

Fucking Nice
Old Immortal has pretty terrible drumming and guitar playing. sorry

It's not really the drums or guitars just sounding bad, but the musicians being bad. I'm sure people here who are big into Immortal and BM are going to disagree and basically the musicianship is what destroys Black Metal for me generally. I do think the musicians in the band did improve when the released At The Heart of Winter.
Black metal musicianship is not about being extremely technical. It's generally just minimalistic expressions of whatever it is you're expressing. Or whatever. Black metal isn't Atheist and Death worship.
Old Immortal has pretty terrible drumming and guitar playing. sorry

It's not really the drums or guitars just sounding bad, but the musicians being bad. I'm sure people here who are big into Immortal and BM are going to disagree and basically the musicianship is what destroys Black Metal for me generally. I do think the musicians in the band did improve when the released At The Heart of Winter.
Except for a few sloppy moments in the drumming on Battles in the North, I don't hear any bad musicianship in early Immortal. Early Immortal rules.
I'm with Death Delirium, oddly. I don't really care for Immortal prior to ATHOW except for the odd track or two. Yes, they moved away from the black metal sound of yore, used a producer who knew what he was doing and played more death metal and classic heavy metal to the mix, but it works. Quite easily my favourite band to have ever been a black metal band, the wintery atmosphere, celtic frost influence on SOND and mid-tempo gallops all have me rubbing vanilla ice cream into my testicles, while Penguins watch.