If Mort Divine ruled the world

EDIT #2: I skimmed the Wikipedia autoethnography page to see what form of criticism there was of it as a method of research, and wasn't surprised that the page is mostly rambling bullshit. Not sure whether this means that the Wikipedia author was suppressing it or whether real academics just ignore and tolerate it, and I didn't really care enough, so I simply googled 'autoethnographies are bullshit', which yielded...

View attachment 22285

Internet trolling, the new gold standard in academic critique.

If no one else will do it, the trolls will. Someone has to point out the emperor has no clothes. Also congrats on the dissertation.
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Tl;dr: In a televised/streamed Championship MTG tournament, Autumn Burchett (a non-binary individual) tried to play land cards with art by Terese Neilson (a well-respected, prolific MTG artist for over 20 years who happens to be a highly conservative gay woman, who is guilty o) scribbled with "Trans Rights Are Human Rights" and "No Terfs on Gruul Turf", scribbling out the artist name, and obstructing the mana symbol on the cards (which is against tournament rules).

WOTC told them to remove said cards from their deck, and they took to Twitter tantruming. Wizards eventually relented, and then when Autumn got their way, opted to continue Twittering anyways, saying "I don't want these arts in my deck anyways"; thus proving Autumn's goal all along was to start a witch hunt against Terese, and WOTC for continuing to have Terese on their artist roster.

Disgraceful. I don't disagree with Autumn's message that trans rights are human rights; but card game tournaments are not the place to push social agendas, when the company themselves tried to avoid being a platform for an agenda that is polarizing and hot-button.
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i kinda agree with the idea "trans rights are human rights"
but to have this idea (or any political ideology) shouted-out in a way that interrupts a televised/streamed tournament (of any kind) is really just ridiculous SJW bullshit
WOTC are a dumpsterfire, won't be too long before they make it mandatory that "trans rights are human rights" are printed on the cards somewhere. I remember when they had to institute background checks on the judges that worked their tournies because it was revealed that a bunch of them were convicted of child molestation and were on sex offender lists etc.

But of course some tranny freak made a huge deal over a conservative lesbian, she probably refuses to suck lady dick and that makes her the devil.
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Transgender woman gets new vagina made from fish skin.

A trans woman had a vagina constructed using the skin of a tilapia fish after her genitals began to shrink and close up following botched surgery. According to surgeons, Maju, 35, has the chance of a “proper sex life” and a boost of confidence thanks to the sea creature’s skin.

"her genitals began to shrink and close up following botched surgery"

Translation: dude got his dick cut off and the wound kept closing up.
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WOTC are a dumpsterfire, won't be too long before they make it mandatory that "trans rights are human rights" are printed on the cards somewhere. I remember when they had to institute background checks on the judges that worked their tournies because it was revealed that a bunch of them were convicted of child molestation and were on sex offender lists etc.

But of course some tranny freak made a huge deal over a conservative lesbian, she probably refuses to suck lady dick and that makes her the devil.
Tbh Terese Neilsen's biggest crime appears to be that they liked and retweeted a bunch of pro-Trump and Infowars-type conspiracy shit on Twitter.

Either way, Autumn Burchett is literal human trash, and to my absolute delight, didn't win the tournament anyways. If I was in charge I'd have DQed their ass for trying to hijack a televised tournament to push their shitty witch hunt. And the moment they took to Twitter they'd have gotten a DCI ban, straight up.
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Funny how someone in that community (and other nerd circles like comic books) is a controversial conservative because they LIKED pro-Trump Tweets and "Infowars-type conspiracy shit" but nobody says boo to the lefties who not only like but endlessly post political shit. Double standards man, I wonder what conspiracy theory she was into.

Anyways sad part is you'd be more likely to get a DQ for saying that about Autumn Burchett than she would for anything she did.


As far as I know, it was "9/11 was an inside job" type shit as well as Trump support in general, that Terese was liking/retweeting.

Either way, its sad because Autumn now has more publicity than the tournament's actual winner.

A fuming, steaming bag of human trash. Kick it to the curb. And tbh Id tell Autumn that to their face if I could but I know that I'd just get blasted and doxxed or some shit.
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Autoethnographies are the final form of female academic solipsism and navel gazing."I'm an academic because I write about myself as an academic for (faux) journals that legitimate (faux) academic work."

Man, I really hate this kind of stuff. What is the deal with Korean chicks btw? They are some of the most privileged people in this country, yet they can be some of the most obnoxious SJWs with a massive chip on their shoulder about white people (Sarah Jeong, anyone?) East Asians are better off than whites on a whole host of measures of life quality. I'm certainly not the first to notice that SJWism is a way for elites to punch down while deluding themselves into thinking that they're punching up.