Im high and i need good doom metal!q

not only that, but i really don't think the guy is high anymore, after all he did post it yesterday :Spin:
DOOM - Noun; 1. Inevitable destruction or ruin. 2. Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one.

DOOM METAL - Noun; music that expresses these ideals

bands like THERGOTHON, SKEPTICISM, KHANATE, SUNN 0)), PANTHEIST, etc. do this (portray these feelings of doom)

SPIRITUAL BEGGARS are more akin to 70's hard rock than any feelings or death or depression
Black Winter Day said:
SPIRITUAL BEGGARS are more akin to 70's hard rock than any feelings or death or depression

and like i said, same with stuff like Pentagram and stoner rock shit that people classify as doom...i once read a description of doom metal as being a type of music that inflicts a feeling of doom or depression upon the listener...Pentagram, Black Sabbath, St. Vitus, Eyehategod, and countless other bands that people have claimed to be doom have never done that for me...Stormcrowfleet, Sounds of Decay, and Angels of Distress on the other hand...
But a band like Warning are heavier, more depressing and better than all funeral doom bands put together.

yeah, well, that's just like, uh... your opinion... man...
Black Winter Day: i never said that Spiritual Beggars are doom .. dont imagine things
and some bands just ESTABLISHED this gengre, even NAMED it, so dont use dictionary stuff for music related themes.
and for the other guy: saying that Pentagram is stoner is the most stupid thing ever, they were releasing music from 1971 .. stoner did not even exist when Pentagram were playing DOOM (in the 80s mostly)
chasm: what makes you depressed isnt what makes everyone depressed. Fates Warning sometimes make me feel depressed, are they doom too?
first listen to some SERIOUSLY DEPRESSING AND HEAVY songs like "Dying Inside" from Saint Vitus, or "Mourner's Lament" from Candlemass and then claim that Skepticism are doom...Skepticism play the same BOOOORRRIIIING rythm all the time, without any RIFFS just a fuzzy monotonous guitar rythm and slow speed
IOfTheStorm said:
Skepticism play the same BOOOORRRIIIING rythm all the time, without any RIFFS just a fuzzy monotonous guitar rythm and slow speed
okay, this statement isn't even worth refuting. you don't get it now and likely never will, this trance-inducing, droning, REAL sound of melancholia. if i were you, i'd stick with the more digestible, upbeat bands that don't go over your head and stop criticizing what you don't understand.
Skepticism don't play riffs? Have you even heard them?

I can just as easily say Evoken, Morgion, Mourning Beloveth and My Dying Bride aren't doom metal, and that they are just really really really slow death metal bands.
IOfTheStorm said:
then claim that Skepticism are doom...Skepticism play the same BOOOORRRIIIING rythm all the time, without any RIFFS just a fuzzy monotonous guitar rythm and slow speed
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Me, I'm knowledgeable enough to know that doom metal is a broad enough subgenre to contain both the bands you mention, death-doom like Anathema, My Dying Bride and Winter and "funeral doom" like Esoteric, Skepticism, Thergothon... Now, you're welcome to have your opinion on Skepticism, but be aware that you come off sounding like the "WHAT? HEAVY METAL?!? THEY JUST SCREAM AND BEAT ON THEIR INSTRUMENTS WHAT HORRIBLE NOISE!!!!" people. Skepticism is doom, and they're one of the best doom bands ever at that, and this is coming from someone with a Candlemass avatar.
i accept Mourning Beloveth early Anathema and MDB as DOOM
they have the RIFFS, MELODIES, they have a genuine atmosphere and dont base their music in monotonous rythms without any interest
its the feeling
and funeral bands DO NOT HAVE IT
skepticism dont have riffs..its just a plain sound and it is empty of any emotion or feelings
fuzzy is not always heavy
this trance-inducing, droning, REAL sound of melancholia
duh, thats how they sound to YOU, a screaming goat could sound to someone like a "sweet psychedelic melody which purifies the soul bla bla bla" and tell you that you dont understand it .now bout skepticism:
its the same damn sound for 9 minutes...monotony doesnt mean that its doom, one could scratch a guitar and add fuzz on it hit the drums one time per minute and call it doom, creating the FEELING that comes out of HEAVY GUITARS without the production adding to the heavy-ness, thats hard.Thats what Iommi,Wino, Leif Edling and John Perez did
IOfTheStorm said:
its the feeling
and funeral bands DO NOT HAVE IT
skepticism dont have riffs..its just a plain sound and it is empty of any emotion or feelings
So wrong. Funeral Doom is the sound of loss, decay, nothingness. It is the embodiment of depression. It is the sound of the end, as we all know it. It is the composition played to your slow death. Trust me, you will not be hearing "Paranoid" or "Iron Man" when you begin to rot in your coffin.
Reverend Bizzare have
sound of loss, decay, nothingness. It is the embodiment of depression. It is the sound of the end, as we all know it.
double sized
listen to them
Forest OF Equilibrium of Cathedral has that elements doubled too.its not funeral though
also if you all funeral doom fans,believe that this is the essence of Doom or something, perhaps you think that doom metal was invented in the 90s
because with your logic all previous bands dont have that feelings
sure i make up my on definitions
skepticism, not black sabbath or candlemass defined doom and only skepticism fans understand just name some emotions and states of mind and call that DOOM . you dont know the reason you do that.
fool: the bands that DEFINED DOOM made music that has nothing in common with your funeral "doom". the music of the major doom bands that MADE THE GENGRE is similar to funeral "doom" as a donkey is to einstein.
these are facts
doom was not created in the 90s
Just because a band does not have a direct link to Black Sabbath or Candlemass (who suck by the way), does not mean they are not doom metal. Sabbath themselves had some very slow songs (compared to the rest of their material) like the song "Black Sabbath" which could be looked upon as a blueprint for funeral doom.

Funeral doom bands could have taken that song, increased the low end, and slowed it down to nth degree, and there you go. It's experimentation and progression.

I do agree that Sabbath originated doom, but to deny that funeral doom isn't doom metal simply because you can't hear Sabbath in their sound is ludicrous.

Look at Katatonia, My Dying Bride (who is actually gothic doom), Void of Silence, Arcane Sun, Anathema, etc. None of those bands sound an inkling like Sabbath, yet they are widely considered doom.

You are allowing your dislike of funeral doom to cloud your judgment here.
bands from Sabbath, to Witchfinder General, Pentagram, Candlemass, Saint Vitus, Trouble, Reverend Bizzare, My Dying Bride, early Anathema, Mourning Beloveth have a common feeling which is not found in funeral "doom".thats it. traditional doom, epic doom, sludge doom, death doom = killer ... all these have something common in their sound except for funeral..thats it i am bored