If you could go back in time...

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I've had a lot of bad things happen to me personally. I miss my Idol, my Grandfather, but, changing one thing would alter something, or someone else's present state. I'm not saying that all occurences have a set purpose, but I think things that have happened we need to use more than we already do, to teach us how to better things down the road.
Create monopoly power in several industries, in relation to various inventions, e.g like Computing. Then role in the moneyz I has!
Hmmm...it would be a toss-up between whacking Constantine before he became emperor, or whacking one of the North's generals so that the Confederacy would have won the Civil War.

Hmm... It's this:


vs. this:


Tough choice!

It's surprising so many people are choosing personal things. I was thinking entirely of historical stuff like wars and things.
Hmmm...it would be a toss-up between whacking Constantine before he became emperor, or whacking one of the North's generals so that the Confederacy would have won the Civil War.

That wouldn't work. The North outnumbered the south by a lot.
Beat you guys in your war for independence. :p

Go back to the troubles in northern Ireland and keep grabbing high up IRA guys then go to the next day.... with them in a British cell with some evidence. Do that A LOT. Stop all their biggest attacks. Same with current terrorists.
I do admit if you guys won a lot of racial crap in this country wouldn't exist. But we would've gained independence sooner of later.
It's surprising so many people are choosing personal things. I was thinking entirely of historical stuff like wars and things.
Like I stated earlier, cause and effect......changing one thing would alter someone, or a lot of people's good fortune, ending in a stalemate of sorts. There's always going to be a balance, regardless if we like the outcome or not.
I do admit if you guys won a lot of racial crap in this country wouldn't exist. But we would've gained independence sooner of later.

mmm yeah

Australia didn't get full, 100% independence until like 1986 because the British government could have still have made laws for them until then. That's my understanding of it anyway :S
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