IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Also songs with "burn" in the lyrics that are better than "Burn":

In Flames - Leeches (seriously, Anders' cleans sound way better in this than on modern IF tracks, imo)

Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire - although I'd like to see Cash replace "and it burns, burns, burns" with "and it burns, BURNS, BuUuUUrns"
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OK guys I'm back and ready to comment!

The song sounds like it was recorded during ASOP sessions, I hear a lot of similarities. It's not just some heavy IF song, it has a lot of melodies so that works for me. Dunno why you guys going crazy about chorus, its catchy as f! :D But the thing I loved about the song is solos. I always love it when Björn does 2 solos on the songs. Solo's on the song are pretty good, I like both of them but specially outro one. 1 thing I didnt like about the song is that breakdown part, I would cry if they put a good lead there instead of breakdown cause it would be awesome. But still I like the songs.

From the 5 songs we hear, I can already tell that this album sounds awesome. It's the sound that I want from IF, at 2019 atleast. It's heavy, melodic, has growls, good choruses. If you dont like it you can BURN, BURN, BUUUUUUUUURN.

PS: I'm sad that Slave left Anders Manlove Crew but we still going strong! :D
First listen...Struggling a bit with the chorus. Just not liking any guitar solo thus far either! HOWEVER..., The intro and the versus sound straight off of Whoracle! IMO of course! I love that!
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Guys, which two solos? I think Björn plays the same thing after the first chorus and in the outro...and it's a nice lead!
I like the song a lot! I love the way it escalates ("never learn...never learn...") until the chorus drops, which is very catchy. Verses are super fast, Anders' screams and growls are on a whole different level. Lyrics are good, too.
I agree that the breakdown feels misplaced, but seperately it's actually very interesting.
The only bad thing it's the production. Guitars sound weak and I won't even bother talking about the drums. (7.5/10)

I think if you download the song from kingdom leaks, it has slighty better quality than the link I posted.

I'm very excited for this album. If I delete the painful memory of House, I like what I'm hearing so far. Glad I pre-ordered!

PS: Although I disagree with most of you guys, I can't help but laughing with the way you are bashing the songs :rofl:
In all seriousness, if some of you guys are digging this then that's cool. I do think the songs so far are a step up from Battles, but that isn't saying much. It's difficult to compare this with SC because SC was so weird.

I guess it's like a Frankenstein's Monster of ASOP and SOAPF with a hint of STYE and Battles. It all sounds a bit awkward to me, like the band are trying to figure out a way to merge their older sound with the Benson sound. I wish they'd just say fuck Benson, fuck LA, fuck surfing, fuck Starbucks coffee, fuck Bryce Paul, fuck Tanner Wayne, fuck hanging ten and sunbathing, fuck stupid hipster clothes and glasses, fuck trying to be rock stars and fuck trying to appeal to teeny-pop kids. Go back to the freezing cold, winter wonderland of Sweden, get back to Gothenburg, find Fredrik Nordstrom, get Daniel back on drums, bring Peter out of retirement, patch things up with Jesper, send Niklas back to Engel and make the world remember that In Flames are Swedish metal gods, not fake, LA wannabe, hipster, down with the cool kids, weird looking assholes that we currently have to deal with.

It's not asking for much, is it?
Which site is that even from?

I thought Burn was pretty good actually, probably my favorite of the songs so far, either that or Voices. I really like the mid-pitched growl he uses in the verses. First chorus I thought it was decent but when it went to the last one I liked it more. It reminds me of Leeches, partly because of the lyrics maybe. Enjoyable solos. It's a really unique guitartone they're using for the solos, I can definitely understand you either dont like it at all or really like it. I think it's good.
The solo and outro solo would make this song so much better if they were harmonized, mixed properly and without Wah.
The last part of the outro solo is harmonized though, at the 3:30 mark.

Btw, I just heard something that I thought was kinda funny, doesnt the keyboard melody in the chorus at 3:01-3:04 almost sound exactly like the melody in Land of Confusion's chorus?
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Anders Manlove crew checking in! Okay this song is a strange one, I love bits of it (Intro riff, verses, guitar leads) really do't like other bits (breakdown, pre choruses). Chorus is good imo, especially in the second time round each time, in the second time he says "burn" of the 3 you can hear his voice breaking up into a scream as if it's a live performance, which sounds great!... shame about the autotune in the second half of the chorus though but its passable.

Good song overall, not spectacular, but it's better than anything of Battles. order for me so far is 1: Voices 2: I, The Mask, 3: I Am Above 4: Burn 13: House
I have to admit Laverna's profile on metal tracker did make me laugh when I saw this.



As for the songs released so far, my order in terms of "liking" them is probably:

1. I Am Above
2. I, the Mask
3. Voices
4. Burn

Not even going to put House on the list. It's so far down it's out of existence.
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This is fake, don't trust him, Jester Slave is my good internet friend :rofl:

Oh, I know what the chorus of this song reminds me of.


I like that song, too, but in a "wtf this is weird" kind of way.
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I actually don't mind Battles (the song). It ended up being one of my preferred tracks off that album - not that I listen to any of them regularly, but if that one came on I wouldn't automatically hit skip.
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