Old but gold... CC review.
The director yells “That’s a wrap!” on the set for the In Flames’s video Touch of Red, and in the scorching California heat Bjorn Gelotte thumbs the kill switch of the chopper he was lent for the making of the video. Stepping off the bike, he spots Anders Friden bopping away to a tune on his i-pod amidst a crowd of camera crew busily dismantling recording equipment. While standing beside the bike whose radiator already began crick-cracking from cooling, he decides to confront Anders with something that had been on his mind for a while. He walks towards Anders simultaneously dodging the busy camera crew and hollers “Hey Anders…Aaanders….ANDERS!!”
Startled, Anders turns to Bjorn and removes his earphones, “Oh damn! Sorry man, just listening to some tunes. Hey, have you tried those fucking salmon wraps over there?! Holy shit they’re awesome!”
“Ya they were pretty good, look Anders…”
“Christ! Remember when we recorded the video for Only For The Weak!? All we got were some lousy sandwiches and beer. Heck, remember when we recorded the video for Pinball Map! Daniel was sitting on a fucking tree drumming on a branch and I was spinning like a moron on some damn rocks looking like a retarded Jesus. Now look! You’re driving awesome motorcycles and… well… Jesper is getting free tattoos”
“Well, Anders, that’s what I wanted to ask you. Don’t you think this is a little much? I mean, this may be awesome and all, but we’re still a Metal band, and… this feels like we’re on the set of a rap video”.
Anders removes his sun glasses un-shielding his perplexed look, “What do you mean?” he says.
“I mean I feel like we’re maybe straying a little. When we recorded Lunar Strain the idea of touring outside Sweden blew our minds, and now look, we’re in L.A recording videos with gorgeous women and touring the world over and over.”
“Dude, I think you’ve inhaled too much exhaust from that motorcycle you’ve been riding all afternoon. C’mon, let’s go get more of that salmon befo…”
Bjorn interrupts, “ No, no…listen, I’m trying to say that the success is awesome and all… but I miss writing solos, and on Soundtrack we decided to keep it more simple. You laugh about Daniel drumming on a tree, but our last album sounded like he was drumming on a tin can. All I’m saying, Anders, is that we may have put something aside in our music that we shouldn’t have… I kind of miss writing nice solos and, shit, I bet Jesper misses them even more than I do.”
Though listening attentively, Anders scratches a nagging itch between his dreadlocks and stares at his feet, and says, “Ya… I sort of know where you’re getting at.”
“I remember reading reviews about other bands that said 'Oh this acoustic guitar sounds like In Flames' and 'Oh this melody is such an In Flames ripoff', and now I go and read a review for Soundtrack to Your Escape, and some cocksuckers on this website called metalreviews.com have the nerve to compare us to St-Anger. Like what the fuck is that!? I’m not saying we should do another Jester Race or Colony or anything like that… I just think we should remember the old days, the At The Gates we used to rock out to, and the crusty sandwiches we ate on the set for Only For the Weak that made us write good music when we decide to record our next one”.
Anders lifts his head and stares into the distance over Bjorn’s shoulders. “Yeah,” he says, and then looks at him in the eyes, “you have a good point, a very good one in fact. Should we get Peter and tell him about this?”
Bjorn laughs and says “No, I think he’s still lathering the Hummer with the chicks… let him finish first.”