im high as fuck.

yeah libertarian my ass. what made me lose all respect for him was when he got triggered like an sjw for illegals
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Libertarianism: "Let's kill the economy by letting roads fall apart and monopolies form, then create a massive power vacuum around the world so China can be the new superpower, because fuck da guvment."
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minarchist libertarians still believe in just enough taxes for roads, military and police, as well as reasonable regulations against corporate abuse
Doesn't sound like most libertarians I've heard of. Also, people who think military spending should be "minimal" tend to think the US should return to military isolationism, which goes back to my point about power vacuums.
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Makes a lot of sense

Btw, military isolationism would be awesome. Let other countries blow themselves up. Save billions of $$$. Stop sending our troops to pointless deaths. Don't create/escalate conflicts. Blast the shit out of any invaders/terrorists from afar before they even approach our soil. Mayyybe help our allies if it's in our best interest and if they pay us.
I believe the global military presence of the US helps keep other, more dangerous contenders for the superpower role (i.e. China) from gaining power, so I don't consider it a waste. It also tends to coincide with the global expansion of US companies (i.e. into allies' markets), so I wouldn't say the US is getting nothing for the expenditure.
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China has not been in any wars recently and we don't need tanks to do business lol

What do you think of miniarchism?
It's fitting that arg coopted the "im high as fuck" thread. Reading the past page or so makes me feel like I'm in a paranoid nightmare.

Capitalist markets aren't inherently self-sufficient systems. They rely on expansion, appropriation, and consumption. The idea that a capitalist market could be isolationist and self-sufficient is a myth, and suggestively analogous to the myth of Crusoe economics. Since its inception, capitalism has been a geopolitical economic strategy, and that means (historically speaking) it's inextricable from imperialist policies.

That ain't necessarily a bad thing though, as Grant already suggested.
Libertarianism: "Let's kill the economy by letting roads fall apart and monopolies form, then create a massive power vacuum around the world so China can be the new superpower, because fuck da guvment."

I don't know any libertarians that think like this, and I'm a registered member of the Australian libertarian party which means I regularly meet with other libertarians.

What you're describing sounds much more like some strand of anarchism.
I haven't huffed glue for six months. When I look back at the "high as fuck" posts I made, all I can think about how retarded it was...

Marijuana is a different story, though. It's fine to post about that, marijuana use is not indicative and causative of stupidity like glue sniffing is.
Long term, frequent marijuana use definitely slows you down mentally, just having seen some friends go down that road.

It doesn't lower intelligence. It can definitely distract the mind from reality, though, and that can lead to temporary issues, and make the user appear less intelligent, however, it doesn't actually diminish one's cognitive abilities.
Gary "I'm a libertarian, but hey, lemme impose this carbon tax" Johnson is a laughingstock.

I know this is probably the wrong place for this conversation but this is something I've always been curious about. How do libertarians opposed to carbon taxation and other environmental regulations suggest that global warming be stifled?
It doesn't lower intelligence. It can definitely distract the mind from reality, though, and that can lead to temporary issues, and make the user appear less intelligent, however, it doesn't actually diminish one's cognitive abilities.

Dude you're a fucking teenager. How in the hell would you actually know smoking pot doesnt make you dumber long term? Long term pot head scholars?

I'm not sure if it actually does, but every long term pot head I've known since high school (only ten years for me) is still a fucking retard and/or have got into way worse shit.
the few times i tried it, weed had no effect on me

alcohol is the only substance i need
I know this is probably the wrong place for this conversation but this is something I've always been curious about. How do libertarians opposed to carbon taxes and other environmental regulatory measures suggest that global warming be stifled?
the same answer we have for almost everything, those that care so much can donate their own money to whatever cause out of their own volition
I know this is probably the wrong place for this conversation but this is something I've always been curious about. How do libertarians opposed to carbon taxation and other environmental regulations suggest that global warming be stifled?

This also assumes that all libertarians agree that global warming is a man-made problem in need of dealing with, let alone to the degree that we should be taking people's money to that end.
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I know this is probably the wrong place for this conversation but this is something I've always been curious about. How do libertarians opposed to carbon taxation and other environmental regulations suggest that global warming be stifled?
Because, the vast majority of environmentally harmful emissions are derived from factory farming?