Im high and i need good doom metal!q

bah you cant read too - saying what i consider to be something , doesnt mean that i entrust everything to just opinions..
either way you say that Candlemass suck, so you are not to be taken seriously
Dude, you say funeral doom isn't doom at all, and you think people will take you seriously. That's something a newbie would say.

But like you said, this is getting boring. It's your right to be wrong.
Candlemass (who suck by the way)
i explained through the whole thread why i think funeral "doom" is not doom, you are just saying "you are wrong bla bla" "it has that emotions bla bla" "yes funeral is DOOM, you dont understand it" while not proving what common element funeral "doom" has with the whole of Doom metal music.
it doesnt, it is something different .
so what youre saying is that to be doom it must have sabbath in it, tell me then, where is the sabbath vibe in While Heaven Wept? doom is not restricted to sabbath rip offs, and funeral doom is slow b/c of the fact that it is supposed to give the feeling of emptiness, which Skepticism, Pantheist, Mournful Congregation, and others do a damn good job. how often does traditional doom make you feel somewhat depresed? the answer is never, b/c most trad. doom is cheesy and boring. Shape of Despair have a sabbath vibe, all of these bands do, play Skepticism at normal pace and youll see its nearly the same as sabbath. and NO doom/death is not slowed down deaeth metal, anybody who were to say this needs to be shot b/c you can cleary see that Mar De Grises does not have that much of a death metal vibe.
how often does traditional doom make you feel somewhat depresed? the answer is never, b/c most trad. doom is cheesy and boring.
what sacred doom bible said that doom has to be like this ? you too name some feelings and call whoever has them doom, hundrends non doom bands can make you feel depressed , by your logic TOM WAITS (if you have ever heard of him) is the ultimate DOOM artist. Joy Division too.While Heaven Wept have the candlemass vibe, which is almost the same, you see some bands are linked sabbath > candlemass> my dying bride (for example) funeral "doom" the link is gone.
also saying that trad doom is cheesy and boring means that you probably think that doom was invented in the 90s . and that you think that the major and grand doom bands are boring makes you probably even worst than you think i am by saying the things i say bout funeral "doom"
you totally misinterpreted what i said. there is no sacred doom bible, but doom metal is in fact supposed to be depressing, thats the point, to create a "doom" atmosphere, most trad. doom isnt though and a lot of it is cheesy, just look at Cold Mourning, great band, but cheesy as fucking hell. being directly related to sabbath or candlemass does not make a band doom, Nile has fucking Candlemass riffs up the ass and they arent doom. you also forgot to mention the fact that St. Vitus was out before Candlemass. and no i dont think doom was invented in the 90s, i listen to ALL doom, which includes funeral, drone, and black. when the hell did i ever say the major and grand doom bands are boring? last time i checked the biggest doom band is My Dying Bride, who are my favorite(who are NOT a fucking gothic band!). i love candlemass and other trad. doom bands but most trad/stoner doom bands are border-line hard rock, just look at Sleep and Yob.

funeral doom is doom, whats wrong with playing that slow? let me say this clearly, if you claim to be a fan of doom metal and you say something is too slow, you are in FACT a poser. i take it you never even bothered to listen to any other funeral doom band than Skepticism as well since they seem to be your only funeral doom reference. get your facts right buddy and maybe take a little trip to the homepage, you might learn a thing or two.
just to add something else, not pointed towards anybody, nor do i want this replied to. i have found that the only doom fans who cause problems are the ones who mainly listen to trad. doom, they are the ones who call everything else "fake", theyre just as bad as slipknot fans who claim slipknot is metal.

also, Katatonia was a dark metal band, and for those who are illiterate, dark metal is the same as black/doom, and if anybody wants to claim that black/doom isnt doom, then they are fucking stupid. b/c Bethlehem owns.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
you totally misinterpreted what i said. there is no sacred doom bible, but doom metal is in fact supposed to be depressing, thats the point, to create a "doom" atmosphere, most trad. doom isnt though and a lot of it is cheesy, just look at Cold Mourning, great band, but cheesy as fucking hell. being directly related to sabbath or candlemass does not make a band doom, Nile has fucking Candlemass riffs up the ass and they arent doom. you also forgot to mention the fact that St. Vitus was out before Candlemass. and no i dont think doom was invented in the 90s, i listen to ALL doom, which includes funeral, drone, and black. when the hell did i ever say the major and grand doom bands are boring? last time i checked the biggest doom band is My Dying Bride, who are my favorite(who are NOT a fucking gothic band!). i love candlemass and other trad. doom bands but most trad/stoner doom bands are border-line hard rock, just look at Sleep and Yob.

funeral doom is doom, whats wrong with playing that slow? let me say this clearly, if you claim to be a fan of doom metal and you say something is too slow, you are in FACT a poser. i take it you never even bothered to listen to any other funeral doom band than Skepticism as well since they seem to be your only funeral doom reference. get your facts right buddy and maybe take a little trip to the homepage, you might learn a thing or two.
NOONE can judge that doom "has to be depressing" and make this the standard of all DOOM. You said in a previous post that most traditional doom is boring, this is like saying that all major doom bands who established the gengre are boring, because they were all trad. DOOM. The FEELING and ATMOSPHERE that was created by the old major doom bands passes through the riffing link mainly to ALL other doom bands (death, sludge,epic) EXCEPT FUNERAL, i said it so many times ALL subgengres of doom have a common LINK on their FEELING , EXCEPT FUNERAL "DOOM" , just listen to it. You can listen to Sabbath, Pentagram, ST Vitus to ALL DOOM GENGRES, except the so called funeral "doom" , thats a F A C T . Reverend Bizzare and Mourning Beloveth play different kinds of DOOM, but they have MANY SIMILARITIES in their SOUND and FEELING.funeral bands are outsite of it.
And about the part about "being slow" i said that the only common thing funeral "doom" bands have with DOOM is the speed, ONLY THAT, and that doesnt last for being DOOM.
oh and SLEEP are hard rock ? hahAHhahHAHahahAHAh they are DOOMIER than any of your funeral bands will ever be.
and dont tell me about of the gay aldo
this is the last time im going to try to get this across. you say all subgenres of doom have a common link on feelings except funeral doom, now how does this not include funeral doom which is almost solely based on the feeling of emptiness? emptiness sure as hell is apart of a doomy atmosphere and funeral bands create this feeling through the riffing like this: absence of riffs = absence of feeling, which = emptiness. all different types of doom have portray the different feelings of depression, this makes up doom as a whole. death/doom usually is focused more on the oppressive and hateful feelings, sludge focuses on hate and drug abuse, and yes drug abuse is an important part of severe depression, goth/doom is more on the side of romantic loss as is atmospheric doom, black/doom is mostly focused on suicidal feelings, trad. doom is based on more epic feelings, like struggle between good/evil or more magical sides of a person. drone is just for those who like to space out. i left out stoner/doom b/c it technically is not ALL of these genres make up doom as a whole, and while im not telling you to like funeral doom i am saying that you should include it as doom. bands do not need to share a DIRECT influence with sabbath,candlemass, and st. vitus, and by saying this i mean that you should not have to look up a bands tabs just to check whether or not they have those riffs so you can say "ok theyre doom" but all doom bands share a link towards those three in some way, whether it be directly in the music or through a bands influences. funeral doom such as Shape of Despair and Mournful Congregation DEFINITLY have a direct, musical link to Candlemass, they just play slower than usual. you DONT have to like the music, just acknowledge it as "shitty doom" if you want.

yes, Sleep are closer to hard rock than doom, just b/c they have a lot of bass and are heavy do not make them doom automatically, as no stoner band is completely doom. they sound more akin to Melvins and Clutch, but with a heavier Sabbath vibe. but i never SAID Sleep were hard rock, i said they were CLOSER to hard rock.
emptiness sure as hell is apart of a doomy atmosphere
see you are naming feelings as the essence of doom , WHO TOLD THAT EMPTINESS HAS TO BE THE MARK OF DOOM .. when i say FEELINGS i mean various as a whole
absence of riffs = absence of feeling
also that EMPTINESS THING is on MANY MANY MANY NON DOOM bands (ever heard of Joy Division?) non METAL too, it doesnt need riffs..
death/doom usually is focused more on the oppressive and hateful feelings
so MY DYING BRIDE dont have "EMPTINESS"? or do tHEY?

trad. doom is based on more epic feelings, like struggle between good/evil or more magical sides of a person
see you are saying crap, i could name 64564654 traditional doom songs talking about your "EMPTINESS" or "HATE" ... dont try to name a gengre by its feelings.
i said it JUST LISTEN to black sabbath and another WHATEVERYOUWANT/DOOM band except "funeral" you will see the link ...
i got tired - long live funeral non riff shitty boring "one hit at the drums every 2 minutes" "doom"
Check out Katatonia - "Dance Of December Souls"
So much sorrow in that album. It's great!