If Mort Divine ruled the world

The fact that if a white person kills a minority it could be construed as a hate crime or racist but the opposite situation poses that it isn't racist or potentially a hate crime. Not furthering the 'anti-white' agenda basically

I was imagining Dak was going in a gun control direction and not race based.
The scenario was the exact opposite of every race and gun control narrative being pushed, and so the only two choices were to ignore it or cross the logic: Racist manifesto? Blame the victim. Background checks were pointless? Well obviously that means we need more gun control.

@Mat: Or maybe cops shooting blacks is a big deal not because it shouldn't happen, but because it's rare and therefore news. Relatively speaking, black on white crime is routine and therefore not worthy of special attention.
You don't deserve a reply after you ignored me, skank.

I definitely agree that the agenda is to push for more gun control when I haven't heard of anything that would have limited his ability to purchase a weapon.
I would respect the gun control people a lot more if they dropped the whole, "TWO PEOPLE DIED TODAY, GONE CONTROL NAOW" bullshit and debated honestly and intellectually.

Half of all firearm homicides are committed by people who can't legally own a gun and the biggest risk bringing a gun home with you presents is a greater likelihood of you committing suicide.

I'd also say that the people who deem constitutional arguments for keeping guns and the castle doctrine in general as dumb are usually over simplifying matters themselves. Simply because something was created within the specific political context of the British Empire being deemed a threat (in fact Britain did end up invading the US after its independence in the war of 1812). Another country or empire invading generally is a threat in politics and time and time again treaties aimed at providing protection for smaller states have been ignored in the pursuit of realpolitik.
@TB: I was facepalming in response to you and aug. Both of you typically post in a level which makes me long for the intellectual level of discourse on facebook and news website comment sections. FUCKIN OBUMMER!!!##3#%\\

rms has been steadily increasing the quality of his posts when I had written him off at one point some time ago, so all hope is not lost. Education will typically do that, even when not toeing the company line. Hell, my quality has improved in the 7 years I've been on this board. Nothing torpedos a good position like a shitty argument for it. Remember that.
"rights" are a load of crap. if your existence is a pain in the ass why should you get special protection or assistance?

ideally there should be "guidelines" that the majority of society should agree on to preserve order, but massive hindrances to economic sustainability and progress should be annihilated for the greater good.

- the boatloads of refugees pouring into italy from africa and the middle east
- throwing billions of euros into the bottomless pit that is greece
- welfare and supporting the babies of the poor's careless reproduction as well as those of illegal immigrants

all of the above problems can be solved by letting them die a natural death. trying to fix them by helping them is an huge waste of resources because they will never stop being poor, they will multiply and pull the middle class into their shithole with them

Go read some Thomas Sowell you intellectual toddler.
@TB: I was facepalming in response to you and aug. Both of you typically post in a level which makes me long for the intellectual level of discourse on facebook and news website comment sections. FUCKIN OBUMMER!!!##3#%

rms has been steadily increasing the quality of his posts when I had written him off at one point some time ago, so all hope is not lost. Education will typically do that, even when not toeing the company line. Hell, my quality has improved in the 7 years I've been on this board. Nothing torpedos a good position like a shitty argument for it. Remember that.

wtf? Thiiiiis guy. You should go back and read my posts again. All you did is basically say the same shit i did with your left logic kryptonite post and your response to Matt. Get real bro. I just so happened to mention obamas name in the backdrop once .... and deservedly so, he's one of the fucking architects of all of the bullshit that's going on today. HE was the one who jumped on the podium within hours of the slayings and politicized it as a gun control issue, not me. So once again, why is it that you seem to have a stick wedged up your ass?


It's narrative/left logic kryptonite, so it has to be ignored.

That's something that a lot of people with certain agendas love ignoring,

... and who are you replying to with this?

this tends to happen a lot though, no?

You dodged my abortion question from 2 weeks ago when I asked you like 5 times.

Dak was pretty vague and still is, no idea if he's talking about a push for gun control or the left "ignoring" the racism amongst minorities.

I don't think we're that different Dak :p
@TB: Sometimes it's how and how much you say rather than what.

@CIG: Criticizing Obama is beating a beyond dead horse. Even most of the left doesn't like him at this point. That aside, he is a mere puppet, a figurehead.

@rms: We probably aren't that much different. Just some years.
Most people like TB are in fact inadequate and stupid and racist though

^Dak, he's actually gained a lot more support lately. Liberals have been frustrated by how centrist he has been in the past. How he handled the healthcare bill is a good example of that
You dodged my abortion question from 2 weeks ago when I asked you like 5 times.

I actually didn't dodge a single question on that topic bro, you were just trying to troll me with the whole "why do you love dead fetuses so much" thing. I had already told you that in my opinion(if we can call it that) life begins at conception(which was the question im assuming you were trying to ask back then). Didn't that answer your question? Why bother trolling me with you that other bullshit? Is it that fun?

So nobody can criticise Obama now without being painted as some comments section lurking mental inadequate?

Yeah, basically. You gotta be here to believe it.
... and who are you replying to with this?

this tends to happen a lot though, no?

@TB: Sometimes it's how and how much you say rather than what.

@CIG: Criticizing Obama is beating a beyond dead horse. Even most of the left doesn't like him at this point. That aside, he is a mere puppet, a figurehead.

@rms: We probably aren't that much different. Just some years.

I'm 26 brah, I don't think you're that far ahead in life!