IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

1. Is this really IF? Can't find traces of that band anymore.
2. These covers - not terrible. All the songs are good to begin with. Musical execution is decent if a bit sedated and boring. It's painful listening our pro-tools vocal superstar butchering Depeche Mode and Wicked Game (that one really is down to emotion and singing).
3. Not for one single moment did I like something on this EP better than on original songs.
4. This band is done. Even as I'm writing this lines, my mind is forgetting stuff I was listening just minutes ago. Nothing I would want to hear ever again.
As far as I remember I have been trashing his inability to sing live and the fact that he needs to use pro tools to do it at studio.
You do realise that what you just wrote means the same thing as my message you responded to? I sure hope so.
You do realise that what you just wrote means the same thing as my message you responded to? I sure hope so.
I don't think so. You said

I get it, you can't stand Anders clean vocals, but that has nothing to do with how Cyhra sounds as a band

And this has nothing to do with my answer.

Going further, if I could not stand Anders cleans then I would not like songs with clean singing. Is it true? Let me think about this... Some of my favourite of songs are: trigger, metaphor, the quiet place, touch of red, system, borders and shading, crawl through knives, come clarity, ropes, where the dead ships dwell, reflect the storm... All of them with clean vocals at some point, so, maybe, that's not the case. I also wish, and expressed once on this board that I would be more than happy if he could sing live as good as he does with the help of pro tools, a thing that he cannot. So it seems that i, not standing his cleans, is not the case at all, at least not his studio cleans. But I can and will criticize his inability as a singer and the fakery of using pro tools.
Some chill pill is definitely needed. I know every part of your body is itching to finally say "THIS IS NOT IN FLAMES!!" for the millionth time, but maybe wait for their next studio record, instead of sounding moronic. A cover is what it is: a cover. No one cares if you like it better than the original or not, a cover's never meant to be better than the original. No one covers a song thinking "well, I can do it better!". Some turns out so, but even then it might require some luck. Disturbed's Song of Silence covers an iconic song many people don't even know, or only the part "hello darkness my old friend" from memes and comedies. The cover itself is only decent, but it gave that song another platform to shine on for new audiences so it became big. A really good cover for me is Manson's Sweet Dreams for example - that should have ended up as every other "haha, metal band covers a pop song, so funny XDD" song, but it was actually quite fucking good!

You could argue that a cover should infuse more aspects of the band that is doing the cover, but I don't think it's a necessity. For some songs (No Good), the meeting at halfway is perfect, for others (Down in a Hole), it's definitely needed.

But this is just some melodramatic, cheap opportunity to take a jab at IF, even though no one should give a flying fuck about covers. Also, when was the last time IF released a cover? I believe it was Land of Confusion around R2R. What's next? Someone will make a huge revelation that Battles is nothing like R2R and others will lose their minds? "HOLY SHIT DUDE, YOU ARE REIGHT, WTF IS THIS?". Come the fuck on, you are smarter than this; if you expected anything more from this covers, then find a mirror to solve your problems.

As a closing thought... why can't some people accept reality and move on/fuck off? No, it's not targeted at anyone in particular, and yes, this is similarly an old trope like "lul IF changed". However, I understand, comprehend why bands and people change, but I still don't understand what can you gain from being a whiny bitch for years. My favorite excuse is that they still care about the band deep down, which is more of an admission of guilt, than an actual excuse. The "I care about you/them" does not validate you to shit all over something or someone you CLEARLY don't give a flying fuck about anymore. And no amount of years spent together, concerts attended, albums owned can give anyone the "right" to be a colossal and ignorant jackass.
To make it clear, I'm not talking about not liking SC or Battles, or giving shit for IF in general. That is agree to disagree stuff. But when all you use social media (including this or other discussion boards) to tell people - who are actually still interested in the band - that they are nothing like before, then the problem is in you, because you are barking at the wrong tree: no one disagrees. Write some farewell message if you really want to and bye-bye, but then don't stick around just to spread your misery. I know you feel like some decorated veteran of war, who has the right to be a moron, because "I was there from the start", but that is just some sentimental bullshit; sure, people should give you some respect, but patience eventually runs out if all you can do is whine.

My other favorite excuse is SOAPF. "I thought they are back!!" "It was really good compared to ASOP!" "I hoped they will continue with that sound!" Oh, really? The "biggest In Flames fans on Earth" thought that they will make music like SOAPF in the future, even though IF has been notorious for abandoning the sound of their last records for a decade by then? Give me a break! SOAPF is not even that good (just my opinion, I know), but more importantly, hardly the In Flames you would want to hear. SOAPF's biggest strength is effort. But that was an effort to make a decent alt-rock record, and not an effort to make an IF record. The last record that wanted to be In Flames was ASOP, whether you accept it or not. Just because you throw random Björn solos all around SOAPF, SC and Battles, it won't become a classic (=modern) IF song. And no, just because SOAPF has the best random solos, it doesn't make it any less of a disappointment for those who are looking for that classic IF-sound. My point is that SOAPF is just another excuse to be a colossal dick.

"haha, slave is mad!" - not really, no. It is not an In Flames thing, it's everywhere, even in other areas of life, but it doesn't make it any less sad. As it's probably obvious, my biggest pet peeve is not even with the fact that some people should jerk off before posting online. Nah, I've read enough "ooohhh, so now these women remember that they were molested??? surreeeeeee" comments from absolute retards on Facebook, so I don't expect quality content anywhere. What boils my blood are some of these arguments people come up with as why they are absolutely have the right to be idiots. Ie. "free speech" if you want to victim-blame on social media, or "even my grandpa was listening to IF during WW2, I am an expert" if you want to whine about IF.
Is there a tl;dr version of Slave's post to read?
Covers are not representative of any band's current "form", nor should they be.

"IF is dead :(((" people should really fuck off already. They are dead since ASOP/Jesper's departure or R2R - take your pick -, stop whining here or in social media like you care.
That's what happens 99% of the time. There are only a few exceptions, if never being one of them. But, usually, bands do covers to adapt the original song to their style. It's strange to change your style to make a cover song.

Some random thoughts.

It sounds more like a producers work than a band work.

The songs sound like a band covering depeche mode covering other bands.

In the current state of the band, being a band of mixes feelings and influences, there's not one single metal cover, I think this says a lot.
Covers are not representative of any band's current "form", nor should they be.

"IF is dead :(((" people should really fuck off already. They are dead since ASOP/Jesper's departure or R2R - take your pick -, stop whining here or in social media like you care.

Thanks, I kind of agree but In Flames are legitimately shit at the moment so the covers do pretty much correlate with the overall state of the band. When you've got Krofius slating their latest release you know they've got problems.
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That's what happens 99% of the time. There are only a few exceptions, if never being one of them. But, usually, bands do covers to adapt the original song to their style. It's strange to change your style to make a cover song.

Some random thoughts.

It sounds more like a producers work than a band work.

The songs sound like a band covering depeche mode covering other bands.

In the current state of the band, being a band of mixes feelings and influences, there's not one single metal cover, I think this says a lot.
Not sure why you want to stress this absolutely futile thing. In no world could (or should) you convince others that covers are good metric to rate a band's current worth. Covers are guilty pleasures most of the time. It is extremely forced to somehow project shit through these covers on In Flames.

In the meantime, I remembered another actually good cover!

Gotta love Trent's classic approach of "let's distort the fuck out of things", it really gives you that crazy vibe it tries to convey. Also, you know this cover meant to be serious, because it's for an OST, so the classic "guys, I think it would be totes fun to cover a Bieber song, haha!!"-approach does not cut it.
The bands that I listen to, when doing covers, they adapt it to their current sound, so I'm talking about my experience. What other reason could there be to do a cover if it's not to adapt some song that you like to your sound?

What about yours? Nin do covers? How do they sound? Like nin or do they change the it on purpose?
The bands that I listen to, when doing covers, they adapt it to their current sound, so I'm talking about my experience. What other reason could there be to do a cover if it's not to adapt some song that you like to your sound?

What about yours? Nin do covers? How do they sound? Like nin or do they change the it on purpose?
First of all, you do a cover because you like the original song - unless it's some PR shit, and the label forces you to do so, but nowadays I'd like to assume people are much smarter than to agree to anything. Anyway, this part doesn't matter in case of IF.

After that, you can think about how you want to do it. You don't have to go full out on a song to cover it. Metal covers are fucking boring, let's be honest here. These songs are less poppy than The Truth; think about that for a moment. No Good is exactly what a cover song should sound from In Flames today. Down in a Hole is somewhat lazy, and I won't ever listen to Wicked again, one was exactly one too many times.

What did you expect IF to sound like on POP SONG COVERS after Battles exactly? If we exist in the same reality, it's been a year since IF released Save Me. If anyone wants to pretend they are shocked what IF sounds like today, then at best they are 1 year late to the party. You have to draw a line eventually on how zealous you want to be exactly. My advice is not to give a flying fuck about covers in general. If you like it, grat. If you don't, too bad. All that matters is what they burn on their studio records.

As for NIN, he did not do many covers. My favorite is Dead Souls, but it is pretty identical to the original, he just sings in a different way - and to be fair, the singer of Joy Division had a very weird singing style - and shortened the intro. The one song he kinda converted to his own style back then was Get Down Make Love by Queen. An industrial synth-rock song about sex on an industrial synth record about - mostly - sex. Can't say he risked too much there, though it's impossible to listen to it in public because of the porn samples.

There is an unofficial hidden gem however, when it comes to NIN covers. Ladies and gentlemen, let me present you the 1 time Academy Awards and 2 times Grammy awards winner, father of four, mastermind behind the record The Downward Spiral, and surprise performer of the infamous Woodstuck '94, Mr. Trent Reznor!

On a more serious note, officially there were no cover songs on any record, only as bonus/hidden tracks. Only with the re-release of The Downward Spiral did Dead Souls was officially given a proper space on the record, years later. And yes, he did have a cover that did not really fit much onto the record, and while it was heavy, it was not at all on the level of the other songs.

FYI, this was a bonus track on the Broken EP, which had 4 proper songs on it, two of which won the Grammys, and one of those (Wish) is like top 5 famous songs of theirs. So yeah, if people were to be smartasses upon hearing Physical and saying shit like "weeeellll, I guess NIN is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This cover blows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck NIN, man!!!!!!!!", then they would have been pretty fucking retarded.

Is this the performance you would expect after hearing Physical? No. You can judge covers, but you can't judge by covers.
I was going to read your answer but... It's too long man. I'm a lazy guy. Summarizing, you have your opinion and I have mine. But you cannot always be right :p

Just listened to some nin from the new EP, not really interested but sounds good. Though that's not my taste.
I was going to read your answer but... It's too long man. I'm a lazy guy. Summarizing, you have your opinion and I have mine. But you cannot always be right :p

Just listened to some nin from the new EP, not really interested but sounds good. Though that's not my taste.
That's really not much text lol. Howl azy you guys can be, especially when it's about new stuff, and not the same old "HERE'S WHY I THINK SC IS GOOD/BAD".

Aaanyway, I told you on messenger to start with Broken. Their latest EPs are rather hard to digest if you are not already a fan. This Is Not The Place and The Lovers from Add Violence are rather new territory, even for NIN, and Not Anymore is absolutely not new listener-friendly. That leaves Less Than, a rather straightforward industrial pop-rock track, and The Background World, which is imo the most interesting song on the EP.

But tell me a number, and I gather and upload that many songs and link it here. I'll try not to include songs like Wish, Closer or Hurt, which everyone has heard before in some form or another. If you already like a few tracks, then name them and it will be easier to narrow down what you guys might like! Yay!
nine inch nerds
It's not so much laziness, it's just that you use 1000 words to say something you could have said with 100. It's more efficient for you to post a tl;dr version for those of us who only have a limited amount of time to browse this place.
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