IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

You'd hope they'd throw out some old stuff in a setting like that, but I wouldn't hold my breath. With bands like Danko Jones and Graveyard on the bill it leans more towards SC/Battles era material.

I haven't seen n'Flaymz live for 8 years now... can't say I have any desire to see them again, either. Last time I went to a show of theirs they opened with a full rendition of TCP, which was the equivalent of the band giving everyone in the audience the middle finger. I should've thrown a couple back.
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I wonder what will the set list be like?

9 out of 12 songs they played at their last gig were from albums I never was a huge fan of (STYE, ASOP & Battles.) Even though I consider "The End" a good track.

I'm not expecting them to play Stand Ablaze or such stuff but some more random/obscure songs in between of the mandatory "Heavy Metal Hits" would be nice. For example at Wacken 2012 we got Reroute to Remain.
Boring, uninteresting setlist.
Pretty wipe-ass dog-shite setlist, yeah.

I wouldn't even mind new IF songs if they choose ones that were actually pretty good.
Some Come Clarity songs, some Reroute songs, some Sounds songs, they'd have a deal, but nope.
Anders can't even do the better new songs justice live because he can't actually sing, so it's not a big deal for me. At least he can still kind of scream/growl with the older material.
It's funny, you'd think with IF's decline as a band and less people showing up here each album cycle we'd be getting less and less active album threads, but no. This thread actually has the most replies of any thread on the UM IF forum, ever :D granted at least half of those are probably Slave arguing with himself, but still...
Am I wrong when thinking that the most of the discussion was done before the album was released or it is not related to the album at all?
Yeah, about 90% of the thread has nothing to do with Battles :D but that's okay with me.
Just noticed there's been an abnormal increase of views in some of if videos on YouTube.

Example: often hd may 2017 1 million views. Today more than 9 millions.

And this has happened to other videos such as rusted nail.
Well it just pisses me off because there used to be videos of the songs up that were fine, then IF's youtube channel reuploaded them and took down the better uploads of those songs. Now if you want to show someone the OFTW video it's clipped like fuck and that's not going to help show their music to people.
They are but the increase is highly significative, and some of the videos are not from the official page, so I doubt that they have anything to do with it.
I don't know if my heart will last a new if album right now.

Will they be playing real instruments or will they go full electronic this time?
A bit early for a new one isn't it? Give us at least another year to forget Battles first. Actually, I've already forgotten most of the songs on it, so never mind.
Dude I really have no problem with them going NIN on us as long as they do it right. I could go for Industrial Metal In Flames.

Also DE4life. DUN dunDUN dunDUN dunDUN dunDUN dun, DUN dunDUN dunDUN dunDUN dunDUN dun, BEW BEW BEW BEW BEW BEW BEW BEW BEW