I'm recording this band on Monday

haha that vid he talks about having to "sit on his ass for 6 hours playing the same guitar riffs"

learn the fucking riff and you wont sit there for 6 hours!!! rofl
He also has a smidge of an accent. I can't put my finger on it.


I don't make a big deal about the singing, I can't sing or scream at all. All I can do is offer suggestions for improving the flow of lyrics, changing the rhythm, removing unnecessary words etc. so it works better with the song. Things that should have been done in preproduction.
Like most bands, they don't pay attention to what the other members of the band are actually playing in each part. Once the lyrics were written, they were never revised, never given a second thought that they could be improved.

I take a "sing as you speak" approach, a thought should be one sentence, not broken up into three. I make them conscious of where they are putting the emphasis on the words, would it make sense if you were speaking it?

Simple stuff that self-taught songwriters don't think about.

I got this concept from this Berklee music songwriting lesson.
I was listening to this podcast this morning and one of the guys on it was relating a story about a band and boy did it sound awfully familiar to this thread....

yea i feel ya... but i cant help but think one of these bands will find their way to this forum and see their band being torn to shreds. lol.

Sadly, I have to agree. I've had a few nightmare projects over the years, and I've been very, very tempted to blab, but I can't, due to the fact it would violate my own personal ethics. That being said, YMMV.

In this situation, I would have thrown their asses out weeks ago.

"Go home, learn your instrument. Learn how to tune to each other. Learn to play to a metronome, and come see me in a year." No amount of money is worth that kind of grief in editing/fixing/bullshitting.
Big respect for keeping your cool and doing a great job with this band! This thread has been really funny to read, but maybe a bit of anonymity would have helped...just in case!

Recording bands like this is a pain, sure - you get paid, but it hardly helps to bring in more clients with the standard of their songs...people find it hard to look past a bad song sometimes. Still, let us know how it sounds after the final mix!
i know this threads been dead for a little while but i wanted to bump it up cuz i just i went to check the myspace to see if these final recordings were done...the page is gone lol...did they find themselves on here and give up?:waah:
Damn dude, you really did them a service! =D Still not saying, much, but. Haha.

I only wish the vocals didn't sit on top of the mix like a karaoke track. What's up w/the screamy vocals, btw? I'm sure there's a reason they sound SOOO fucking harsh and nasty. But, there is probably a reason you couldn't fix it, haha.

Best thing about this is probably the drums, hahaha. Good job bro.