IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Also, if these guys will return to this talentless fuckhead of an overweight pig Benson for a third time to make a garbage record once again, then I will buy Whoracle and another older IF record of choice and will post it here.

Fat people are the reason this world is a shitty place. Actually, fat people with GLASSES. Colonizing North-America was a mistake. We have to go back in time and stop the colonists.
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How can you fuck this song up hahahahahahahahahahahahhAHAHAHAHAH

Jesus, the sum of its parts are the best out of every single released or leaked songs, but that chorus is a disgrace. Yeah, the breakdown was utter shit as well. I was like alll riiiight, here coems the solo... I mean here.... okay, HERE for sure... then nothing. Like, I am happy that they relocated the solo (which sounds very pleasant!), but it's like the guys and mr Benson had no idea what the fuck to do with a breakdown when you can't put a solo there.

Hey, Anders, you usually sing some stuff there, right? Yeah, I can do that! Okay now... I don't know, keep playing some guitars... yeah, okay, play some more guitars, hit those drums dude, don't forget to hit the drums. Yeah, uhm, whatever, just insert a third chorus already I've got to go bye.

And no Ilias, there is no third time for this chorus. It is meticulously engineered in a way that you will find them catchy and want to sing it. But it's not a praise, it's like drowning in sugar. Cheap thrills. Fucking Save Me all over again.

This record may as well be never released for all I care. Sucking on my big toe is more interesting than this shit.
It's weird but your reaction to the song was almost kike mine. The chorus is :puke:. But the guitar solo... It just doesn't sound right, as ifbit doesn't belong to the song.
Also, if these guys will return to this talentless fuckhead of an overweight pig Benson for a third time to make a garbage record once again, then I will buy Whoracle and another older IF record of choice and will post it here.

Fat people are the reason this world is a shitty place. Actually, fat people with GLASSES. Colonizing North-America was a mistake. We have to go back in time and stop the colonists.

:D I vote Lunar Strain.

But yeah, I'm already really bored of this shit. Feels like they've basically released the same song four times now with slightly different variation on certain parts (I Am Above, I The Mask, Voices & Burn). It all sounds so stale and rehashed. If this is all you've got in terms of creativity then my advice would be to just not release an album. Production is so weak as well. Compare to AE's Will To Power or even Soilwork's new album and it really becomes obvious how shit IF modern production is, especially guitars and drums. No power at all.
The best that I can say so far for the new album is that it is forgettable but at least it is a metal album.

In flames are on a state that I wish that they starr repeating themselves. Instead of copying old riffs, Anders should go back to his ild producer, listen to what he used to do right and keep on doing it until the end of times.
Also, if these guys will return to this talentless fuckhead of an overweight pig Benson for a third time to make a garbage record once again, then I will buy Whoracle and another older IF record of choice and will post it here.
I think you should buy it now. They already did this twice! Let’s stick it to them! Let’s show them how fucking mad we are by giving them more money!!!!

(What the fuck, how do you not have this album already?)
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Feels like they've gone back to SOAPF style songwriting but with much less creativity, shit production and choruses inserted directly from Battles. I'm still baffled that the Anders/Bjorn duo was even able to produce something like SOAPF. They've shown no such ability since then, not even close. Maybe Jesper left some unfinished songs laying around that Anders & Bjorn added a few bits to and then put it out there.
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I think you should buy it now. They already did this twice! Let’s stick it to them! Let’s show them how fucking mad we are by giving them more money!!!!

(What the fuck, how do you not have this album already?)
My intention with this act was never to hurt them financially. If they'd announce a date here I'd instantly buy the tickets, as I still love the band and they still put out great live shows. If they have to release more Whoracles or other records due to demand, I'm happy for their extra income.

I don't have any of their records besides SC (it's autographed, so at least it has some sentimental value), as I've never seen buying music CDs anything short of a luxury at this day and age. A concert ticket is like 3 times more than an average CD price anyway, so it's not like they don't get money out of me anyway.

That being said, I would eventually want to own R2R (best record), Whoracle (best "old" record) and ASOP if the latter has a booklet version or something, because I really dig the art.
Not much I can say about riffing. It's a mix of ASOP-Battles period riffs. Breakdown is just shit and unnecessary. A lot of stolen moments from previous albums like in all other songs 'till now. I can even hear some STYE vocals here and there.

Burn, burn, buuurn - kind of catchy but still shit.

The upside of the song is Bjorn melodic work. Really nice and tasteful, although a bit short.

As a whole, the song is not terrible, but it's nothing to get excited about either.

So far we've had like 5 songs? Like The Truth I tend to force myself to forget about the whole House thing. Voices was okayish, Mask was a mix of okayish and cringe, this one is a mashup of solid and awful ideas. And I Am Above is the best of the bunch for me. I even consider that chorus quite singable and memorable. Besides that terrible vocal strain/melody/whatever moment towards the end of the song, IAA is pretty much a decent post Clayman IF song.

Based on this five songs I would say this album is Battles through ASOP filter with a number of odd, mainly vocal moments that no sane person would want to hear ever again. Also, everything sound so unfinished. Like - hey Howard we've done 66% of the album, let's just wrap it up and your guys can add some random shit in production.
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Wonder what Ultimate Metal is talking ab--


Song must've leaked and it's probably good.

I'm back. I liked the song.

Chorus is weird. My first thought was Good Charlotte. Too Battles for me.

Great solo.

Well shit, now I've spoiled almost half the album for myself...

So far for me it's "Voices" > "I, the Mask" > "I Am Above" > "Burn" > "(This is Our) House"
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I'm back. I liked the song.

Chorus is weird. My first thought was Good Charlotte. Too Battles for me.

Great solo.

Well shit, now I've spoiled almost half the album for myself...

Tbf I think IF could release a Good Charlotte cover album at this point and you'd like it :D we've definitely found the heir to Krofius' throne. That is, unless Ciko is willing to fight for it.
After SC they don't write albums, they write songs with Howard. It's like taking a dump after you ate pizza with corn. You can find some corn pieces in the turd you may actually enjoy, but the whole point of making a record is that you are shitting for weeks, then select the corn pieces, wash them, revitalize them, and present them in a coherent manner, in a way they actually make sense, and tell a story. It doesn't have to be a literal story (ie. concept album), it can be a musical journey as well.

This is nothing. Some good ideas killed by utter lazyness, self-plagiarism and Howard Bensonism. The only song that can stand on its own feet is IAA. With the other 4 tracks you can pinpoint the exact moments, when Benson stopped the demo, turned to Anders and Björn and said "This is neat, but do you know what would make this song even better??" And he continued with:
- stealing from 3 of your previous songs (ITM)
- pressing this shuffle button (House)
- a reaaaal catchy chorus, because you really fucking lack songs the crowd can sing along to (Burn)

Okay, I have nothing for Voices. I guess it's okay?
Tbf I think IF could release a Good Charlotte cover album at this point and you'd like it :D

Yep, I think that's a safe bet. The notion of the guy who delivered the vocals on "December Flower" and the guy who did the solo on "Resin" playing Good Charlotte is funny to me and kind of quaint, so I'd probably like it just for the novelty of it. Bands can buy a lot of goodwill from me if I like the actual band members. Helps if I enjoy the music on its own, regardless of the band's pedigree.
Songs on my phone that have "Burn" in the title that are better than song "Burn":

Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Burning Flames Embrace

Arch Enemy - Burning Angel

Mystic Prophecy - Burning Bridges

Mendeed - Burning Fear

Iron Saviour - Burning Heart

Dimmu Borgir - Burn in Hell (Twisted Sister Cover)

Avenged Sevenfold - Burn It Down

Billy Talent - Burn the Evidence

Amaranthe - Burn With Me

Venom - Don't Burn the Witch

Masterplan - Keeps Me Burning

Lost Horizon - Again Will the Fire Burn

Dream Evil - In Flames You Burn

WASP - Babylon's Burning

Dragonforce - Storming the Burning Fields

Dragonforce - The Fire Still Burns

And yes, that's every song on my phone with "Burn" somewhere in the title.