I'm not a "tree hugger", BUT...

Global Warming
Is it real or imagined? I have no idea?
But one thing is for sure
We can rocket to the moon, transplant hearts in one another,
a person can even drive to some fast food place,
talk into a speaker and they'll hand you a bag of grub
What does any of that mean other than you fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
It always come down to the eternal questions
Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going?
We are all just a cosmic coincidence and our brains are not wired to let us understand any of this
Back to "the earth wants to kill us"
99% of all life forms that ever inhabited our Earth are extinct,
yea, yea, we know, we know, man(woman) had some part in this extinction
but when it comes down to it we've done very little to cause it
the Earth was created out of chaos, even today we have earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, droughts
If we make it through all of that botulism, AIDS, whatever, and if all of that fails old age will end our existence
So maybe everything is meant to be?
EVERYONE on the planet (especially Americans!) NEEDS to see the documentary/movie "An Inconvenient Truth" NOW!!!!

Best documentary I've EVER seen!!! Holy shit!! And without a doubt, also the scariest movie I've ever seen!!

Damn!! We are ALL so fucked if nothing MAJOR chages!!!:OMG:
Because Al Gore and Hollywood are such experts on how we should live our lives. Damn, if I didn't have them, I don't know what I'd do. Thank you Al Gore and Hollywood. Oh, and Michael Moore... thank you too... for telling me how stupid I am and how great you and your glorious liberal ways are.

The Michael
More food for thought (c-n-p)...

> http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/08/08/p18766

> Cosmic Scale Evil: Money Fetishism and the Looming Omnicide
> Only after the last tree has been cut down
> Only after the last river has been poisoned
> Only after the last fish has been caught
> Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.
> ~ Cree prophecy
> Two frequently asked questions I receive regularly are, first, whether
> humanoids are an intelligent species; second, are they good or evil?
> If, having evolved for 1.5 million years, a species is unable planning
> to survive another 20 years, I normally retort, and the actual chances
> of their survival in large numbers is about as big as a fat zero even in
> 10 years, would you consider that species intelligent or stupid?
> Humanoids depend on planet Earth and its life support systems to
> survive, yet they have wreaked destruction on the planet driving her
> ecosystems to the verge of imminent collapse. Would you say they are
> good or evil?
> The activities of humanoids, especially the elite, are not consistent
> with the way of life!
> What is Evil? Most everyone used to have a mind image or an emotional
> intelligence of what evil was, or represented. They readily identified
> evil with the wrongs of the world. Today, however, most definitions
> create confusion portraying evil as what is 'anti-norm.' The 'new'
> definitions, which are concocted from the ever-shifting narratives
> created by the Hollywood clique and their slick counterparts in the
> media, have permeated the public psyche with ease. Truth, goodness and
> other basic decencies of civilization play no part in those definitions.
> Never before in the history of civilization has sight overcome right to
> such outrageous extents.
> Not surprisingly, the new definitions utterly fail to depict evil. If
> anything, they serve to pervert the meaning, while giving rise to
> fallacies of ad hominem, name-calling and demonizing of the subject.
> When George W. Bush was busy planning the genocide of Iraqis (George W.
> Bush and Tony Blair together with their puppeteers, cohorts and
> mercenaries have murdered about 1million Iraqis since March 2003 in
> their war of aggression), he called Iraq, among other states, an 'axis
> of evil.'
> Traditionally, within the monotheistic religions, evil represented what
> was 'wicked,' 'malevolent,' 'sinful,' 'iniquitous,' 'immoral,' or simply
> 'against God,' something to avoid, especially for fear of divine
> consequences.
> Theologians' paradoxical definitions, however, gave rise to the 'problem
> of evil,' the dilemma of reconciling the existence of evil (and
> suffering) alongside an omnibenevolent (the state of being perfectly
> good), omnipotent, and omniscient God. The futile attempts by the
> theodecians (philosophers) to solve this dilemma through self–negating
> theodicies resulted in lowering the threshold of common values of
> morality.
> Most readers have come a long way from viewing the “almighty” as an
> angry Herculean male figure with a bloodstained sword in one hand, ready
> to slay and smite more sinners, while clutching to lightening and fire
> with the other hand poised to strike down or rain brimstone on the
> unbelievers who might escape the first pass.
> 'Lord finally had it with Sodom, not to mention Gomorrah,' goes the
> legend. So why has he spared the White House, not to mention 10 Downing
> Street? Why no pillars of salt stand staring at the onlookers outside
> the Capitol Hill or the Houses of Parliament? Surely, it cannot be for
> lacking evil.
> 'Evil is as evil does,' utters the modern 'sage.' But, he stops short of
> proclaiming what exactly evil is or his doings are. Is it a person,
> gene, meme, ideology, creed, philosophy? Is evil a he, she, group, race?
> Why do evil? How do evildoers keep score? When does evil occur? What is
> worst evil? What is cosmic scale evil?
> Cosmic scale evil is the killing of everything, omnicide, the wholesale
> obliteration of all living beings on our planet, through systematic
> destruction of Earth's ecosystems.
> It has taken an incredible 4.5 billion years for our precious planet to
> evolve from a fiery ball to become the exclusive oasis of life, the
> solitary habitat for living species in an otherwise cold, dark,
> inhospitable segment of the observable universe. Yet, in an
> infinitesimal fraction of that time the money fetishism of a cabal of
> moneychangers, who have corrupted all social, political and cultural
> systems manipulating the masses through deception and coercion, has sown
> the seeds of our destruction driving a living planet to certain
> ecological death.
> The Babylonian cabal's web of intrigue has perverted all spiritual and
> political ideologies as well as social and cultural institutions that
> might pose the slightest threat to their agenda, while establishing fake
> organizations [they are designed as management tools to control the
> masses and insure against unforeseen circumstances] and self-serving
> systems of economy and politics that have promoted and protected their
> nefarious plot to control the world, albeit an ultimately lifeless world.
> They created a myth with a carefully calculated narrative that promoted
> their plot as 'compassionate,' 'free world,' 'democratic,' among an
> array of weasel words, while circumventing social conscience and
> exerting their control in the name of human community, but at the
> expense of destroying life on Earth. They created a veil of repression
> which obfuscated benevolent, sustainable economic and social models that
> would benefit humanity at no cost to the environment. They drove the
> world at full throttle toward omnicide.
> As a result, 15 out of 24 ecosystems that are vital for supporting life
> on our planet face imminent collapse including fresh water, fisheries,
> air and water purification systems, and the systems that regulate
> climate, natural hazards, and pests—with the remaining one-third of our
> life support systems following closely.
> Meanwhile, the Babylonian creed has helped the shareholders of the top
> 10 banks in the world amass combined assets of about 16trillion dollars
> in 2006 [c.f., total GDP for 2006 calculated at the official exchange
> rate was an estimated 46.7trillion dollars.] How much of 16 trillion
> dollars in paper, gold, platinum, diamond... could you consume to
> satisfy your basic needs in the middle of The Sixth Great Extinction?
> Next: How to Stop the Looming Omnicide!
> -###-
> August 8, 2007 By, Harry Saloor Founder, The Management School of
> Restorative Business, http://www.restorative-business.org