IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Yesterday I listened to the full TJR album while working. First time I've listened in a while. During the first song I started thinking "Man, I love this song." Second song, "Yeah this is perfect." Third song, "Damn this is my favorite." Fourth song, "Oh yeah, this is my favorite." LOL made it to the last track on the normal album and realized THE WHOLE DAMN ALBUM IS MY FAVORITE. Then the extended edition live tracks and Goliaths Disarm their Davids started and I was like "holy shit I love this!!!!"

Yeah, it's irrational to want TJR2. But god damn, TJR is a masterpiece. Been listening to this for like 17 years now? Will never get old. TJR(+EP)+Whoracle+Colony is my holy trinity.
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I know it wasn't healthy for you but Anders your voice on TJR is BEAST!! No later album compares. Total animal.
I never heard of Vintersorg but I'm listening to Till Fjalls now and it's pretty good.
Cosmic Genesis was the next album, better production, still somewhat folky but a little different and also came the crazy English lyrics about space and philosophy... which continued thereafter. Give it a shot.

Mr. V got super progressive as he was pursuing a graduate (PhD) in physics(?). He went all clean vocals for a while (sound familiar? But he can sing). I think lately he brought back the blackened vocals but the ultra clean production has kept me from giving them a good listen. I'll probably revisit now.

He was one of the "big 3" of Borknagar. Garm (Ulver, Arcturus), ICS Vortex (Dimmu Borgir, Arcturus), Mr. V. I think some of the other members are intermixed with those progressive black bands as well.
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Well, Anders fills that role just fine...

So when are we going to hear Jespers new stuff?