If you could go back in time...

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i wouldn't get so completely drunk in Greece last summer. i lost my mobile phone, passed out for 2 hours and felt sick like hell for the whole trip...
not good memories
I'd probably go back to 1907-1908 to Vienna and make sure Hitler got admitted in to the Academy of Fine Arts. That's where his anti-semitism first spawned and it's just one of my theories that if he hadn't been rejected by the Academy and if he'd kept busy painting trees and being a happy vegetarian, he wouldn't have had time to ruin the world.
Killing/changing what Hitler did would prolly mean so many people here would never exist.

... sounds worth it. >_>
Go back and record music years before it is even made.

Save the fuckin McRib

We have that here in Hong Kong. I never tried it.

It's surprising so many people are choosing personal things. I was thinking entirely of historical stuff like wars and things.
Like I stated earlier, cause and effect......changing one thing would alter someone, or a lot of people's good fortune, ending in a stalemate of sorts. There's always going to be a balance, regardless if we like the outcome or not.

I'd probably prevent christianity from getting into Europe. Obviously they sucked major cock at following it and caused quite a bit of problems for other people.
And people are also planning on using nukes on mars to create heat and an atmosphere so that in the future we can settle on the planet.
I'd go back and beat the ever living shit of Che Guevara.
Hey Che was cool except for that let's execute everyone for not agreeing with me thing... :erk: but anyways his ideals were good just not his methods... check out the movie The Motorcycle Diaries...

anyways back on topic... if i could go back in time i would of spent more time with my GF before she had passed away and probably been at her bedside when she passed away...

but as for someone famous in history... I would of prevented Bush Jr.'s birth...
I'd go back in time and take this one guys phone while I came back to the dorm during study hall and he left his door open. He won't stfu on his phone. THIS IS A FUCKING LIBRARY.
It's annoying, I wouldn't change anything in the past because then it would be like a butterfly effect on everything else.
If it didn't have a butterfly effect, I'd make sure something was put in place to stop the fucking 'asylum seekers' coming into the country in the first place.
Mmmm mcrib is good too.
And I'd make sure Vinnie Jones was still playing for Leeds.
It's annoying, I wouldn't change anything in the past because then it would be like a butterfly effect on everything else.
If it didn't have a butterfly effect, I'd make sure something was put in place to stop the fucking 'asylum seekers' coming into the country in the first place.
Mmmm mcrib is good too.
And I'd make sure Vinnie Jones was still playing for Leeds.

They came for you but they stayed for the chicken.
Its hard to say...cuz like others have said, if you change one bad thing that doesn't necessarily mean that good things will follow. You still never know how things are going to turn out

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