If Mort Divine ruled the world

if she was enjoying the dick at the time, and did nothing to indicate otherwise, then decides a week later "oh hey i didn't really want to", she is a lying cunt, drunk during the act or not
Can't consent to having sex while intoxicated, can however, commit a plethora of crimes while intoxicated and go to jail for them.

Basically if you're drunk you have to pay for your actions, unless you're a female and the action was taking a dick.

So in conclusion, it's better to get drunk and run a bitch over and fucking kill her with your car than it would be to have sex with her because hey, you'll get to a point in your life where people will let go that you ran someone over, rape will follow you until you die and probably even haunt your family afterward.
Can't consent to having sex while intoxicated, can however, commit a plethora of crimes while intoxicated and go to jail for them.

Basically if you're drunk you have to pay for your actions, unless you're a female and the action was taking a dick.
i usually think Krow is a douche but this was well said
if she was enjoying the dick at the time, and did nothing to indicate otherwise, then decides a week later "oh hey i didn't really want to", she is a lying cunt


Regret is not rape . Unfortunately it is treated so in this day and age without a book of text messages and 100 alibis in defense......and even then it's dicey.


Can't consent to having sex while intoxicated, can however, commit a plethora of crimes while intoxicated and go to jail for them.

Basically if you're drunk you have to pay for your actions, unless you're a female and the action was taking a dick.

So in conclusion, it's better to get drunk and run a bitch over and fucking kill her with your car than it would be to have sex with her because hey, you'll get to a point in your life where people will let go that you ran someone over, rape will follow you until you die and probably even haunt your family afterward.

and this.
If you don't agree with Hillary that women are the primary victims of war, you're probably an MRA.
Oh that's just the mega flash on my shit ass camera, I'm pretty brown in person, but I definitely aint no black motherfucker either hahaha.

Old photo but probably the best example of how I look, skin-wise.

Holy shit you look nearly identical to a really close friend of mine, but with long hair.

Twilight zone.

We've all heard the term "women's intuition," but is it real, or just a myth? What does the research evidence suggest? Do women have some sort of "psychic" ability to discern others' feelings and what they are thinking?

There is a much more logical, and research-based answer. Research on nonverbal communication skill has clearly shown that women are, as a group, better at reading facial expressions of emotions than are men. As a result, women are more likely to pick up on the subtle emotional messages being sent by others.

Women are also better at expressing emotions through their facial expressions, tone of voice, and body, particularly positive emotions. Men are better at controlling felt emotions and at hiding emotions behind a "poker face." There is also evidence that women are seen as more empathic than men, and that they are more likely to see themselves as empathic. In other words, women tend to be more "open" to others' emotional messages. This may add to the perception that women have some special ability to intuit what others are feeling or thinking.

Where does this ability to read emotions come from? It has been suggested that it is mainly due to social power. Women, who have been historically lower in social power, spend more time observing and scrutinizing those in power (i.e., men, and powerful women), and become more attuned to their nonverbal cues. It has also been suggested that evolutionary elements have been involved, selecting females who have better ability to decode the needs of children and potential mates.
