If Mort Divine ruled the world

@Mat: Getting respect for trotting out worn racebaiting and tired gun control rhetoric? Please.

@RMS: 5 years can be a lot depending on what you do with them.
Mathiäs;11047496 said:
Most people like TB are in fact inadequate and stupid and racist though

Lol. You're forgetting sexist, homophobic, etc. Please go back to your TV and tune back into uncle sharpton and MSNBC. People like you that toss around such words without A SINGLE piece of evidence to back your statements up is beyond mindboggling. Do you not have ANY shame? Like i said, people like that are whats wrong with this country today. FUCKING UGH! The only two people who have called me a racist are the two liberal/progressive left wing nutcases of our community. At least mort isnt a fucking pea-brained parrot who repeats what he hears on tv most of the time .. oh hold on, wait


For your eyes only babe ...

@TB: Sometimes it's how and how much you say rather than what.

ok yoda. So which part of those posts did you not "feel"?
If a person believes people shouldn't be able to own firearms for self-defense, they are directly responsible for any crime directed against them as a result of their inability to defend themselves. Simple as that.
for me he isn't "right wing" enough, also, he's pretty obviously barely smarter than the average bear
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Even though I'm not American I still consider myself a constitution absolutist, so anybody advocating for something like the firearm buy back scheme we had in Australia (which didn't cause any noteworthy drop in violence here) for America can go fuck themselves.

Maybe more strict background checks or some poncy shit could work, but it seems to me that threatening to take guns away from the very people that didn't shoot up a school or a church is stupid.
It is pretty amazing that Switzerland manages to have both a militia based military force and enormous ethnic and cultural heterogeneity and regionalism.
Mathiäs;11047522 said:
Racebaiting? Examples please? Having open discussions on race hardly qualifies as "racebaiting"

It's not a "discussion", and it surely isn't "open". To participate requires self flagellation if you're white, and self-denial of agency if you are any non-white race other than of asian or Ashkenazi stock. To even suggest that it has been dogooder policies that have undermined blacks in the US would probably be declared a hate crime by the SPLC. Of course I think I am exaggerating there, but I can no longer be certain.

@TB: So he bypasses Congress? They don't seem to care.

Gavin McInnes has some funny clips but I'll agree with SS.
The real hate crime would be mentioning that the groups that outperform whites in America are the groups further up on the average IQ / Race chart (East Asians and the Ashkenazim).

If you really want to go to town with it, where's the evidence that the end of colonialism had a net positive impact on "people of colour"?