Rotting Christ are great because ... >_> Umm. They are Greek and released Triarchy of the Lost Lovers. Which is definatly the best Melodic BM album of all time.

Their other albums are all 9/10 as well.
High On Maiden said:
So a few tracks ten years ago is what you base your opinion of Burzum on? :err:

yes.. when was the last time you listened to a band you couldnt stand? I'd assume it would be the first time you heard it? Usually when people dont like things they dont go back to it.
Not really. Who are you again? Not me right? My choice not to listen to a band I disliked. Do you listen to Slipknot just because there are millions of fans always commenting about them? I didnt think so.

Birkenau.. I'll get that album right now then.
I think that Pure Holocaust is the best Immortal album. It is so great. It seems like more people like At The Heart Of Winter more than any other Immortal album. While it is quite fantastic, I think that the previous albums are much better. The other albums are much more darker.

As far as best Black metal band, I can only say that Burzum is definitely my favourite black metal band. Nothing tops Burzum for me, but that is just me.
Servio_Abbas_Bellum said:
Don't get me wrong I think Immortals great but I'm a diehard Cradle of Filth fan. It could be worse, I'm sure you get an occasional Slipknot=God junkie who really just upsets the balence of things here.

no shit you're a diehard fan of CoF? we have you, the resident 'CoF pwns everything!!11 lol omg'

There is nothing worse than your kind. YOU upset the balance of things here
Mercy/Severity said:
no shit you're a diehard fan of CoF? we have you, the resident 'CoF pwns everything!!11 lol omg'

There is nothing worse than your kind. YOU upset the balance of things here

Nice bump, we'll just assume your post was meant to be ironic and let this thread rest in peace.
Enemy242 said:
god forbid are good black metal.

^^ I got it. ^^

At The Heart of Winter is an amazing album. I'm not much of a Black Metal fan to be honest, it leaves me cold (pun intended). I have all of Immortals back catalogue, and being a death metal fan, their later stuff from ATHOW onwards is great for me.

I don't "get" Darkthrone, some Emperor is ok, and I love Mayhem (DMDS). I like Dissection, but don't enoy the whole crap production thang that goes on.

So, as a non-BM afficienado, Immortal are one of my favourite bands, but I'm sure my opinion counts for exactly two things: jack and shit.
The best black metal band ever, is Emperor, IMO. Just listen to Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk. :worship:

Oh, and by the way: Hello everyone. This is my first post here. :)