be an overwhelming tragedy, a life filled with suffering and frustration? Sure, disabled people suffer and become frustrated, but so do non-disabled people. There are many carefully done studies which show that things like divorce or death cause more pain, suffering, and tragedy in the lives of disabled people than the existence of a disability.

Yes, some people with Down's syndrome have IQs around 60-70 or so, and are capable of living happy, productive lives performing menial tasks thanks to the help of good family and/or support services. But why start the game with a handicap? Regular Joe losing his job and killing his family in their sleep won't be detected through any kind of screening; we won't ever know to abort him. Same goes for the hundreds of thousands with clinical depression miserable enough to kill themselves every year versus a hundred thousand giddy autists. Mr. CEO being a sociopath and scamming people out of tens of millions is more damaging than a dozen disabled people living on public support for their entire lives. All of those examples are true, but they're also irrelevant to the situation I'm discussing.

There's already a shit ton of stigma out there, why should people be encouraged to add on to that? That's not only unproductive but encourages people to be ignorant. Teaching and giving people tools to become an active member of society is the only productive way in assisting those who have a disability. No one can dictate what someone else is or will be capable of, so the only best thing to do is to allow for them to participate and to not perpetuate stereotypes because there are many successful disabled people.

Sure, which is why I believe disabled fetuses should be aborted before they become disabled people.
Arg definitely believes what he says. There's too much corroborating evidence to prove otherwise. Everyone else could think it's entertainment that's cool, but I don't. Not trying to be mean or a wet blanket, but just like when everyone gets their panties in a bunch when Mort (sorry Mort!) says something (not even offensive, tbh) about cis white males, I'm going to have mine in a bunch too when people are talking offensively about minorities.

I truly think some people just need some assistance and with the right assistance they can be self sufficient. There's nothing wrong with receiving help when you need it.

millions of poor people never overcome poverty and feed off the system indefinitely. they even abuse it by making more babies to get more government subsidies and fuck it up for hardworking folk. sending them help perpetuates the problem because 1)they are healthy enough to fuck and 2)they think making more of them will get them more help. cut them off completely and let them die off.

as for disabled/retarded/downs people, if they are from a good family and the parents are willing to nurture the kid out of their own pocket into a semi-productive adult, go the fuck ahead and let it be born.

but if they are unwilling due to the hassle or cannot afford it without aid they should be compelled to nip the problem at the bud. quite simple tbh.
"Rights" don't exist. You have the ability to either engage in activity or not engage in an activity based on a complex arrangement of might. If you woke up tomorrow and a new law of the land, passed under popular pressure, said those who have posted on metal forums get SWATed and immediate execution, where would your rights be? As nonexistent as now.

There is no tension between saying "I want what I want" and "I want what I want" in different situations, which is really what it boils down to when we strip off the more "flowery" language.

Edit: Mine and yours are relevant. Might doesn't make right, but it makes "rights".

If your point is that rights are social constructs, then I agree. However, it's a fallacy to say that rights don't exist as they most evidently do. Your argument appears to be grounded on the premise that if something is perishable, it doesn't exist; and I think we can all see the absurd consequences that follow from that premise.