IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I feel like new album should've leaked already, I saw new Papa Roach album way before the release. Anyway 1 week to go.

btw @Ilias7 are you guys watching Survivor Greece - Turkey at Greece lol :D
My opinion on Soilwork: very talented and skilled musicians but everything seems to be too much under control. Also they do not seem to know how to make slow emotional music.

Dark Tranquillity: too dark and baroque. To my point of view they're the less skilled among the swedish melodeath bands. Too many uninteresting songs with some highlights but not enough.

From soikwork's last, along with the intro and the first song I like this one, specially the ending.

btw @Ilias7 are you guys watching Survivor Greece - Turkey at Greece lol

Yes, it's a quite popular show...although, I think the majority of the viewers are watching Master Chef instead nowadays. I'm not really into these reality shows. I 've watched a couple of episodes before out of curiosity.

actually can't remember a Soilwork ballad... do they have any?

I don't know if this is technically a ballad.
Part of the reason I appreciate Skydancer is that there is a lot of experimentation going on. Some of it works, some of it doesn't, but you can tell the band had a ton of ideas and tried their best to put them out there in as coherent fashion as possible. I think they hit the mark a lot of the time and if the songs had been refined a little more and production massively improved this would likely have been received far better than it was and is.

Skydancer is tied with Construct for my least favorite DT album, but that's only because it's a little too impenetrable for me, musically. It's good, but hard to digest, and so I don't listen to it often. Kind of like At the Gates' With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness and, to a lesser extent, To Drink from the Night Itself. But I definitely admire how ambitious it is, and "A Bolt" and "Through Ebony Archways" are great songs for the reasons you mentioned.

More than the music itself, I just like the atmosphere of Skydancer. Listening to it just makes me think of what it must have been like in rainy Gothenburg in the early 90's, with all these young dudes starting these great new bands and writing killer music. The early Gothenburg scene has always been kind of a cool mystery to me, and Skydancer is the album I associate with it.

As far as DT in general goes, I think they're an extremely talented, smart band, and probably the best of the Gothenburg Trio. I just like In Flames a tad more. The vast majority of DT's material is excellent, and Projector was my favorite metal album ever (I honestly think it's genius) until I discovered Novembre's Classica a couple years ago.
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Seems so that they replaced Scorn with Colony on their set. Thank God. I am all for deep cuts, but man, how about a.) not choosing an utter shit one and b.) not including it in a setlist which is already so-so.

Now, with the addition of Leeches as well, the set really looks decent. Once again, I have no fucking idea why Leeches has to be played almost exclusively in the US, but it is what it is. If they were to replace Monsters with something else from SC, the set would be good.
I wish they would play ordinary story more. I have seen them 9 times and haven’t had the liberty of hearing it live.
Seems so that they replaced Scorn with Colony on their set. Thank God. I am all for deep cuts, but man, how about a.) not choosing an utter shit one and b.) not including it in a setlist which is already so-so.

Now, with the addition of Leeches as well, the set really looks decent. Once again, I have no fucking idea why Leeches has to be played almost exclusively in the US, but it is what it is. If they were to replace Monsters with something else from SC, the set would be good.
They should play embody the invisible and any other song from cc than ttl or leeches.
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Skydancer is tied with Construct for my least favorite DT album, but that's only because it's a little too impenetrable for me, musically. It's good, but hard to digest, and so I don't listen to it often. Kind of like At the Gates' With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness and, to a lesser extent, To Drink from the Night Itself. But I definitely admire how ambitious it is, and "A Bolt" and "Through Ebony Archways" are great songs for the reasons you mentioned.

More than the music itself, I just like the atmosphere of Skydancer. Listening to it just makes me think of what it must have been like in rainy Gothenburg in the early 90's, with all these young dudes starting these great new bands and writing killer music. The early Gothenburg scene has always been kind of a cool mystery to me, and Skydancer is the album I associate with it.

I can understand your reasoning, even though I have a different view. Personally Skydancer is my third favourite DT album, just behind Damage Done & The Gallery, but I get why people would find the album difficult to get through. I think I listened to it at an impressionable time in my life and grew attached to it for reasons beyond just the music. It has a lot of flaws but it just adds to the charm for me. I'd take a Skydancer any day over the mind-numbingness of We Are the Void or the uniformity of Construct. Part of me likes the chaos at the heart of Skydancer.

The vast majority of DT's material is excellent, and Projector was my favorite metal album ever (I honestly think it's genius) until I discovered Novembre's Classica a couple years ago.

Projector is an extremely polarising album. It's funny because people characterise DT as this band who always write the same music and never really go beyond the boundaries, but they were experimenting way before In Flames. Skydancer is a far more eclectic album than Lunar Strain, and Projector was a total departure from their usual stuff, and was released three years before Reroute came into existence. Projector was basically DT's Reroute. That said, personally it isn't my cup of tea. I can understand why people would dig it, but other than a couple of songs it isn't for me, and I think Haven is even worse. When you look at this time period, IF released TJR/Whoracle/Colony/Clayman, whilst DT released Gallery/Mind's I/Projector/Haven - in my view there's a clear winner there and it isn't DT. Their decision to experiment and start splitting their fanbase so early might have been part of the reason why they didn't get as big as In Flames.

By 2002 they had gone back to basics with Damage Done, but ironically the damage may indeed already have been done with Projector and Haven. Personally I feel that DT started off better than IF, as Skydancer is better than Lunar Strain, they were neck-and-neck with Gallery/TJR, then IF stormed ahead with Whoracle, Colony and Clayman, whilst DT floundered with Mind's I, Projector & Haven. DT finally caught up with IF again in 2002 with DD and have been producing fairly solid records ever since (WATV aside) but by then it was probably too late.
Yes, it's a quite popular show...although, I think the majority of the viewers are watching Master Chef instead nowadays. I'm not really into these reality shows. I 've watched a couple of episodes before out of curiosity.

I don't know if this is technically a ballad.

A Soilwork ballad

I guess these are as close as you get to a ballad with Soilwork. It's a shame they don't have a Metaphor/Evil in a Closet/Come Clarity type song, as Speed's clean vocals are great and their guitarists have always been able to create solid melodies. I guess it's just not something that interests them.

Baffling that he picked Episode 666, song that nobody moves to live, rather than one of the amazing tracks of Siren Charms or Battles :eek: what's his problem?

Funniest Episode 666 cover I've heard was No Fun At All's attempt :D In Flames covered "Strong & Smart" (and did a great job with it) so NFAA returned the favour...

Well... at least they tried? Guitars actually sound fine, but the vocal melodies are really off... I know it's a cover and the vocalist has license to sing the lines as he wishes, I just think it sounds a bit awkward.
That they're always playing the same songs from that album. Or so it does seem to me.

Probably just a symptom of the band being naturally lazy - plus half the members weren't even around when these songs were recorded, so who knows how many they actually know how to play? It's possible Bryce Paul and Tanner Wayne only had time to learn TTL, Leeches, Pinball Map, OFTW and the rest of the hits, as they couldn't fit any more practice around hanging ten at the beach and trying the latest promotional coffee at starbucks.
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It's always played because it's pretty much a staple, and a band has to have those. You are right that many more songs are deserving to be in the rotation once in a while, hell, I have no idea how Crawl Through didn't end up the number 2 most played song from CC. But TTL is very much so deserving of it's spot, same with OFTW or TQP.