if you had to choose between a Dual Recto or 6505+, what would it be?


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Seriously considering getting a Dual Recto. Own a Mark IV and it's great but I think I need something a bit more "modern" sounding.

I understand these 2 amps are different beasts, but if you had to pick one over the other, which would it be? And why?

I'm assuming the cleans of the Mesa are years better than the Peavey, which is my main concern so far.
Definitely better cleans on the Mesa, and generally a more flexible amp. The 6505 is probably easier to dial in for a straight up modern metal tone though, the eq on the Mesa seemed pretty weird when I used it, the bands are very interactive so it doesn't always respond in the way you expect it to.
Yeah better cleans on the mesa...but tighter tone on the peavey.
For most modern metal tones you can't go without a TS into the recto. For looser stuff it's fine, but if it needs to be tight the mesa needs a TS.
Which kinda makes it hard to get use out of the neat clean channel, unless you invest in some kind of loop/midi/switch thing to avoid tap dancing.
Peavey doesn't need a TS on the red channel to be tight, but the clean channel is only useable if you don't want to use the crunch channel.

These aren't the only 2 amps that do modern stuff well tho. They are popular for a reason, but there's other horses out the are well.
For modern metal tone not much can really beat a 5150 in my opinion. Considering the signature modern metal sound comes from overuse of 5150's, haha.

If you do want the best of both worlds though then you could consider a Framus Cobra. Similar high gain to 5150 but better cleans.
I own both(well, not really, 5150 and Triple Recto, so quite close) and use both just as much. The 5150 is easier to dial in and more forgiving, it's also nicer for cleans. But once you have a good enough player and a TS in front I absolutely love the Recto.
did a shootout between 3 rectos two weeks ago, and the dual recto (blackface) absolute smoked two modern triple rectos... like no comparsion
Thanks guys! My only issue is I'd probably want a TS in front of either of these amps. I DO own a TS, but I totally hate having to tapdance for clean sections (which are rare in my bands songs, but there's enough to make it annoying).

If only amp companies started making splitter/loop at the front of the amps. :lol:

On that note, can anyone recommend a simple, cheap midi controller or loop switcher that I can throw in to make this easier? Eventually I'll have a few more pedals to add anyway for leads, and this is something I've been debating for months and months but never actually buy anything.
It's a toss-up for me, honestly. Both amps are nearly polar-opposite in terms of high gain tones.

The 5150/6505 is the tightest and has more of a high mid sizzle than a Recto does. Compared to your Mark IV, it's more similar than the Recto would be.

I would never consider buying a 3-channel Rectifier again. They are a flabby, loose, muddy mess. Yuck. Do not want. Even boosted, they still don't have much note definition - forget using them for any kind of technical band or lead work. The last 3-channel Recto I had was probably the worst amp I've ever owned.

The 2-channel Recto, on the other hand, is much tighter and clearer. Could easily be used for leads and overall just has a huge, crushing tone. Considering you already have the Mark IV, I'd say a 2-channel would be the best compliment, as you'll likely find yourself dialing in similar tones on the 5150. Be advised - the cleans on 2-channels really aren't that much better than a 5150... but you already have the Mark IV for those. I prefer all Rectos with EL-34s or KT77s in the power section, helps to tighten them up even more, while giving them a little more bite in the midrange. They can get too dark sounding with 6L6s IMO.

FWIW, I've owned nearly every high gain amp on the market and the only amp I keep coming back to is the 5150. No way I'm selling my current one, you can pry it from my cold, dead hands :p
Thanks man! This gives me hope as I already own a 5150. Was considering the 6505+ because of independent EQ, but after talking to a buddies' bands' guitarist last week, he says the clean channel on the 6505 is not good at all either.

I should add that this is mostly for live use, and I don't want to be running 2 amps all the time just to get my tones.
6505+ = Biting upper-mid focus
Dual Recto = Crushing lower-mid focus

Both benefit from a Tubescreamer, IMO, but I guess the TS is not so much of a necessity with the Peavey as it is with the Mesa.

What about a Fender 5150?
Thanks man! This gives me hope as I already own a 5150. Was considering the 6505+ because of independent EQ, but after talking to a buddies' bands' guitarist last week, he says the clean channel on the 6505 is not good at all either.

I should add that this is mostly for live use, and I don't want to be running 2 amps all the time just to get my tones.

Well crap, didn't realize you were looking at the +.

If that's the case, I'd definitely go with the Recto, considering you already have a 5150. The 6505+ is a cool amp, but it's even more similar to the Mark IV - it's smoother and less aggressive. The cleans ARE improved, but not so much that it's worth the extra cash over the 5150. I was able to get some really nice cleans out of the last 6505+ I had, with a PRS CU24, but I still wouldn't buy that amp for the cleans.

For live use, the 2-channel will cut a lot better than 3-channel. Then again, I wouldn't even consider a 3-channel, anyway.

If you want great cleans and a great high gain - check out the Tremoverb. Same gain channel as the 2-channels, with a pretty bitchin clean.
If you have a few effects to throw on the 6505 i would go with it no questions asked. It's not as unusable as people make it out to be, it just needs a bit of "shine" on top to make it work! Neck pickup + chorus/reverb/delay will get you far, and then you don't have to own a Mesa :p
My vote is for the Recto. It's a more versatile amp, IMHO. I went from a MKIV to a Recto. Owned a 5150 for about a year at the same time as the Recto. I ended up selling the 5150. YMMV.
Awesome input here guys!!

Our other guitarist uses a Recto so I figured if I went that route we would have a more balanced live sound/

Also - I talked him into letting me borrow his Recto for a few days, so I'll be bringing that bitch home with me tonight after practice! Things gonna be pregnant when I give it back.
If I was you I'd demo that little Mark V mini before deciding. Or a full Mark V. Ola has two videos for the mark v that sound crushing with no boost. Or someone mentioned a Fender 5153.
If I was you I'd demo that little Mark V mini before deciding. Or a full Mark V. Ola has two videos for the mark v that sound crushing with no boost. Or someone mentioned a Fender 5153.

I really have no way to demo stuff like that! The best and closest music store is a Guitar Center which is an hour from me and they rarely, rarely have anything even Mesa, and it's usually used stuff. Place is full of Line6 crap.....

I'd love to be able to try out a few of the mentioned amps and choose from there, but sadly it's not quite doable.

Would really love to try the Mark V.....heard good and bad stuff about it. Just figured a used Recto or 6505+ would be about $1,000 cheaper than almost anything new.
Annnnnd just let a Dual slip past me on Ebay for $750. =/ Figured the reserve would have been higher than that.....ffuuuuu.

Anyone out there with one or both of these amps and can do a quick recording of the cleans capable, raw?