If you could ask DT anything...

I might ask them what question they are most commonly asked. Just to be funny. But in all seriousness, I'd have to concur with LaRoque - it just baffles me how they've managed to stay so good for so long without losing any steam in the process.

1. What do they think of the metal scene right now? Any new bands that you particularly like/dislike?

2. What music does Niklas listen to these days? And the rest of the band?

3. What role does Jivarp have in process of writing the songs? (His name appears on a lot of the credits.)

4. What bands would you like to tour with that you haven't had a chance to?

5. Do you think you will switch up the setlist a bit next time you come to America? (For example, playing Insanity's Crescendo or Tongues instead of Hedon, the Emptiness From Which I Fed instead of Punish My Heaven, etc.)

6. Does DT shop at Ikea?

7. Why are all Swedes obsessed with eating a "real American hamburger"?
1. they won't answer such a question. as niklas and mikael told many many times, they don't like to go public with comments on other bands.

2. niklas told recently he has no time to listen to music anymore. martinh told me 2 weeks ago he's currently listening to Dido, Anna Ternheim, Kent or Heather Nova whenever he has time.
Mikael Stanne really likes Marillion and Porcupine Tree.
Niklas Sundin likes bands like Enslaved, Deathspell Omega, Solstafir, among others.

Mikael has just got the same taste as I have. I remember he said he liked Rush and I like Rush too. Noew he says he léoves Porcupine Tree, and that's my favourite rock band at the moment. Progressive taste, great! :rock:
Revised my question.

"I have been told the location of your mate and offspring. Now tell me what :.:: means, or else..."

Then apologize profusely for even vaguely threatening his loved ones with such a horrible reference, and flee the scene, crying empty-handedly.

Who is the strongest member.

Who can hold their breath under water the longest.

Who laughs longest and loudest?

Who has the best sense of humour?

Who sleeps most?

Who has the best dress sense?

These are all things that don't get asked enough that would amuse me more than "why is fiction teh best 1 and character teh most same 1?!".
I have an "old" question: Why did Martin H. started as a bassist for the band, and why did'nt he took over the guitar earlier (the time as Stanne changed to vocals). Instead, they recruited another guitar player back then (I know his name, but I can't spell him right).
It seems that Martin is a guitar-guy to the bone so I don't get why he missed two chances (band-formation and vacant position after Stanne took over the vocals) in the bands career to do just that: play the guitar!
Two for me:
Are they going to record another live-dvd any time around soon?
Is Mikael actually wearing the same shirt all the time, or does he have a wardrobe full of identical ones?
I have an "old" question: Why did Martin H. started as a bassist for the band, and why did'nt he took over the guitar earlier (the time as Stanne changed to vocals). Instead, they recruited another guitar player back then (I know his name, but I can't spell him right).
It seems that Martin is a guitar-guy to the bone so I don't get why he missed two chances (band-formation and vacant position after Stanne took over the vocals) in the bands career to do just that: play the guitar!

I believe the answer is rather simple: someone had to play the bass, and Martin was the most suitable person back then. It is always easier recruiting a guitarist than a bassist anyways. Isn't Michael a guitar-player in Luciferion as well? Yet he plays the bass in DT.

And Fredrik Johansson was the name you couldn't spell.

Thanks Villain, does make sense!
But I am not so sure if it is easier for DT to get decent guitar players - especially for their Gallery-stuff - and that was the time as Johansson came into the picture - he was awesome, for sure, but since Martin is able to play that old stuff equally well I really wonder why he did not switch to guitar earlier - prior to the recording of of chaos and eternal night/the gallery. Furthermore, Martin always was a main contributor to songwriting, so that makes him evenmore guitar-biased in my opinion... I am just speculating...

Btw. What is a funny smell then...? Please elaborate...:heh: