If Mort Divine ruled the world

I'm waiting for the day in the probably near future where a piece like that is unironically written about porn stars.

@cf: I don't think you understand my point if you are bringing up examples of people helping people as some sort of counter to what I said when it's practically irrelevant. I am also not talking about "legality". Laws exist, and reify the wants of those with power, or at least *enough* power.
If anyone wants to change the topic, here's something that hits closer to home:


Terrible article, been debating about it for the last hour on fb.

Ein separates the reddit/imgur "activism" and academia, I do believe.

So do I, I just don't simultaneously pretend like the former doesn't often have impact in the real world like most people seem to do.
I don't think any of us have a grasp on the influence of reddit/twitter activism on academia at large. I had one teacher that I could say was part of that "movement" in a way, but i've never met anyone in the angry Mort/militant category.
Well that's a good thing, because I wasn't referencing academia.
Just pushing my point about the activism having just as much influence on the movement, though it could be extended to include academics being fired as a result.
@cf: I don't think you understand my point if you are bringing up examples of people helping people as some sort of counter to what I said when it's practically irrelevant. I am also not talking about "legality". Laws exist, and reify the wants of those with power, or at least *enough* power.

Then please rearticulate your point.
@cf: You believe you have various rights. I will assume one of them is the right to life. But in what way is that right manifested? If someone tries to kill you, a "right" doesn't materialize and prevent it. But, killing you is socially discouraged, and were some domestic assailant successful, there would be a chase and consequences. More globally, there are militaries ostensibly for the purpose of killing others/protecting nationals from death. All of these manifestations and arrangements of power, briefly and crudely mentioned, give one the idea that he/she has the "right" to life. In a lawless land, one does not waste time appealing to rights. Power manifests immediately instead of in the distance.

On a different note, the silence from the usual suspects on this forum about the VA shooting is hilariously and predictably deafening.
"rights" are a load of crap. if your existence is a pain in the ass why should you get special protection or assistance?

ideally there should be "guidelines" that the majority of society should agree on to preserve order, but massive hindrances to economic sustainability and progress should be annihilated for the greater good.

- the boatloads of refugees pouring into italy from africa and the middle east
- throwing billions of euros into the bottomless pit that is greece
- welfare and supporting the babies of the poor's careless reproduction as well as those of illegal immigrants

all of the above problems can be solved by letting them die a natural death. trying to fix them by helping them is an huge waste of resources because they will never stop being poor, they will multiply and pull the middle class into their shithole with them
On a different note, the silence from the usual suspects on this forum about the VA shooting is hilariously and predictably deafening.

Lol, yup.

What sickened me was that oabama and some of the other leftist radicals politicized it as a gun control issue merely house after the shooting. Truly sickening ... not to mention completely wrong.

The guy was also clearly a racist(as is evident form his manifesto). But yeah, according to some of the people here that would be impossible, because he's black. If anything they will probably flip it around to him being a victim of racism or some bullshit along those lines that most of progressive/liberal sheep love to eat up.
If anything they will probably flip it around to him being a victim of racism or some bullshit along those lines that most of progressive/liberal sheep love to eat up.
Well didn't that take up a huge portion of his manifesto? According to his former colleges he was one of the types that was always looking for oppression where there was none. By all accounts his work issues had everything to do with his shitty attitude and him apparently being an equally shitty worker and nothing whatsoever to do with his race.
I agree that him losing his job and being a nutcase to begin with is what mainly caused him to flip out. But he was clearly a racist, and that's undebatable. That's something that a lot of people with certain agendas love ignoring, but if this was the other way around and if it was a white man that killed a black women and man on live TV and even mentioned the word my pals once in his manifesto, he would have been crucified as a hate mongering racist. The officer that killed Michael Brown was automatically and falsely accused of being a racist by all of the media outlets(controlled by the left) but this guy isn't and no one from the left even wants to mention it? :lol:
@cf: You believe you have various rights. I will assume one of them is the right to life. But in what way is that right manifested? If someone tries to kill you, a "right" doesn't materialize and prevent it. But, killing you is socially discouraged, and were some domestic assailant successful, there would be a chase and consequences. More globally, there are militaries ostensibly for the purpose of killing others/protecting nationals from death. All of these manifestations and arrangements of power, briefly and crudely mentioned, give one the idea that he/she has the "right" to life. In a lawless land, one does not waste time appealing to rights. Power manifests immediately instead of in the distance.

On a different note, the silence from the usual suspects on this forum about the VA shooting is hilariously and predictably deafening.

What aspect/position of the VA shooting did you expect people to take here?
The fact that if a white person kills a minority it could be construed as a hate crime or racist but the opposite situation poses that it isn't racist or potentially a hate crime. Not furthering the 'anti-white' agenda basically
The fact that if a white person kills a minority it could be construed as a hate crime or racist but the opposite situation poses that it isn't racist or potentially a hate crime. Not furthering the 'anti-white' agenda basically

The opposite situation happens all the time. But the difference is that white people are not actively targeted by the police and are not victims of systematic racism and oppression.