If you had to choose between a 6505 and a dual rec..

Even when dialed in to sound close, it always seemed >to me< like a Recto is recognizable because it tends to pump out more sub-lows and treble that's higher up than a 5150.

People always seem to think that the Recto voicing = low-mids... and I guess it depends on what one considers low-mids and how you set each amp up, but a 5150 always seemed to me, out of the two, the easier to work with because of how their tone-stacks work and whatnot if you want a little more power in the 200-400Hz region. Again, JMO.
i suggest you stop over-thinking it and, like ermz said, spring for the 6505+ since you said you're looking for that BDM tone

also, since it's your 1st tube amp, you'd be much better going that route - the peaveys are much more "user-friendly" than the mesas
awesome tones are easier to come by, and there's less switches/options to fuck with. it's pretty much guaranteed that the following settings will sound tits:

lead channel
pre gain 4-5
low 6-7
mid 2-3
high 5-6
post gain 2-3
resonance/presence, in my experience, will vary greatly based upon the guitar/cab...but a setting of around 7-8 is pretty common for both
It all depends on the volume level you think you can live with man. Everyone has band practice with loud amps in small rooms.... they don't seem dead. If it's a neighbor noise issue, maybe you shouldn't get a tube amp. If it's an issue of your ears surviving the volume, invest in some ear plugs!