IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

I'm talking about if they did more radio friendly hard rock type shit that would END up on rock-radio stations.

If they follow the structure of Siren Charms type songs then they certainly could. A song like Paralyzed minus screams or just less of them certainly could in the USA mainstream radio at least.
Anders has a pretty great deep growl that he should use a lot. The F(r)iend live version from Sticky Fingers is a pretty good example of it.

Also, did another one of those idea things. This one I made properly, even recorded it all except didn't bother doing all of the bass, just showcasing some catchy crap.
Click to listen: EX 2.mp3?dl=0
Click to download:
Guitar Pro 6 tab and sheet tab for those who don't have it (kinda complex, but that's what I want. Heavy, mean sounding, brutal, catchy, and doesn't sound that horribly.):
Anders has a pretty great deep growl that he should use a lot. The F(r)iend live version from Sticky Fingers is a pretty good example of it.

Also, did another one of those idea things. This one I made properly, even recorded it all except didn't bother doing all of the bass, just showcasing some catchy crap.
Click to listen: EX 2.mp3?dl=0
Click to download:
Guitar Pro 6 tab and sheet tab for those who don't have it (kinda complex, but that's what I want. Heavy, mean sounding, brutal, catchy, and doesn't sound that horribly.):

Hey man, nice riffs there. I don't think that its related with IF but that doesnt make it bad. I think it's kinda have black metal vibe on it. I have my old riffs which sound like ASOP era. Maybe we can share our riffs if I can find them on my computer.
I'm talking about if they did more radio friendly hard rock type shit that would END up on rock-radio stations.

If they follow the structure of Siren Charms type songs then they certainly could. A song like Paralyzed minus screams or just less of them certainly could in the USA mainstream radio at least.

Songs like Siren Charms would be a radio regular if it was done by any american band (my opinion).
Hey man, nice riffs there. I don't think that its related with IF but that doesnt make it bad. I think it's kinda have black metal vibe on it. I have my old riffs which sound like ASOP era. Maybe we can share our riffs if I can find them on my computer.

As there is not much to do except wait for the new album - you can probably check out my tune too :)

Tell me of which In Flames it reminds you :)
As there is not much to do except wait for the new album - you can probably check out my tune too :)

Tell me of which In Flames it reminds you :)

Hey man, just checked your tunes. I admit, I wast expecting much but thats pretty good tunes over there. Can't really hear In Flames'ish vibe there but some of your songs reminded me Dark Tranquility which is awesome cause it's one of my favorite band. With good vocals I see a potential there!
Nice track clover. Deff my style.

IF about an hr ago posting a random, blacked out photo of a close-up of Anders live. As well as a new cover photo.

Nothing of much interest though
True, Siren Charms could've been a radio single if it was done by a more mainstream artist. Not sure how exactly song selection in radios work, but the little stuff I gathered is that artists or their label are the ones who negotiate with the radios and not vice versa. I'm talking about the songs you hear every hour, not the rare ones that are played after 2:00 AM on "heavy metal Thursday". Might be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure it's a very heavy corporate stuff, and I don't think IF wants to challenge the gods of mainstream radio - just not worth it imo.

As for the DVD, IF changed their FB banner and profile pic, yeah? Fun story, the night after that (which was now I suppose?) I dreamt about the DVD being released!!! All I remember is that I was casually rolling through the FB posts, and there was an entry about the new DVD. People already talked about it like it was released months ago, so it barely had any likes or so, but I was "wtffffff, how did I miss it?".
Interesting story, is it not?

Ah, yeah, been meaning to ask: anyone coming to VOLT festival to Hungary? I'll be there at Jul. 2 for Slayer and (if I survive, prolly not, so bye friends) The Prodigy. We could meet briefly or sth. But if you beat me up at least have the decency to pay me a beer, like for real. :D
but the little stuff I gathered is that artists or their label are the ones who negotiate with the radios and not vice versa. I'm talking about the songs you hear every hour

That's how it looks, according to radio dj's words (dj's from my country).
Is the photo that of the outfit Anders wore at Scandinavium and the other arena?

Or is it the all-white outfit he wore at Wacken? Can't tell
Is the photo that of the outfit Anders wore at Scandinavium and the other arena?

Or is it the all-white outfit he wore at Wacken? Can't tell

Just checked the clips on youtube to be sure but no, it's not the same outfit with the photo. It's the Wacken outfit I guess.
Listen to bullet ride performed at rock am ring 2015 Or Hellfest 2015.

His screams are still great.

It's just when he tries to reproduce the raspy hard cleans like in the Paralyzed chorus...
I personally think that, today, Anders voice is a mess, this is why his screams are better than his cleans. It comes to mind that acoustic shared by plainvanilla, it was... sad.
Anders has never been a good clean singer, that much is indisputable. His best cleans were the brief ones on Colony (such as Insipid 2000) and some of the heavily studio edited stuff on Come Clarity and SOAPF.

In terms of screams, he isn't that much worse now than he was 16 years ago. You only have to listen to Clayman and Reroute to hear that his voice is fucked during that time period. It got better for a while during the STYE and CC recordings, but failed again on ASOP. SOAPF was OK, it's hard to tell on SC as the screams are few and far between anyway.

It's telling that during live performances he's using the lower growl a lot more. This technique mainly uses the diaphragm and stomach, whilst a typical scream would have far greater impact on the throat. The guy is in his 40's now, and he will undoubtedly have done some damage to his throat over the years, because he has been using a very raw technique for his screaming vocals. That's why I think it's very unlikely we'll ever hear another album like Clayman or even Come Clarity. I'm not sure Anders voice box could take it, with touring too.
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Too be fair though, they aren't really cleans on Colony, I would rather say yells. At least in Insipid 2000 and Coerced Coexistence. And he just used the death growl a lot more last tour due to the songs, probably. I noticed no slowing down in his screaming vocals over the years at all. Obviously on albums yes (and obviously live since he's performing said songs), but on screamings song he's not slacking at all. Last years touring I thought he actually sounded better than I've ever heard before live.
Yeah, but you say that every year :D

Anyway, my point - which maybe got lost as the post got longer - was that Anders is no better or worse vocally than he was 15 years ago, imo.

If you listen to the Koln 96 video, that's the worst I've ever heard him, and that was 20 years ago! His voice sounded on the verge of collapse then. It's amazing he didn't totally fuck it up back in those days, he had no technique at all.
Rock am Ring and Hellfest last year again, his screams are still great and have been really good live especially since Sounds of a Playground came out.

IF never even had clean singing until Reroute. That talking he did on Clayman isn't "clean" singing. Meaning since they didn't have cleans until several years into their discography, no one should be surprised he's not pursued becoming a better singer