IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Spinning SOAPF a shitload lately.
I really think it's insanely close, if not better at times, than Come Clarity for best post-clayman album.

A lot of blairing leads in the guitars, with stomping rhythm guitars, amazing layering and composition in the instrumentation. I actually liked Anders' vocal performance on this album a lot. The production is flawless and brings everything out and makes each song sound fucking massive.

It's an album you never knew you wanted until you hear it. It's the type of instance where In Flames tries something new and it's extremely tasteful, disregarding the tiresome cliche of asking where the old IF is 5 albums past the time you should of realized old IF are never coming back.
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I've said it many times, SOAPF is an awesome album. Full of energy and with really solid production. There's nothing massively creative or special about the album, it just does what it does very well. For me it's light years ahead of ASOP (mainly due to production and vocals) and it's a travesty that Siren Charms and Battles came out after this. The band should have either retired after SOAPF or stuck to touring for a while and stopped churning out albums every two years. It's not like they don't have enough fucking songs to use in a live set.
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Indeed, a travesty. On SOAPF they almost invented a new genre. A new band could define themselves and spend 3 albums on that sound. But they dropped it. Even if I don’t listen to SOAPF that often I respect it and can recognize the attention they paid to its creation.
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They clearly had a point to prove on SOAPF, to Jesper and to everybody who was saying the band was dead because he'd gone. Once that was done and they'd received the plaudits, however, that was mission accomplished and who knows what they were thinking when they decided the direction for Siren Charms. I can only imagine it started with "let's imagine we aren't In Flames..."
I think it was definitely from Jesper leaving that made the album have so much focus to pick up from such a torch.
They explicitly stated how hard they worked on the album and it shows really well.

I think the album is a great blend of an Alt Metal sound with a mindset of older IF composition in hand. A lot of the songs elevate like a lot of older albums did. It's probably why it's so close to be one of my favorite IF albums.

I honestly think anyone who can't at least appreciate what the album does, is missing the point entirely and is too busy thinking of "Where mah old IF at". Again, it's a different direction the band takes while being extremely tasteful.

All I can say is that there's a lot of orgasmic epic guitar melody layering on some of the songs. I even think Deliver Us is a great song.
SOAPF is the first IF album that I listened, so its very special for me. Although I don't agree with most of the opinions that ASOP was bad, I think SOAPF is one of the best albums that they made.

I even think Deliver Us is a great song.

I love Deliver Us, amazing song. Actually I can say that it's my favorite from all of the IF catalogue. There are too many goods songs from the first album to the last but Deliver Us stands out for me. Main riff is awesome with synths it sounds haunting and beautiful.
The title track of SOAPF is one of my favourite In Flames songs, period. The chorus lyrics are some of the best Anders has written since Clayman. Where the Dead Ships Dwell and Ropes are probably the next closest, but honestly I really like the entire album as a whole. The only exception is All For Me - don't like that one at all.
The title track of SOAPF is one of my favourite In Flames songs, period. The chorus lyrics are some of the best Anders has written since Clayman. Where the Dead Ships Dwell and Ropes are probably the next closest, but honestly I really like the entire album as a whole. The only exception is All For Me - don't like that one at all.

What about Like Sand? Better version of All For Me. :D
I’m an old school fan but Dead Ships, Ropes, and Fear is the Weakness are among my favorite IF songs ever. And maybe the IF songs I want to listen to most. I mean I love old IF but at this point the music has become a part of me, I don’t need to listen to it that often. But Dead Ships, Fear, and Ropes, can’t get enough of that stuff.

New Dawn is awesome too but almost too epic for casual listening.
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What about Like Sand? Better version of All For Me. :D

I know people have linked Like Sand and All For Me but I don't really see it. I get Bottled vibes from AFM, which is an instant :puke:

I’m an old school fan but Dead Ships, Ropes, and Fear is the Weakness are among my favorite IF songs ever. And maybe the IF songs I want to listen to most. I mean I love old IF but at this point the music has become a part of me, I don’t need to listen to it that often. But Dead Ships, Fear, and Ropes, can’t get enough of that stuff.

New Dawn is awesome too but almost too epic for casual listening.

Fear is the Weakness and New Dawn were probably my two favourites when SOAPF was initially released, but over time I found others had better replay value. They're still good songs though. Siren Charms is such a 180 compared to this album.
Lol how the fuck can you compare All For Me to Bottled?

It's one of my favorite tracks on the album. The intro is a nice clean passage, and then it kicks into a ghostly sounding part and the drums keep building up more and more, which leads into a riff that keeps swaying back and forth before throwing you into the verses.

I like the lyrics on the track as well, it's one of the most urgent sounding tracks without sounding melodramatic.

Probably one of the more weighted sounding songs on the album.
Also, when I first heard the intro to Ropes I got a huge Dark Tranquillity vibe off of it for some reason.
It's mainly the slow, shitty, chugging riffs on both songs. There are some good parts on All For Me but I find the song as a whole boring as fuck. Easily my least favourite on the album, it isn't even close.
It's mainly the slow, shitty, chugging riffs on both songs. There are some good parts on All For Me but I find the song as a whole boring as fuck. Easily my least favourite on the album, it isn't even close.
Does your copy of SOAPF not include Darker Times?
I like Darker Times. Admittedly yeah, it's quite far below the rest of the songs, but it's okay. Anders has some "sick growls" (©️ Krofius) in that one.
Darker Times is the worst song after Liberation on SOAPF. Ropes also weak apart from the intro/outro. Fear is the Weakness, All For Me, Where the Dead Ships Dwell & A New Dawn are some of my favorite IF songs ever.
I like Darker Times. I think it's repetitive but I think it gives it a cold heavy sound, kind of mechanical sounding. The composition and nuance as a whole makes the song works.

I also like how it kicks from double tracking to quad tracking and makes the guitars sound more massive.
I guess it just depends on what you can personally take from the songs on the album.

Ultimately there's no songs on the album I ca
n ultimately dislike. Liberation is probably the most unsettling song, it sounds weird, and doesn't really fit in any context, but it's not dog shit. Ropes starts promising, sounds almost like a classic melodeath song until the intro leaves, and then the song just gets about half as interesting by then.

A New Dawn is one of the best modern IF songs hands down. It captures the epic composition build up that old IF used to have. The string section in the middle is an instant classic, but I think the thing that ultimately really makes it amazing is the fact that it doesn't wimper out in any part, which is something that was a huge problem with ASOP's songs. It has a build up that a song like Alias failed to execute during it's Acoustic bridge, which is anti climactic.
The song basically keeps building up more and more, hits the guitar solo, and then you hear a familiar part to make you think it's just dropping you back into the verses, but instead ends it with this climactic clean guitar run.

All I can say is, I think if anyone has an open mind, I think they can at least respect the work that went into this album if it's not to their taste.