If you had to choose between a 6505 and a dual rec..

sorry i used the french word by mistake :erk: i think i meant capacitors.

Due to the age of the amp, I have wanted to change my filter caps, though due to how it sounds and performs, I've never been compelled to do so. It's not noisy, flat, or harsh, so I've never really needed to.

Isn't the output transfo in the 5150 better ?

I can't speak for Peavey on this, though they say through 30 years parts manufacturers have come and gone, though the parts spec has been the same. Yamaha instead of Honda... I have a 5150 and Greg has a very recent 6505, I've never heard both side by side in the same room, but apart both sound perfect to my ears. I've got no complaints as for how Peavey is doing the new 6505's based on this.
okay so basically the parts are the same, it seems to me more & more are replacing the cheap-ish parts. And i'm thinking why spend so much if you're gonna change pretty much everything in the amp.
Why bother with that ? is it for reliability reasons like when touring?
I know literally nobody changing tons of parts out of the 5150 or 6505, be they bedroom warriors, studio owners, or in bands touring 9 months a year. The amps are identical aside from age. End of story.
I know literally nobody changing tons of parts out of the 5150 or 6505, be they bedroom warriors, studio owners, or in bands touring 9 months a year. The amps are identical aside from age. End of story.

yes i get that, they're the same. I was just asking that on a "sound upgrade" point of view
Around me tons of dudes are never satisfied and always changing parts. Seems pointless to me
Thanks for answering though :)
I guess I'll have to agree with "get neither". I mean those are deffo not the only two choices. If you want to sound like every other band out there get one of these amps. If you want to get a tone of your own... go to a local amp shop and try them out and buy the one that feels best suited for you. Seriously f*** all the Peavey/Mesa hype. There are amps that are easily capable of the same level of br00tality. Marshall JVM410, Orange (sorry I'm biased here), Diezel, Uberschall... the list goes on and on. Seriously do some research and go try them out and we won't have to wait 3 months for your next "what amp should I buy now" thread. :)
I perfectly agree ! Personnally i've searched all around and no where could i find some decent amps (and even more difficult decent staff) you can't even crank the amp to really hear the beast you're trying. All i could find was mesas rotting in shops because no one could afford them or would be stupid enough to buy them so... Hopefully some of my friends do have some interesting amps but they aren't near where i live at all :(
That is the sad part in all this. Most guitar shops won't let you crank up an amp and if you want to try another amp they get frustrated that you didn't buy the amp you were trying. And even though you get to crank up an amp you really know what they sound like mic'ed up. And this is why everyone has a Mesa/Peavey amp since they've been around for so long that you can read so many good things about them on the internet. If f.ex. I say that Orange is the best amp I've ever owned although I've owned just about all Mesa amps out there, it's still just me saying so and I'm biased. So in that sense yes it's safer to get a Mesa/Peavey amp. Still... that's not going the be the next ground braking guitar tone but it'll be the same thing everyone's doing.

If I can be as obvious as an Orange guy can be I recommend trying out a Thunderverb or Rockerverb since they are more of the "new new metal" amps. :D So kinda retro inbetween Marshall and Mesa. Has this liquid character when scooped... the sustain is crazy and neverending. :) Stiletto is also a good Mesa. None of that low end boom.
I guess I'll have to agree with "get neither". I mean those are deffo not the only two choices. If you want to sound like every other band out there get one of these amps. If you want to get a tone of your own... go to a local amp shop and try them out and buy the one that feels best suited for you. Seriously f*** all the Peavey/Mesa hype. There are amps that are easily capable of the same level of br00tality. Marshall JVM410, Orange (sorry I'm biased here), Diezel, Uberschall... the list goes on and on. Seriously do some research and go try them out and we won't have to wait 3 months for your next "what amp should I buy now" thread. :)

**Hipster Alert**

jk just pulling your chain.

There is a reason why the SLO based amps are popular, while all sounding somewhat different, they are the safe zone in terms of what works, they are the workhorses. Of course there are more to the SLO based amps than the rectos and 5150s including

5150 III
Dual Rec Two Channel
Dual Rec Three Channel
Triple Rec
Mark IV
Mark V
Framus Cobra
SLO 100

There are more, I just can't think of any on the top of my head

Then you have similar, but different amps worth noting:

Savage 120
Engl SE
Haha... well I've been a Recto guy for most of my life so I think the hipster boat has sailed on me already. :D
^^^ Just read the Soldano wikipedia page, and it actually said that Soldano started by making amps based on a modified boogie mark II. Interesting....

But yeah the marks have been around way longer. But wiki also said that the first marks were basically modified fender bassman/ princetons.... so I guess we're all just running around with fenders!
If I could have only 1 amp it would be Mesa MK4 or H&K Triamp.
The triamp does beautiful clean, great Marshall style crunch and channel 3 sounds very like a 6505 on 3a and a recto on 3b.
MK4 has amazing clean and crunch and really tight drive but not as saturated as 6505 or recto.
While the Recto and 6505 do high gain brilliantly, they are both sh1t for crunch or clean IMO.
The 5150 "clean" was never meant to be a clean channel, so why does everybody complain about it? It's a medium gain channel, for EVH rhythm.