In Another Forum, Opeth to be Exact......


Feb 24, 2003
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In Another Forum, Opeth to be Exact, They're bitching about Opeth selling Thongs...........That is soo fucking awesome, they shouldnt only cater to mens merchandise. I would Die for a Nevermore Thong.

You're gonna get us guys excited.
LOL.....That's not my intent......

I love bands babydoll t-shirts, though ive only manage to ever buy one of those. I would buy all the Thongs with bands logos on them. Thats the best merchandise for women any band could sell.
Don't pay attention to the Opeth board, or really, any Metal board for that matter, because most Metal fans are elitist, and anything a band does that these fans consider slightly mainstream, they shall be seen as being on the verge of selling out. Anyway, I am in no way against the selling of thongs by Metal bands, in fact, I support it. :D
N/P: Bill Hicks :headbang: :lol:
Plus the OPETH fan base, for teh most part are totle DROGGS.....yeah droggs,,..not godgs...well, maybe dogs too....
but yeah, COCK BITES they are. they made a patition to get me banned from UM hahahhahahah.
HemiGTX said:
Many band cater to the ladies. Like the Iced Earth Baby Doll (read: super cleavage revealing) t-shirts, and Overkill has thongs as well. It's a lot more common than you think, you just have to look for the stuff.

I know they sell the stuff, My point was about in the opeth forum ppl thought it was stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HemiGTX said:
And my point is that it's common, whether the Opeth board thinks it's stupid or not. Should I take that post and put in their section, to see the reaction? Or I could make a master list of all the articles of clothing offered by any and all metal bands? What the fuck ever.

Whooh there cowboy.... I got ur point.... *Point taken*

What are Droggs?
I'm thinking most of the guys who bitch about a band selling things and women's clothing don't much get laid. They don't want to think about a hot metal senorita wearing an Opeth thong because the sexual frustration will render them blind and/or drooling idiots.
I could think of nothing sweeter than my girlfriend pulling down her pants and revealing a Nevermore thong. Mind you that wouldn't happen because she listens to ska, but it would rock for all you with metal girlfriends. Those Opeth-board bitches need to loosen up, seriously. :rolleyes:

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