I'm mixing the new Storyteller album (mp3 clip)

Hey all. I'm in the middle of the mixing process right now, and could really use some suggestions from your golden metal ears.

Our last three albums were recorded and mixed in Studio Fredman, but this time I'm doing it all by myself... as you know, it's extremely hard to mix your own stuff, but lots of fun as well. :Spin:

sound clip here:
(edit - old clip removed, here are the new ones mentioned below:)

(Many of you will find the music itself pretty gay, but that's not the rel issue here, hehe)
sounds really good, only slight thing I noticed, was there is a tad too much level on the drums during the guitar solos, just a little too much drums in general. But, I am sitting here watching TV with my laptop so the laptop speakers are by no means a solid reference point. Really though man, nice sounds so far, solid.
This is not really my cup of tea musically, so don't pay too close attention to what I'm saying. IMHO it seems almost too polished. You can hear everything perfectly--the drawback is there is that the record could have more balls. Like it's almost over-eq'd or something...I would allow a little more lows out of the kick, vocals, bass and rhythms. I think it could use a little mud.

All that being said, it sounds great. HTH
I think the mix is perfect, except that bass guitar should be a little louder and the kick drum is a little too loud. It would start to sound very annoying in long double-kick parts if kept on this level.
Which monitors you used ? Do you mix other bands too or only your own projects?
Thank you all!

t_m_h said:
I think the mix is perfect, except that bass guitar should be a little louder and the kick drum is a little too loud. It would start to sound very annoying in long double-kick parts if kept on this level.
Which monitors you used ? Do you mix other bands too or only your own projects?

Yeah, the kick is one of the things I've been a little worried about. I was thinking about dropping it 2 dB on double kick parts (lots in other songs), but maybe it would be wiser to just lower it everywhere.

I use Tannoy Reveal passive... they are really not that good, and I tend to mix to much treble when I use them. I could REALLY use a nice pair of Genelecs, but they are really not in my price range, unfortunately.

This is actually the first time I mix a real album... have recorded and mixed numerous demos during the last 14 years though, mainly my own stuff. I was thinking, if people like the sound of the Storyteller album, maybe maybe maybe maybe I will offer my services to mix other peoples stuff as well. We'll se. Would be fun.
TheStoryteller said:
No more comments? Monday afternoon is basically "the point of no return", and everything has to be done by Thursday night. Mastering is scheduled Friday morning.:)

how did you record the guitars and how did u mix i ( what plugins, what software, what mic )

the music is verry cool. makes me remind of the band symmetry (a band in the netherlands )
Rhythm guitars are 5150 II with ENGL 4x12 cabinet, miked with 2 SM57, one centered and one at a slight angle, maybe 45 degrees. Lead guitars are an old Folkesson-modified Marshall JMP á 1972, miked the same way but with a Carvin Legacy cabinet.

I use a truckload of plugins... EQ from Kjaerhus on the guitars, compressors & EQ from Voxengo on drums and vox, and some Waves stuff as well. My host is Cakewalk Sonar, I've tried'em all and I like Sonar best.
TheStoryteller said:
Rhythm guitars are 5150 II with ENGL 4x12 cabinet, miked with 2 SM57, one centered and one at a slight angle, maybe 45 degrees. Lead guitars are an old Folkesson-modified Marshall JMP á 1972, miked the same way but with a Carvin Legacy cabinet.

I use a truckload of plugins... EQ from Kjaerhus on the guitars, compressors & EQ from Voxengo on drums and vox, and some Waves stuff as well. My host is Cakewalk Sonar, I've tried'em all and I like Sonar best.

Sonar 4 ?
TheStoryteller said:
Yep, the one and only. Track layers, track folders and excellent bus routing are my main reasons to use Sonar.

first i also used sonar 4. bit it dindt work correctly with my guitarport ( i had a guitarport those day ) and couldnt set the conf. right with my soundcard and stuff
One thing I'm finding a bit strange is the crash at around 0:37 that's being ridden. It has a very ringy sound to it, almost like it's been over-EQ'd or mic'd strangely. Sides from that, all is great.
Excellent guitar, bass, and drum sounds. I think the vocals sound great too, although they are probably +0.5 to +1.0 dB too loud. Really a subtle thing... and far better than my band's demo in that respect LOL.
StoryTeller - This is not the stuff I normally listen to, but you are here to share a mix. I want to congratulate you because I think it sounds fantastic. Professional. The mix is very clear, tight, focused and pristine. Everything is audible and sits in its own spot in the stereo field. This is like too "power metal" for me, and I dont listen to this type of thing very often, but played very loud on my monitors, I find no spots to critique.

I'm also loving the fact that you used Sonar on this. I am a diehard Sonar fan, the dynamic bussing architecture is like that of no other. Create a bus, and send that bus to another bus, tapping into portions for a wet bus, back to a master bus, etc etc. Brilliant.

Solid work. :kickass: Aces in my book. Yes it might need more low end, but I dont think this style calls for it. It sounds damn good here on my system. (Mackie HR824 at ear fucking levels).

PS - Love that (shine on clip) at :37 great guitar harmonies and vocal harmonies.