If you like 'Patterns In The Ivy'...


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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...then check this song out 'A breath of winter' - By 'Decimate', they're signed to Blackfish records so you can only get it on audio galaxy (other than if you see them live) i dunno if its on there, so get the cd if it isn't. its about the same time give or take 10 seconds and its more than similar to 'Patterns...' i mean you have to hear it, its a great instrumental.
yeah, they are :D from Birmingham, but thats not the point, this song is really really really OPETH, its wierd, its nothing to do with hardcore, its just like an opeth moment, a touch of class...anywho do you like Hardcore Gramps?
damn, um, hmn, well i suppose i could put it on the PC through my mini disk and then post it on the net, only thing is i dont know how :lol: ive got a cable to let me put it on the PC, the rest i dont know.
Originally posted by random_phil
I can't say i've noticed any similarity between decimate & opeth. is it just that one song, or is it all the music? i saw them a while ago, and i just saw it as metallic hardcore

yeah its just the song, the bands completely different, im not even sure why its on there, oh well. i've had the album for ages, but i hardly listen to it and noticed that song a few days ago.