IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Well, I don't particularly like the lyrics on Battles, but there's nothing overly ridiculous in there either. Drained is probably the worst with this bullshit:

It's like something out of a 13 year old girl's revenge letter to an ex boyfriend.

That aside there isn't really anything on ASOP level imo.

I can't wait to hear your voice again.
I am far from lonely,
But without you I'm a mess.
I close my eyes and drift away,
I'm wondering what you're doing now...

When I look at you
I see me.
We will always be part of history.

When I look at you
I see me!
Here until forever I will always be...

Mind and soul we are the same.
A hand on your heart,
You know I'm there.
You are my lighthouse in the dark,
I can see you from a thousand miles.

I hope you feel that nothing dies,
I am alive in all you touch
Somebody save me
Somebody save me
I've been trying so hard
But I can't see that far
So save me
Just cause the hurt doesn't show...
Threes no way to recover!
You broke my heart in two!

I had a dream of growing old...
I saw us driving to the end of the road...

We had this world of make believe
I thought I saw the fire in your eyes

You ripped the heart out of my will to survive,
You killed the part of me that kept us alive!
I believe
That the whole wide world is against me.
I believe
That the whole wide world
Is afraid of me.

How did I end up here?
Half alive
And so full of tears fears...
If I'm honest I think you'll see,
I'm scared to shit, what's coming for me.
We are, we are, we are
We are, we are, we are


The lyrics of this album are painful (to educated ears, that is :rofl:)
Man, try living a life as hard as Anders before mocking his lyrics. Dude has been through torment we could never understand, and even after nearly 20 years of trying to tell everyone he's still making sure we know how tough it is to be Anders Friden with his shattered heart and broken plans and being locked in his room.
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I think I overreacted on this one.

Nope. That album is all over the place. Production and mixing are bad, pretty much every verse is absolute shit, no decent solos, nothing musically exciting, vocals are atrocious, songwriting uninspired and sometimes just plain bad... There are a few good choruses, few ideas unorthodox for IF album and a few cool but very short riffs/melodies/breaks/whatever.

I can't decide what do I dislike more, sweet pathetic attempts at mainstream audience or equally pathetic and boring attempts at sounding "heavy".

Battles at least have some redeeming qualities. ASOP was great compared to this. SOAPF and CC - stuff of legends.

And while the fanboy crowd was droning "Oh, shut up, it's all good. N'flamez we trust!" for the past decade and half... IF has devolved from one of the more influential and popular bands in (extreme) metal to irrelevant joke.
Nope. That album is all over the place. Production and mixing are bad, pretty much every verse is absolute shit, no decent solos, nothing musically exciting, vocals are atrocious, songwriting uninspired and sometimes just plain bad... There are a few good choruses, few ideas unorthodox for IF album and a few cool but very short riffs/melodies/breaks/whatever.

I can't decide what do I dislike more, sweet pathetic attempts at mainstream audience or equally pathetic and boring attempts at sounding "heavy".

Battles at least have some redeeming qualities. ASOP was great compared to this. SOAPF and CC - stuff of legends.

And while the fanboy crowd was droning "Oh, shut up, it's all good. N'flamez we trust!" for the past decade and half... IF has devolved from one of the more influential and popular bands in (extreme) metal to irrelevant joke.

SC is definitely still my least favourite In Flames album, but it's not as horrific as I remembered. It's somewhat competent at a basic level. It's a 5/10 rather than a 1/10. If it came on in the background I wouldn't put my foot through the speaker, anyway.

It's funny though, whenever In Flames try to sound "heavy" now it just comes off as shit. I actually prefer when they do ballads like Through Oblivion or WEWO, because they sound authentic. The band's heavy songs now just sound fake, like they're being forced to include a heavy song to keep their rep up. Which is also hilarious as they have a reputation as a joke in the metal community anyway now. Nobody expects In Flames to write heavy songs, and if we're being honest even in their best years they weren't especially heavy. I mean there were some killer tracks on TJR/Whoracle but I don't think you'd ever call In Flames "brutal" in any period of their career, so why they think they need to write shit like Everything's Gone is beyond me. Nobody, including Anders/Bjorn imo, wants to hear it. So just don't.

All of this aside, it's still hard to fathom how SC ended up with such shitty production and mixing. I mean, it's genuinely atrocious. An amateur band wouldn't accept some of that mixing, let alone a band with In Flames' history. I remember when the physical CD's came out they were fucked up too, with volume issues. SC really was the definition of half-assed, from the songwriting process all the way to the production, mixing and distribution.
Okay, first of all some of the lyrics eochaid just copy pasted (in seperate replies nonetheless, must've been very important) are more than passable. He wrote Here Until Forever to his son, so I don't even get why are we even bitching about that. As for the Like Sand lyrics, two "haha 40-50 years old bitching in their lyrics haha poor rockstarts haha" people have hanged themselves in the past 2 months, so maybe give a pass on that, shall we? Just because you hate his guts and he is rich, he is still allowed to feel shitty.

Now, can't say what was more shocking to read: pixel emoji avatar dude putting actual effort into his posts (thus a valiant effort into resurrecting this thread) or him not hating on SC that much. Either way, SC is at worst a bland record, I have never seen much to hate about it anyway. It is a rather safe record, unlike with Battles for example which was quite risky. I am unsure how can one love "aaaaand i becooooomeeeee the skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" yet hate on Delight and Angers, but I need these things to keep me up at nights. And yes, Through Oblivion, which probably got the harshest reactions from any IF song ever, is pretty fucking good.

The Lunar Strain obsession is still laughable. Not the fact that people like it, but that such music is considered almost a masterpiece. I just love the fact that even the band admitted it sucked balls, but rose-colored glasses just make everything better. If SC is all over the place, then LS can barely keep itself together - the only difference is that you like LS's random parts while hate SC's. Whih is, again, fine, but sometimes I get the feeling that you think LS is the way it is, because these youngsters had some great vision in their mind, when in reality, they were literally just jamming and putting every random and weird ideas they had into the songs, because "why not". They had half a dozen projects anyway, they never imagined IF ever being big, it was just one of the many. The Day I Buried from CO is miles better than anything off LS, hell, it's an actual, thought, out song, not random growling and drumming to a good riff, yet we don't talk about that band anymore.

It's not even that I would like you guys to appreciate the new flames style more. Heck, I don't even want to compare it to TJR and I think it is miles better, like TJR is an actual, interesting record, like it or not. LS is just this randomness. But even fucking Subterranean is doper than that! It is soooooooo beyond me why Behind Space was IF's go-to vintage song on live shows, instead of Stand Ablaze. Considering the popularity of every IF songs among fans (new and old ones as well), BS is my least favorite. I just can't comprehend how that song became a "hit". Put it on any In Flames record - excluding Come Clarity - and that song makes no sense. Yeah, the ending medley is 10/10, but I mean...

Also, you've been bitching about IF abandoning older fans by not playing any stuff pre-Clayman, now they had Moonshield for a staple for example and playing other older stuff and now you just don't care. :D
The Lunar Strain obsession is still laughable. Not the fact that people like it, but that such music is considered almost a masterpiece. I just love the fact that even the band admitted it sucked balls, but rose-colored glasses just make everything better. If SC is all over the place, then LS can barely keep itself together - the only difference is that you like LS's random parts while hate SC's. Whih is, again, fine, but sometimes I get the feeling that you think LS is the way it is, because these youngsters had some great vision in their mind, when in reality, they were literally just jamming and putting every random and weird ideas they had into the songs, because "why not".

What a strange opinion. I don't think there are many people that consider Lunar Strain a masterpiece, but even so the only band member I remember saying LS sucks was Jesper. Now, considering the amount of time you spend trashing everything Jesper says, it would be somewhat ironic and dare I say hypocritical for you to suddenly be using his opinion to back up your dubious points. Honestly though, even if other band members had called LS shit, who cares? These are the same people who tell us ASOP and SC are their best records, and the reason they don't play older songs on the setlist is because crowds "don't move", so at this point their opinions are about as worthwhile as the shit skid on the inside of a toilet bowl.

To be honest though, your whole critique of LS is bizarre. I mean, it's a pretty consistent early MDM release. The difference between the "random" stuff in LS and the "random" stuff in SC (neither are random for the record) is that in SC everything is planned to try and crack the alt rock market (failed), whereas LS was just a genuine attempt at creativity. Hit and miss, but it was genuine and authentic, not commercially crafted soft rock. As far as I can tell, you just don't like LS because you don't like MDM.

I don't even want to compare it to TJR and I think it is miles better, like TJR is an actual, interesting record, like it or not.

Considering you've called TJR "boring" I find this statement pretty confusing. You've written so many words on here that it's inevitable you'll eventually start contradicting yourself, but come on bro, stay solid.

It is soooooooo beyond me why Behind Space was IF's go-to vintage song on live shows, instead of Stand Ablaze. Considering the popularity of every IF songs among fans (new and old ones as well), BS is my least favorite. I just can't comprehend how that song became a "hit". Put it on any In Flames record - excluding Come Clarity - and that song makes no sense. Yeah, the ending medley is 10/10, but I mean...

Your argument here basically boils down to "I don't like Behind Space so they shouldn't play it" - funny because this kind of attitude is what you criticise everything else for. Contradictions and now hypocrisy, what's happened to you Slave?

To answer your questions, Behind Space was rerecorded on Colony so that would be why they play it ahead of Stand Ablaze. Not to mention Stand Ablaze's lyrics are about burning yourself to death, and in terms of crowd reaction people really dig Behind Space. Watch a live video of BS being played and it shouldn't be "beyond you" to understand why it's played live. On the other hand, you do think crowds at metal concerts need 8 minute rest periods with shitty ballads like TCP, so maybe you won't understand.

Also, you've been bitching about IF abandoning older fans by not playing any stuff pre-Clayman, now they had Moonshield for a staple for example and playing other older stuff and now you just don't care. :D

This is their latest setlist...

1. Wallflower
2. Alias
3. Before I Fall
4. Leeches
5. All For Me
6. Where the Dead Ships Dwell
7. Moonshield
8. The Jester's Dance
9. Only For the Weak
10. Cloud Connected
11. Deliver Us
12. Here Until Forever
13. The Truth
14. Paralyzed
15. The End
16. Take this Life

Wow man, two whole songs from pre-Clayman, one of which is a short instrumental. Amazing, we've obviously all been wrong about them.

What a shitty setlist though. Wallflower (don't mind the song on record but don't want to see it live), Alias, All For Me, Here Until Forever, The Truth... painful. Thank fuck I don't go to their shows any more.
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That is some childish argument.

First of all, TJR being miles better than LS suddenly equals with me being a fan of TJR? No, and you know it, so you are just jerking around for the sake of jerking around. Also, I've come around with Colony, TJR, Clayman and SOAPF, meaning my opinion about them differ from my early statements. I still feel that something is off in Clayman, I still hate how SOAPF is more rock than metal and there are still boring parts on TJR, but I like them way more than I used to.

Yes, I basically said I don't like BS and I think SA is much better. It's almost like it's my opinion or something! I see what you are trying to do, but I have no agenda here with that statement.

That's a festival setlist, so consider that. Ther In Our Room tour seemed pretty fun imo. They also busted out some nice songs for the final club tour with Daniel.

Back to LS: yeah, I appreciate the genuinity, but that's hardly enough for a music release.

As for Jesper, he is still an ill, alcoholic, walking misery and I wouldn't trust him with anything, but he was still the heart of early IF, so if HE says he thinks - understandably - a basically demo record is pretty shitty, than yes, I would consider it as a good point against LS. Also, you know the story how the majority of that record was rushed in a hurry because they lied about the number of songs they have to the label. It's almost like poetry. We are licking some dudes' asses dry, because this poem is so fucking rad, but you can bet some of those great poems were just the equivalent of B-side jamming on a music release. You see what you want to see in LS, even though it is half-assed and even though it was only the skeleton for TJR, which actually defined what In Flames was.

And before you start bitching, yes, everyone can like LS, but seems a bit pretentious and artsy to me, when people name such a record among their favorites. Like, ask me what are my favorite Picasso paintings and I'm gonna say that all of his work that went unnoticed, and then I can be the cool guy too! :D
That is some childish argument.

First of all, TJR being miles better than LS suddenly equals with me being a fan of TJR? No, and you know it, so you are just jerking around for the sake of jerking around.

Nope, you're actually making up something here so that you can basically argue with yourself. I never called you "a fan" of TJR, I rightly pointed out that you've suddenly changed from calling it "boring" to "interesting", which is a total 180. It's great that you're finally changing your musical opinions for the better, but when you've been as mouthy as you have such changes of opinion will be noticed.

Yes, I basically said I don't like BS and I think SA is much better. It's almost like it's my opinion or something! I see what you are trying to do, but I have no agenda here with that statement.

Well, no. To quote you directly you said "It is soooooooo beyond me why Behind Space was IF's go-to vintage song on live shows. I just can't comprehend how that song became a "hit"." - and this is amusing to me because you're getting to the root of a lot of your problems with this confusion. Namely that you can't comprehend others opinions. It's that which is beyond you, not Behind Space being more popular than Stand Ablaze. Both are great songs regardless.

That's a festival setlist, so consider that.

I'm confident it's not going to be much different when they tour.

I appreciate the genuinity, but that's hardly enough for a music release.

Do you see what gets released as "music"? Somebody could shit into a microphone for 90 minutes and if they knew the right people it could be released as an album. Hell, if Anders did that you, Ciko and Krofius would probably buy it and say "10/10, amazing, great atmosphere, perfect mood" and so on. LS is competent melodic death metal, it just has poor production. Sucks that you don't like it, but plenty of others do.

As for Jesper, he is still an ill, alcoholic, walking misery and I wouldn't trust him with anything, but he was still the heart of early IF, so if HE says he thinks - understandably - a basically demo record is pretty shitty, than yes, I would consider it as a good point against LS.

So basically if Jesper says something you agree with it's cool, but if he says something you disagree with he's an alcoholic POS who can't be trusted. Gotcha.

everyone can like LS, but seems a bit pretentious and artsy to me, when people name such a record among their favorites. Like, ask me what are my favorite Picasso paintings and I'm gonna say that all of his work that went unnoticed, and then I can be the cool guy too! :D

Again this is just a failure to accept or understand opinions beyond your own. LS isn't up there in terms of my favourite In Flames albums, but for me it's well above Siren Charms, ASOP, Battles and STYE. LS has a couple of clunkers like Everlost Part 1 and Dreamscape, but the rest is solid. Even if it was rushed or poorly produced, it's still a million times better than the soulless shit the band puts out these days.
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Okay, first of all some of the lyrics eochaid just copy pasted (in seperate replies nonetheless, must've been very important) are more than passable. He wrote Here Until Forever to his son, so I don't even get why are we even bitching about that.
The fact that he wrote it to his song don't make the lyrics good.
One thing I do agree with Slave on is that Stand Ablaze should have been played more often live. It sounds great in the few live recordings available from that era, even though Anders changes a lot of the original lyrics.

I actually think Stand Ablaze should have been rerecorded instead of Clad in Shadows on Colony. CiS is a cool song, but Stand Ablaze is a cut above it imo and it would have given both Lunar and Sub some coverage as rerecordings.

I'm guessing the reason the band shied away from it then, and still do, is because the original lyrics are about purposefully setting oneself on fire and burning to death. I don't think the band wants to associate with that kind of message and I understand that. Anders probably thought if he officially rewrote the lyrics on a rerecording there would be some kind of backlash from the elitist assholes, so better to just leave it be and pick a different song.
Yeah, I remember Anders changing "seeking sanctuary from this world, contrary" into "sinking to grave from this world, you scare me" (at least in some of the live versions). Maybe he was intentionally trying to make the song more positive?

Anders could rewrite the text now that most of the elitist assholes have stopped following the band. :)
My problem with Jesper is that he is a coward. He says things then he backs out like a bitch. For sure I called him a phoney, when he poses with SC with a thumbs up, then vomits out his hatred on Anders and SC. By the same logic, I could accuse you of only sucking his dick when you want to trash new flames, but casually ignore that he personally dislikes LS.

Not sure why you get so hung up on me hating and not understanding Behind Space. I am sure you looked at certain setlists and scratched your head, asking yourself "why play this and why so much?" I never told you to stop asking those questions, I just gave you an answer, like I think TCP is good and serves many purposes on the setlist.

But I don't think BS is good, and I think Stand Ablaze is not only strictly better, but hits closer to what IF eventually became (TJR-Clayman era, not R2R+). And my main disappointment is with SA not getting the recognition it should've gotten - yes, I believe it could've been the O.G. Cloud Connected -, and not with it not substituting BS.

And for the love of god, don't bring up some of the recent setlists, I am aware that they could've been much better. But you know, back then IF was good or something.

@eochaid It's not good. And it's not bad. Simple as that.

As for Jesper... great, he's fine now. Can't wait for his projects to be finally released. Soon. Right? Oh, wait...

Anyway, I wish the best for the dude, I don't want to hear about him hanging by his belt as well.
My problem with Jesper is that he is a coward. He says things then he backs out like a bitch. For sure I called him a phoney, when he poses with SC with a thumbs up, then vomits out his hatred on Anders and SC. By the same logic, I could accuse you of only sucking his dick when you want to trash new flames, but casually ignore that he personally dislikes LS.

You talked about him being an alcoholic and now changed subjects. I agree, he looks like a coward when he deletes criticism and then praises their new works when everybody knows, or think to know, what are his real thoughts.

So, since he is fighting his alcoholism, let's say that your previous statement was wrong and your last is more accurate.