If Mort Divine ruled the world

Basically, Cassetteisgod, the left don't care about reality and they're pretty damn irrational and neurotic. If you've noticed, fuck all of what they talk about is stuff like starvation rates in the third world, it's all symbolic bullshit to do with the West. India doesn't need to sort its shit out, but Sweden needs more black people in their horticultural societies etc.

I think you're overgeneralizing.

"The Left" comprises a number of different ideologies that tend to get lumped together by party structures. People with different backgrounds have a personal stake in different issues, and most people tend not to examine issues outside their own interests.

This is true of "the right" as well, and I don't see how it's not just as easy to cherry-pick your least-favorite conservative views and say "the right is irrational" like you're doing with the left.
I've made it halfway through but I can't keep watching this shit, not because of Sargon, it's this bullshit patriarchy drivel, Jesus Christ talk about not understanding things, this bitch is retarded.

Sick of feminism, I think I'm just done altogether even talking about it, it feels like I'm one of those rabid atheists debating and talking about dense as fuck religious cunts.


"Culture hates women".

Watch the entire thing. Either in one sitting or in separate viewings but just make sure to see it all. Its getting really hard to tell the difference between these people.

Laurie Penny is completely unbearable.

I heard David Starkey did actually lie about the cancellation / fee thing though, I think that came out later.

Speaking of coming out, David Starkey is a bit of an odd character, I'm not entirely sure how he came to be a talking head on television, he is from the very bottom, that's true, I think his father was a miner in Yorkshire or something, in the grim old days, that accent will have been learnt in later life. He's also gay, but usually comes out to speak in defense of Traditional Britain whenever things kick off. Put it this way, he wouldn't get to be a talking head like that without having his finger in the liberal globalist pot that the media are all very much in bed in.

But anyway, yeah Laurie Penny is an incredibly unbearable little bitch. She's White, Jewish, from money, has nothing in common with most British people of either of the main social classes and probably even less in common with the "urban BME" people she seems to fawn over than your average conservative party voting white solicitor.
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Fucking idiot, they want campuses to be safe, FOR WOMEN, at the expense of men, as usual.

If this cunt had his way, I bet you'd see rape/assault accusations increase greatly, what an easy way to rid yourself of some dude you don't like.
Did you even read the article?

He is talking about adopting a "reasonable likelihood" standard that would allow those accused without enough evidence/falsely to have the option to transfer away from the university they are at so they can avoid the issues with being an accused rapist even if you never committed the crime.

"If my son had a baseless accusation made against him at a university and it was making his life there miserable, I would suggest he transfer or take courses online," Polis told the publication, which criticized him for his remarks. "It can be a living hell to go through endless campus investigations. I've seen this go down, and there really is no winning once the accusation is made even if the process provides formal vindication.

" Someone who is wrongfully accused needs to do their best to put it behind them and move on. Trying to re-enroll in the same institution would be a constant reminder of the traumatic experience of being the subject of a baseless accusation.

"If a university were to implement a 'reasonable likelihood' standard, it is important that they give the student the ability to withdraw so that their record isn't tainted, nor should a mere reasonable likelihood standard hurt their prospects elsewhere."
Not sure how it works in US, but can't the accused student just request a transfer? And he isn't really clear with his language

"seems better to get rid of all 10 people"; "I would want to remove this individual"


"give the student the ability to withdraw"

So does he want to force them or give them option?
Did you even read the article?

He is talking about adopting a "reasonable likelihood" standard that would allow those accused without enough evidence/falsely to have the option to transfer away from the university they are at so they can avoid the issues with being an accused rapist even if you never committed the crime.

The option to transfer? What authority does a school have in not allowing a transfer?

He is more than well in his realm to say "if my son was accused, I would want him to transfer if he was guilty or innocent," but when a politician says that the school should "get rid of" 80-90% of innocent but accused individuals, that is inherently a problem and does destroy that person's constitutional rights.
That mattress girl probably did more harm to women than any single campus rapist. What these bitches don't understand is that you can't save women by making men think women are inane cunts.
Apparently transferring to another university and losing most/all of your contacts (including potential professional/research ones) is no big deal at all.
On the flipside this could also just allow an actual offender to move to another place to avoid being found guilty, what is this the fucking vatican? I'd rather go through the process and be found innocent than run away and make my self look guilty as shit.

The guy is a twat.