IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

What if passenger was just a collective dream that we all had, something that never happened?

Or maybe, one day history will tell us that Anders expelled the other members of if, made an album called passenger, forgot to put the if logo on it, and then reunited the band since the album was a failure?
I think Passenger was more like a virus which slowly infected In Flames until everything that wouldn't assimilate to the nu/alt-metal culture was gone. Engelin started Passenger in 1995 (calling it "Cliff") then did sessions with In Flames during Whoracle in 1997 and that's when the Passenger virus first infected Anders. 6 years later the carriers of the Passenger virus release an album, and the members of In Flames also become infected and release Passenger Part 2, otherwise known as STYE.

Passenger virus then goes dormant for a while and Jesper manages to escape it by blasting his DNA with alcohol. Peter and Daniel also defeat it through unknown means and leave the band when they realise Anders and Bjorn are too infected to save, especially with the original carrier Engelin now in the band. They tried their best but it was a hopeless cause and they couldn't risk becoming infected again.

2019 is when the Passenger Apocalypse occurs. Assuming Trump hasn't already nuked everything by then.
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I was listening to the Passenger album last night. It struck me that if it was released today under the In Flames banner people would probably hail it as some kind of masterpiece. Krofius would be like "DEM GROWLZ DOE" and Slave would be demanding that Circles opened shows.

Funny thing is I thought at the time and still think that the Passenger album was good, and I wish Anders had taken his nu metal/alt metal tendencies there and left In Flames as melodic metal. But dat money, I guess.
Nah I don't like Passenger at all. Think I skimmed through it many years back and don't remember loving any songs. In Reverse is decent. It's nothing close to In Flames soundwise, I don't get the STYE comparison at all, apart from it being the same vocalist. Instrumentally, not close at all.
Agreed, I don't see any connections between both albums. Even Anders vocal melodies are quite different.
Other than both albums being alt metal, having chugging guitars, no solos, singalong choruses and lyrics about how life is hard for Anders, I agree, no similarities.
Thankfully I've never listened to that garbage. But hell, even the reviews of Passenger say it sounds like 'modern In Flames', so I know I'm not the only one who hears it.

However, this album is not very dissimilar to “Reroute to Remain." If you didn’t like that album, you probably won’t like this either.

he album already seems to mirror the latest In Flames effort. However, what is different are the very nu-metal styled riffs. However their simplicity is superficial. Unlike nu-metal, there are solid guitarists on the track.

^ sounds like a fairly similar description of the STYE guitars, no?

As stated earlier, fans of the latter In Flames albums will enjoy Passenger.

Passenger is not just a watered-down In Flames or Gardenian. Instead, Passenger dabbles in electronics while containing elements of rock, metal, and pop, as well as traces of Gothenburg, death, and thrash

^ again, that description could sum up STYE pretty well too.

Fans of early In Flames up to around the Colony or Clayman days will likely be disappointed; however, one who enjoys In Flames most from around Re-Route to Remain to their most recent effort Come Clarity will find this album to be spectacular.

every other electronic medium is, for the most part, disappointing. One other fault on the album is in the mixing and production on parts of the album, which gives the album a sense of choppiness as you listen through. On a number of instances, such as on the closer "Eyes of My Mind" or "Circus", Anders' dubbed vocals are strenuous and distracting, especially when the strings are pushed lower in the mix than they should, or Anders is pushed too high. Sometimes, the dubbed vocals, like in "I Die Slowly", are fantastic, but other times they sound extraneous.

^ A combination of complaints leveled at both R2R and STYE as well.

Anders' juxtaposition of clean singing and shouting and screaming is reminiscent of latter In Flames material

to fans of In Flames's most recent material, as well as casual fans of the rock and metal genres, Passenger is suggested listening.

Now granted, STYE is a little harder than Passenger overall, but to say there is absolutely no parallels between the two albums is total nonsense. Passenger is almost a bridge between R2R and STYE, incorporating elements of both and limiting the screaming in favour of cleans, something Anders wouldn't do fully until ASOP.

You could easily put I Die Slowly, Just the Same or In Reverse on Reroute. Similarly Circles, Used and In My Head could fit on STYE in place of stuff like Evil in a Closet, Discover Me Like Emptiness, Bottled or Like You Better Dead and not feel hugely out of place.
Oh, and for the record, I prefer the Passenger album to STYE. I Die Slowly, In Reverse, Just the Same and Circles are better than pretty much anything off Soundtrack for me, except possibly The Quiet Place.

Some of the reviews on Amazon are not kind though :D looks like some people bought the Passenger album thinking it was by the UK band Passenger. Oops.

Not even sure this is the Passenger that I had thought it was when I ordered - it sure doesn't sound like it. But not the seller's fault, I probably didn't realize there was more than one Passenger or they have totally changed their style. But the disc works fine and other than the inside disc holder was loose in the packaging (but this was a used CD, didn't expect more) - all was well. Not sure if I'll even keep this one but might give it a listen and expand my horizons. Feel kind of stupid though that I didn't know more about this band before I ordered yet another CD.

Because its not thr same band that I know as, "Passenger". There are two of them. Dont make the same mistake.

Thought I was buying a CD written and sung by Passanger the artist!!! The Cover of CD was very missleading

I thought I knew what I was ordering but once I listened to the whole album I found it was not my taste.

Don't make the same mistake I did. This is not "Passenger" from across the pond. Not to fond of hard rock.

I bought this expecting to receive a Passenger CD. The Passenger from Britain, not some horrific, screaming, ranting, crap that came out of my CD speakers when I put this in. I must be more careful about choosing a CD with groups of the same name. Now I'm stuck with this horror. Well, my nephew or a co-worker might like it.

Totally disappointed ,it was so expensive,and not mike Rosenberg,aka passenger, but a terrible Swedish band.
A waste of money, should be clearly noted

This is a very heavy metal thrash band and not the "Passenger" that is up and coming in the UK.
Please do not buy this thinking it is Mike Rosenberg...This most definitely isn't him!
What a waste of money....
If you want heavy metal though...Dragonforce are a band to opt for ...they are ace :)

I bought it as a singer who played accoustic guitar it was heavy metal and not the person that it was supposed to be its of no use to any of us

I bought Psssenger's 2nd Album and thought it was superb.
Great tunes, lyrics and Indie feel.
So after a long wait I bought this one.
On playing I had to look at the Album Notes to confirm that it was indeed the same Passenger as I thought I had bought and CD buy some other band with the same name.
All tracks appear to be almost Thrash Metal, albeit with lyrics you could make out.
I tried about four or five times but I cannot listen to it.
It appears they perhaps tried to sound like their favourite band on the first album and then on the 2nd decided to sound like themselves.
It will be interesting if there is a 3rd album, perhaps Country or Rap.

^ this idiot still hasn't worked out it's not the same Passenger :D

Anders, you master troll. Dem royalty checks doe.
Passenger vocal melodies are pop oriented. Stye sounds more like modern metal. And those reviews were comparing passenger with r2r, I think.

Also the style of the guitars can have some similarities, like no solos, etc, but that was a constant on metal albums during those days. (I'm talking about new metal and the influence that it had in bands like if)
I'm still laughing at people buying this and expecting an indie rock band :D instead here's Anders and Niclas with their weird nu metal side project. Enjoy.
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Actually, the more I listen to this, the more it reminds me of a combination of SC/Battles. I can't imagine that's a coincidence.
I'm still laughing at people buying this and expecting an indie rock band :D instead here's Anders and Niclas with their weird nu metal side project. Enjoy.
Well, Anders vocals have a lot of pop influences in the passenger album, sometimes recognizable influences. Sometimes not. But his vocals are definitely based on pop melodies. This (pop influence) was also confirmed by Anders when they released the album.

If you're talking about if, then it is definitely indie rock.
I like how that one guy suggested DragonForce. Lol. I'm just messing around, DE, obviously there are some similarities. I don't hear too many, but there are some. And I like the Swedish Passenger album, a lot more than SC and Battles.
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Well, Anders vocals have a lot of pop influences in the passenger album, sometimes recognizable influences. Sometimes not. But his vocals are definitely based on pop melodies. This (pop influence) was also confirmed by Anders when they released the album.

If you're talking about if, then it is definitely indie rock.

Nah, I mean there's a British band/artist actually called Passenger:

Imagine expecting to get an album made by this guy, and instead getting Anders :D no wonder all of those Amazon reviews are like WTF.

I like how that one guy suggested DragonForce. Lol. I'm just messing around, DE, obviously there are some similarities. I don't hear too many, but there are some. And I like the Swedish Passenger album, a lot more than SC and Battles.

Passenger is better than SC or Battles for me too, but you can definitely hear the Anders/Engelin core dynamic at work in all three albums.


You're not being fair. IF has a number of songs with competent singers. Whoracle, Dead End, WTWE...