IN FLAMES new album being released by the end of 2016

Minus suffered the worst from R2R's production. So many awesome melodies buried underneath that shitty mix.

They should really do a re-release of R2R with better production some time. DT re-released Damage Done with better production and it's fucking amazing.

Agreed. That album deserves it.
My whole point was that IF and bands in general should alter their sound a bit if they want to experiment, and not come up with records where half of the songs have some funky structure.

All the bands experiment a bit with their sound. But that was not what I was talking about. And no, just changing sound doesn't mean anything.

Unless you listen to bands like Nile and such, you pretty much meet with the same strong structures, unless throwing in one or two more guitar drum solo counts as something extremely innovative I guess.

No, I listen to a lot of bands that use different sounds and different song structures.

I never heard people shitting on classics just because they have the same verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure.

Define what's a classic. Led Zeppelin? Black Sabbath? Deep Purple? And yes, people shits on any band that doesn't change a bit. But they also shit on any band that changes. What defines people is that we shit on everything.

But TO and FT - for better or worse - SOUNDS different than your regular IF songs.

How does sound a regular In Flames song? What defines a regular In Flames song? The guitar melodies? De vocals? What makes them a regular In Flames song? For the past years is the rush-tp-the-chorus. Apart from this, there is little in common between Clayman, Reroute to Remain, Soundtrack to your Escape, Come Clarity, A Sense of Purpose and Sounds of a Playground Fading, except that they are metal albums made by the same band and the repeating song structures and effects. I do not include Siren Charms because the main difference with SOAPF is the lazy witar work and the clean vocals. Apart from this, is like a softer brother of that album.
Kind of get the impression it's going to be a whole lot longer too.. Here's hoping we don't have to wait 6 months for the album release

Really excited though, I'm sure we're in for a surprise as always
Yaaay, a new IF album!!!

Can't wait for those tasty vocals, unorthodox song structures, and 12 minute epics laced with first class harmonized guitar melodies...
Siren Charms was basically just a second Passenger album. I mean Anders and Nic both played on that album and sounds very similar. I think In Flames is done with being a " metal" band in the studio anyway. Its pop rock hits from here on out boys. That being said. They are still my favorite band. Just have to deal with the change.
Niclas didn't write anything for Siren Charms though. I'm not sure how much he wrote for the Passenger album but probably most of the riffs, since Anders can barely play guitar. And I would disagree that Siren Charms sounds anything close to Passenger tbh. I mean it may sound closer to Passenger than The Jester Race but that's irrelevant.
Idk man, "Used" from the Passenger album sounds a lot like a song that'd have been on Siren Charms. But, even that song was more complex and a better written song than anything on SC.

I just hope it's something back on Where The Dead Ships Dwell level...

New shit like that played with the older songs they played in the last half of the touring cycle for SC would be great live
Passenger is far superior to Siren Charms. Neither are great, but the Passenger album has some really good songs on it. In Reverse, I Die Slowly, Circles, Just the Same and Clowns off the top off my head are all very good tracks. Passenger sounds inspired, Siren Charms does not.
Siren Charms was like ,, c'mon guys lets do something that will be weird and stupid :p '' . Bjorn solos are boring and predictable. Anders voice on records is clean but live he sounds weak. In my opinion they shoud come back to old style and connect this with electronic ( like Pendulum )
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Good to see you guys are alive and well.

Let's hope this won't be another disappointment like Charms was.
Admittedly, it grew on me, and Through Oblivion has really dug down on me but I do still consider it the worst album of them all.
In Flames needs to get another Jester's Race/Colony-quality one out. They were good, I admired their creativity greatly, but with these last albums, it has only gotten worse to my ears. Hoping for something resembling JR or Colony.
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I very much enjoyed SOAPF, so even if they produced something of that quality I'd be happy.
I'm pretty sure that regardless, there should be at least 1 or 2 different songs people will enjoy. Hopefully more of course, we will see when we hear what direction they go.
I'm pretty sure that regardless, there should be at least 1 or 2 different songs people will enjoy. Hopefully more of course, we will see when we hear what direction they go.

It would be interesting to hear another long track like The Chosen Pessimist. I know some of you hates the song but its actually pretty good in my opinion. What do you think guys?
It would be interesting to hear another long track like The Chosen Pessimist. I know some of you hates the song but its actually pretty good in my opinion. What do you think guys?
I am in favor of it.
TCP is a terrible song, but still far more inspired than anything on SC. At least they were trying something different.

I think Come Clarity is the last album that will ever sound like 'older' In Flames. The best we can hope for now is an album that is on par with SOAPF, which wouldn't be bad at all.