soo good

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You know, it strikes me how immature some people are behaving over this entire belief issue. For one thing, I don't think anybody from ANY particular philosophy is going to change their beliefs because of a thread on an Opeth forum, which makes all the arguing pointless. Plus, there is no set philosophy one has to follow in order to be an Opeth fan. It's not like we even all get the exact same things out of the music and lyrics, anyway. Opeth itself doesn't give a damn what goes on in their fans' private thoughts. And I think that's where some of this stuff ought to stay--in people's heads and NOT on their forum.

Now, it's one thing to hold an educated, dispassionate discussion, if all participants agree to do so AND agree to refrain from taking personal swipes at each other. Those kinds of remarks do nothing to strengthen one's debating position, for starters. And as if that weren't bad enough, it completely kills the conversation. I can see that some people HAVE tried to make some rational points, but others have just jumped in with absolutely pointless sniping that is completely unnecessary. That kind of stuff doesn't reveal anything about the truth or untruth of a person's position, only who does and does not have an attitude problem that they feel the need to unload on everybody else here.

I came here to discuss Opeth. Other RATIONAL conversations are a bonus, but my main purpose is to talk music. I really don't think that mudfests like this are necessary at all.
This isn't bible talk at your local church, this is an Opeth forum for topics relating to Opeth.

Don't mean to be an ass, but there isn't any real reason why there should be bible talk on any Opeth thread. Unless it has something to do with Opeth, this should be locked w/ a chain and padlock :loco: .
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