IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

ut tell me a number, and I gather and upload that many songs and link it here. I'll try not to include songs like Wish, Closer or Hurt, which everyone has heard before in some form or another. If you already like a few tracks, then name them and it will be easier to narrow down what you guys might like! Yay!
A random number? 5
It's not so much laziness, it's just that you use 1000 words to say something you could have said with 100. It's more efficient for you to post a tl;dr version for those of us who only have a limited amount of time to browse this place.
For me it's totally about laziness. Lately I'm even slipping kangas with too much text.
:D well, for me it isn't laziness, I just have no patience for unnecessary description. Get to the point.
Nothing I say or do is unnecessary.

And I did not ask for a random number, what the hell man. The number represents the amount of songs you are willing to chew through.
I don't know, just bring some interesting stuff...
Well, there goes the 14 minutes long minimal-techno remix of Me, I'm Not.... But all right, I try to make it like 10 tracks in an order that makes sense. Though my go to advice for anyone who might be interested in NIN but doesn't have a million hours to spare to listen through every single record of theirs, is to just download With Teeth. It's a very accessible alt-rock record, amazing drums done by Dave Grohl, but most importantly, the drum programming is very sexy. It's clean, hits hard, love it - especially on slower tempo tracks, where it's more apparent. It's also more of a collection of songs than a "real" record, so you might hate half of the songs, but like the other half, because they don't really have a common theme going.

Btw they just announced a festival appearance in Madrid, July. Coincidence? Probably.
Here it is:

1. Somewhat Damaged - The Fragile
2. Deep - Tomb Raider OST
3. God Given - Year Zero
4. The Fragile - The Fragile
5. The Line Begins To Blur - With Teeth
6. Ruiner - The Downward Spiral
7. Just Like You Imagined - The Fragile
8. Every Day Is Exactly The Same - With Teeth
9. Last - Broken EP
10. Sunspots - With Teeth
11. Something I Can Never Have - Still EP
This EP is crap. It’s the worst release they have put out... ever.

They took the worst elements of SC (low energy, boring music) and combined it with the worst elements of Battles (pop punk The Offspring sounding vocals, overproduction).

Agree with Slave on the first Depeche song being the best musically. Bjorn had some cool atmospheric sounds. But not enough to save it. Other two songs suck all the way.

The NIN cover is so bad vocally. Singing it live is one thing. But releasing it like this? The guitar parts sounded decent (hard to mess that up) but the vocals were so off key and ruined it.

I listened to Battles and SC and was able to say something positive about them in the end. The only thing I can say on this one is that it seems like Anders’ baritone relaxed voice is getting better — or maybe they are getting better at producing it to make it sound natural. His high pitched singing voice sounds like he is about to bust out the chorus to “Pretty Fly for a White Guy”.

I’ll listen once more on the ride home today and then I’m done. Delete.
I listened to it via streaming, I'm not going to download it. Will just pretend it doesn't exist.
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Yeah, I actually don't get why Hurt is not a studio recording. They should have released the live version of Dawn of a New Day instead as a bonus.

Anyhow, what is your opinion on synthwave? Because I think I just found my new love! Some examples:

Here it is:

1. Somewhat Damaged - The Fragile
2. Deep - Tomb Raider OST
3. God Given - Year Zero
4. The Fragile - The Fragile
5. The Line Begins To Blur - With Teeth
6. Ruiner - The Downward Spiral
7. Just Like You Imagined - The Fragile
8. Every Day Is Exactly The Same - With Teeth
9. Last - Broken EP
10. Sunspots - With Teeth
11. Something I Can Never Have - Still EP
I will listen to it asap. Thanks.
Yeah, I actually don't get why Hurt is not a studio recording. They should have released the live version of Dawn of a New Day instead as a bonus.

Anyhow, what is your opinion on synthwave? Because I think I just found my new love! Some examples:

I prefer things like this

Well since my finals are over today and I have nothing to do but relaxing I did the test. Here's my result, what about yours Slave? And it's still weird to call you Slave btw.

Logistician Personality

67% Introverted
53% Observant
75% Thinking
74% Judging
74% Assertive

Pretty accurate things on that website, I liked it.
Mate, you can call me however you'd like :D But I actually like Slave. Not sure if it's because it has a certain weight to it as you pronounce it, or because I like to be the main antagonist, and "ugh, Slave..." is kinda fitting. In my most notorious years in an MMORPG I named my (female) character Usagi Tsukino, not suspecting that I'm going to be infamous, and people will call me Usagi left and right. Fun fact: since some people thought I was actually a girl, that was the only period of my life when I was constantly called a whore unironically.

I am a Logician (INTP-T)

82% Introverted
65% Intuitive
53% Thinking
78% Prospecting
93% Turbulent

Attempts at connecting with others are often worse than INTPs’ withdrawal. People with the INTP personality type take pride in their knowledge and rationale, and enjoy sharing their ideas, but in trying to explain how they got from A to B to Z, they can get frustrated, sometimes simplifying things to the point of insult as they struggle to gauge their conversation partners’ perspective. The ultimate insult comes as INTPs give up with a dismissive "never mind". - ABSOLUTE NONSENSE!!!

A friend of mine got Logistician (ISTJ) too. Judging from him, it's an extremely difficult personality to keep up with, at least for me.

As for these personalities and for this test, I think they are very accurate too. You obviously can't get obsessed with it, because dismissing everything with "sorry, I'm a [personality type], I don't work like that!" is very stupid and ignorant. I read many INTP's who think that just because this is their personality type, they have to be socially inept. It's quite fucking frustrating, because while it's certainly not easy, it's also very far from being impossible.

Still, you can read so many fascinating things, like how "EXXX" people can drag "IXXX" people along with them. Being around an ENFP for example is just... wow. I really like these concepts and it actually helped me understood a few things. Not in a life-altering way, but when I kept telling a friend of mine for years that I just don't get her; sometimes she snaps at the weirdust things, other times she is extremely laidback, and it turns out her personality type *drumroll* is one that perfectly fits this example (ISFJ), then I can't help but to be in awe. And it was a good read to understand this (to me) phenomenon.

There are other "literature" you can get to know your (or others') personality type more. Like this one for you, ciko:

Even the first paragraph shows a big difference between us. I legit run out of bill deadlines (too). I'm not kidding, I've been charged extra for late payments (talking about weeks here) many times. And it wasn't about the money - I always had it. I just couldn't be arsed to do it. I have my phone bill for 6 days now, but even the thought of walking 3 meters to get my card and put down the info is frustrating to me. Mind you, I've been typing this message for like 20 minutes now, so it's not like I have better things to do.

ANYWAY, if you want, I can send you an even more detailed write-up about personality types (including yours) in a private message. Yes, I'm being mysterious because it might or might not be piracy related.
There are other "literature" you can get to know your (or others') personality type more. Like this one for you, ciko:

I'm actually very surprised that it tells my personality pretty accurate.

"I'm a team player but I work best with some time alone. I like it when everything is laid out and I can just concentrate on doing the job"

This part is so true for me. Even when i study I wanna be alone so I can study better. Sure I can study with my friends but its not good as the other situation.

Even the first paragraph shows a big difference between us. I legit run out of bill deadlines (too). I'm not kidding, I've been charged extra for late payments (talking about weeks here) many times. And it wasn't about the money - I always had it. I just couldn't be arsed to do it. I have my phone bill for 6 days now, but even the thought of walking 3 meters to get my card and put down the info is frustrating to me. Mind you, I've been typing this message for like 20 minutes now, so it's not like I have better things to do.

Well that's a big difference between us, Slave. I always remember my bill deadlines and I get an alarm in my head 1 week before the bill. If I don't pay it by its time (busy for studying or something) it's just bothers me. And I love this part from the website you sent:

"I hate it when I don't know where I am going, and I like feedback so I know I'm on the right track."

This is so true for me. It's not just about the work, it includes me being outside with friends. I just have to know where will we be going, I just can't go out and "hang out". I know it might be boring for you, but absolutely not for me.

ANYWAY, if you want, I can send you an even more detailed write-up about personality types (including yours) in a private message. Yes, I'm being mysterious because it might or might not be piracy related

WOW this last part was mysterious now I'm curious. Hit me mate!

The others seems to dissapeared but happy new years to everyone!