How can you praise SOAPF production without mentioning how it killed the metal sound of IF? I take a fucked up ASOP production any day over SOAPF, because at least it's still metal.
I wouldn't be proud if facebook or especially youtube comments overlapped with my opinion. Youtube comments are the biggest cesspool on the entire commercial side of the internet, so if people agree with you on a platform where they can be racist, homophobic and whatnot, then it's really nothing to talk home about. I may as well compile some comments which state that jews should be burned, and post it here to "prove" I am right.
We get it Laverna, you are hot. Sadly, I know that feeling all too well. It really is a cruel word, and no one is looking out for us. Everyone talks about those losers over there in Africa, who are literally withering away from hunger (lol, just eat something motherfuckers), and no one cares about us being so good looking that we are bombarded with hookup messages. Imagine being ugly AND poor lolololol.