
New Metal Member
Aug 15, 2002
Opeth posted on their homepage they will be playing UNIVERSAL AMPHITHEATER WITH DANZIG, NILE, AND THIS OTHER BAND I've yet to hear of.

May 3rd, Los ANGELS!!!!!!!!!! JUST AS I HOPED!!!! FUCK YES, DUDE *Cries with Joy*
Dude I'm in San Francisco, but I'm still going to San Diego rather than LA. So I don't see why you're going to the LA show. They'll be opening, at most maybe a 40 minute set, I'm guessing?? Plus the ticket will probably cost more.

I've never really listened to Nile or Meshuggah (thought I've heard of them and some of their music), but I'm not dying to see them anytime soon. I know Danzig, of course, but I hardly care for seeing him. If I went, it'd be just for Opeth. And like I said, it'd be a short ass set. So I'd be spending more money for less Opeth... If that's not backwards thinking, I don't know what is...

So I'm willing to drive the extra two hours (actually me friend is :D )to go see a full Opeth set for less $$$. Plus I enjoy Lacuna's Coil's music, and I'd rather see them than any other bands in the LA show.

Good thing I got family in the valley though (where I'm really from), I'll be stopping by Fresno for a night, the night before the show; it'll make the trip a little more bearable; plus I gotta pick up some friends.

Honestly, I think you're better off going to the San Diego show; if you want, go to both, but you'll be spening a lot more money than you need to, to see less of your favorite band...
...1. I'm 15, I can't go to any show but the LA show.
2. I like Nile, but still I'd rather see Opeth play a full set...:-/

Don't ruin my feelings :(
LOL, dude I'm not going for Danzig, I'll probably leave after Opeth Lacuna Coil and Nile play, maybe other bands since they are suppose to add more... :)
Oh, you're 15, damn, I didn't expect that, sorry... Think about it this way, next year you'll be able to go to 16+ shows.

I just confirmed earlier too that the San Diego show is 16+, not 21+, thankfully. Who knows man, I think it's worth a two hour trip and see if they let you in cuz you look 16, I mean are they really gonna card 16 year olds?

You know, being 18 doesn't have as much previleges as you'd expect, I'd almost say there's more downsides; you can't legally fuck a 17 year old, can't beat up kids that piss you off for acting dumb, gotta pay taxes if you work and shit, in general you just seem to lose money on every turn, can't drink with your friends legally, and you can't go to 21+ shows. Seriously, what's the deal?!

I thought about the Vegas show too, it's a theater so I think the age thing shouldn't matter much. It's just two more hours of a drive than going to San Diego for me.

lol u yanks get it lucky! deciding which opeth gig near to you to go to? rofl you lucky things and then you STILL complain. :loco: