IF Studio Diaries


Sep 7, 2007
Pretty awesome, methinks. I don't like the last 3 albums (of which STYE is my favorite)*, but the new album seems like it's gonna kick ass, if not as much as their older work.

Daniel can run fast naked on all fours (you can quote me on that).

If you're wondering if there's a point to this thread, the answer is: not particularly. Just to discuss the studio diaries, I guess.

My favorite moment: Anders screams in a crowded booth, then glances awkwardly at the camera. Silence.

*Not looking for an argument here
I love the diaries.

"Daniel is being too much naked..."

"He threatens to become naked in my home..."

Naked Wednesdays rule

And it sounds great so far.
It's going to be Come Clarity II, so don't get too excited I'd say.
My main problem with it so far is that it seems like they're packing too much in...a solid riff and bass/drum groove is all they need, but then they add additional guitar melodies and keyboards and stuff. Seems like they'd be better off keeping it simple.
As long as they keep making CDs, I'm honestly going to be happy.

I love all of their CDs, but my favorites are TJR, Whoracle, Sub, etc.

I don't believe that they have released a bad album because I think they are good at what they do. I listen to all of their CDs equally and I've listened to In Flames every day for a very long time.
i'm with food for the gods, as long as they keep making cd's then it's all good
the diaries are amazing, bar none. daniel gettin naked was a tad bit annoying...wasted time in my opinion but whatever and it sucks cause next week the diarys come to an end...like all good things, unfortunatly
The Studio Diaries get me excited. I can honestly say that I'm happy as long as they're still making music and touring. Not to say I think the new album will be bad - the few riffs and segments that they played seemed up to par IMO.
The countdown is on - can't wait for the North American tour to start. :D :D :D