IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Looks like Niclas has joined Björn and Anders in studio now as well. I wonder if he's actually written anything or if it's like on Siren Charms him just recording, possibly adding some touches here and there. Peter doesn't seem to be there (yet?) though, which is weird considering IF always records bass and drums before everything else.
Looks like Peter is flying over tomorrow or something according to his twitter. And I do think they have a replacement drummer already, probably being a session/touring drummer for the moment though. Still don't know if they are just demoing/writing stuff or if they are actually recording stuff though. Considering they are in USA I assume recording is starting soon at least, unless they just rented a place to demo songs.
I tought their recording process goes like drums-guitar-bass-more guitars- vocals.
Anyway happy to see they're recording. Hoping for something great actually. After IF lost Jesper, their new album sounded awesome (SOAPF). And I think this one will be better than SC although I like the album.
After IF lost Jesper, their new album sounded awesome (SOAPF). And I think this one will be better than SC although I like the album.

If it's on the level of Sounds of a Playground then I'll be extremely happy.

I've started really digging "Darker Times" from Sounds. They played it on that awesome late '15 Euro setlist. Reminds me a lot of a drifter/minus/black and white type track. Just fast paced riffing.

Hell, every song on Sounds just feels more say, complete, than something off of Siren.
Jesper has left the Resistance.

- Our guitarist and founding member Jesper Strömblad has left the band.

It's been a long time coming with a lots of ups and downs regarding Jesper and his struggle with depression. We all thought we could ride out this storm but sometimes all things has to come to an end. We part ways on friendly terms and don't want any bad blood run under the bridge. We’ve written and re-written this countless times and there’s just not a good way to put it… Jesper is no longer going to be in the band with us. To be honest, this has been really painful. After taking time to consider how to move forward, we ultimately found that we really do believe The Resistance can and should continue on. And so we will.

We’re really thankful for the people who have helped see us through hard times before and what we’ve discovered is that those people are just as much a part of this as we will ever be. We’re hopeful for The Resistance’s future and we’re also excited for what Jesper’s going to do next. Thank you all for your support and your belief in us. It’s kept us going. We will see some of you really soon we hope. Until then spread the good old violent fun!
Jesper has left the Resistance.

- Our guitarist and founding member Jesper Strömblad has left the band.

It's been a long time coming with a lots of ups and downs regarding Jesper and his struggle with depression. We all thought we could ride out this storm but sometimes all things has to come to an end. We part ways on friendly terms and don't want any bad blood run under the bridge. We’ve written and re-written this countless times and there’s just not a good way to put it… Jesper is no longer going to be in the band with us. To be honest, this has been really painful. After taking time to consider how to move forward, we ultimately found that we really do believe The Resistance can and should continue on. And so we will.

We’re really thankful for the people who have helped see us through hard times before and what we’ve discovered is that those people are just as much a part of this as we will ever be. We’re hopeful for The Resistance’s future and we’re also excited for what Jesper’s going to do next. Thank you all for your support and your belief in us. It’s kept us going. We will see some of you really soon we hope. Until then spread the good old violent fun!

Well, I saw that one coming actually. Since Glenn wrote that on Facebook that he wrote album by himself I though Jesper quitted but they said he didnt but now he has left the band, anyway.
I wonder what's the problem for Jesper, I think he couldnt recover from his "In Flames" scars. I hope he could get better. Best for Jeppe!
HIs scars are depression, not anything related to In Flames.
Well it was just a guess. Since I dont know him personally,I cant really say anything.
Btw Peter is with the group now. I guess they're really recording the new album.
Anders has been pretty active with posting pics of being in the studio.

We thinking release in the fall or?

I would say fall definitely if they recording now. But I wonder what happened to DVD that supposed to released this year. Maybe they going to release them together?
No way they are releasing them at once, it makes no sense from a marketing viewpoint. It should've been released in December as an easy money grab, but now, I don't see any good dates if their new album is dropping this year. Like, if the new record is coming in the summer, then they should release the DVD around... well, now.

As for their musical direction, I don't think it was ever a question if it was going to be different than SC or not. It's been quite a long time ago they released similar albums one after another. But the fact that they are (presumably) recording it in the USA makes me excited.

I wonder if they will make a summer festival tour. They are bound to finish it the new record by then, but I would be surprised if they released it that soon. Still, they could use one or two new songs for the festival tour, rest a bit, release the new album, then start their regular tour-cycle.
The DVD release has been put on hold due to "politics" as Niclas put it. Probably label disputes.
Doubt they will make the festival tour, I think they would have announced some festivals by now if the were doing it.
Yeah a lot of bands do it when they record in winter, they'll play a few summer fests but IF probably feel they don't have to as such an established band I'm guessing. They've barely ever done anything in the way that most bands do.

And yeah the DVD thing... I feel like usually one would be released during the touring period of the album that most of the songs being performed on it are on... Hahaha
No way they are releasing them at once, it makes no sense from a marketing viewpoint. It should've been released in December as an easy money grab, but now, I don't see any good dates if their new album is dropping this year. Like, if the new record is coming in the summer, then they should release the DVD around... well, now.

Agreed. They can still release the DVD by summer and the new album by the end of the year. But still there's a few time between both releases. Now, there is a chance that they hired a studio to start demoing before entering the recording sesions.