Okay, first of all some of the lyrics eochaid just copy pasted (in seperate replies nonetheless, must've been very important) are more than passable. He wrote Here Until Forever to his son, so I don't even get why are we even bitching about that. As for the Like Sand lyrics, two "haha 40-50 years old bitching in their lyrics haha poor rockstarts haha" people have hanged themselves in the past 2 months, so maybe give a pass on that, shall we? Just because you hate his guts and he is rich, he is still allowed to feel shitty.
Now, can't say what was more shocking to read: pixel emoji avatar dude putting actual effort into his posts (thus a valiant effort into resurrecting this thread) or him not hating on SC that much. Either way, SC is at worst a bland record, I have never seen much to hate about it anyway. It is a rather safe record, unlike with Battles for example which was quite risky. I am unsure how can one love "aaaaand i becooooomeeeee the skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" yet hate on Delight and Angers, but I need these things to keep me up at nights. And yes, Through Oblivion, which probably got the harshest reactions from any IF song ever, is pretty fucking good.
The Lunar Strain obsession is still laughable. Not the fact that people like it, but that such music is considered almost a masterpiece. I just love the fact that even the band admitted it sucked balls, but rose-colored glasses just make everything better. If SC is all over the place, then LS can barely keep itself together - the only difference is that you like LS's random parts while hate SC's. Whih is, again, fine, but sometimes I get the feeling that you think LS is the way it is, because these youngsters had some great vision in their mind, when in reality, they were literally just jamming and putting every random and weird ideas they had into the songs, because "why not". They had half a dozen projects anyway, they never imagined IF ever being big, it was just one of the many. The Day I Buried from CO is miles better than anything off LS, hell, it's an actual, thought, out song, not random growling and drumming to a good riff, yet we don't talk about that band anymore.
It's not even that I would like you guys to appreciate the new flames style more. Heck, I don't even want to compare it to TJR and I think it is miles better, like TJR is an actual, interesting record, like it or not. LS is just this randomness. But even fucking Subterranean is doper than that! It is soooooooo beyond me why Behind Space was IF's go-to vintage song on live shows, instead of Stand Ablaze. Considering the popularity of every IF songs among fans (new and old ones as well), BS is my least favorite. I just can't comprehend how that song became a "hit". Put it on any In Flames record - excluding Come Clarity - and that song makes no sense. Yeah, the ending medley is 10/10, but I mean...
Also, you've been bitching about IF abandoning older fans by not playing any stuff pre-Clayman, now they had Moonshield for a staple for example and playing other older stuff and now you just don't care.