IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Some quotes from reviews that are now hilarious having listened to the album.

"One thing I, The Mask does do well is maintain a lyrical theme throughout, one that is somewhat compelling, too. The album offers some astute social commentary that doesn't come across as sanctimonious"

:D oh yeah, those deep social commentaries. Anders the philosopher.

"Yep, they’re still legends.

Thirteen albums later, the greatest Swedish melodic death metal band, In Flames is still crushing it. Releasing worldwide on March 1st, 2019, ‘I, The Mask’ breaks new ground as In Flames constantly tweaks and evolves their phenomenal sound."


"The tone of In Flames’ music has softened over the years while maintaining a consistent musical heaviness that keeps the band in the “melodic death metal” genre."

Oh yeah, SOAPF, SC and Battles, Melodic Death Metal classics :D

"The clean guitar intro on the song “Follow Me” reminded me a lot of “Sleepless Again” on their 2006 album A Sense of Purpose."

Here I was thinking their 2006 album was Come Clarity. They must have just released ASOP twice.

"Beautiful guitar licks constantly sweep through In Flames’ new songs in between Anders Fridén’s dramatic vocals. Anders Fridén has greatly expanded his vocal capabilities on ‘I, The Mask’. His wonderful voice ranges from sounding broken and hopeless like at the beginning of “All The Pain,” to the classic heavy metal Anders in “I Am Above.” Although Anders’ clean singing capabilities have improved album by album, the range and control of his voice truly shines on I, The Mask."

Dramatic vocals :D I guess that's one way of putting it.

"Even in their vulnerable sounding songs like, “All The Pain,” In Flames manages to quickly transform the song from sad to another heavy In Flames classic"

Yeah man, All The Pain is up there with classics like Jotun, Colony, Only For The Weak, etc for sure.

"Album after killer album, In Flames, manages to change their sound for the better"

Yeah, definitely better to change from Clayman to what we have now. So much improved.

"Purist In Flames fans may not respect the changes In Flames has made over the years, insisting on old albums like The Lunar Strain and The Jester Race but the true fans are absolutely going to love this album."

Guess I'm not a true fan, guys :(

"‘I Mask’, a beast of a record with a heart at the center of it, In Flames triumph by making it a lucky thirteen."

Oh yeah, nothing says "beast record" like over half the songs being slow, mid tempo ballads. Fucking beastly.

"Fans are then introduced to a clear album standout in leading single, and one of the more mainstream tracks, “(This Is Our) House”. Packed with violent verses and a recurring, singalong chorus by vocalist AndersFrieden, you would be lying if you said it hadn’t hooked you in the first time around."

So not only am I not a true fan, but I'm apparently also a liar. Bad times.

"There’s an inevitable level of scorn dribbled from the mouths of metal elitists toward any heavy band with mainstream aspirations. Just as there were with Metallica. But if elitism is all that is keeping you from expanding your scope of experience, you’re missing out in the case of ‘I, The Mask’, an album that balances both ends of the metal spectrums."

If Elitist is liking good music then yeah, I guess I am missing out.

"Pioneers of the Swedish Melodic Death Metal scene, the band formed back in 1990 in Gothenburg. Shortly thereafter, they delivered their debut album, Lunar Strain, in 1994, and would go on to release a truly impressive 11 additional albums over the next 22 years – including 2002’s Reroute to Remain, 2006’s Come Clarity, 2011’s Sounds of a Playground Fading, and, most recently, 2016’s Battles."

Why randomly list these albums? :D strange.

"There’s an almost delicate 1980’s Thrash influence to the band’s fancy fretwork on the verses of “Call My Name,”

80's thrash? Are you fucking joking?

" it paves the way for the inspirational “Follow Me,” which urges listeners to find a home away from their sorrows, to overcome the darkness in their souls."

Oh wow, amazing. Thanks for being such an inspiration, Anders.

"Continuing this anthemic feel is “(This is Our) House.” Here, amongst pummeling rhythms, gang vocals add a sense of urgency to the band’s plea that, yes, this is a fight for our lives."

What is a fight for their lives? They're recording the song in LA whilst sipping on Starbucks and liking instagram posts of Bryce Paul and Tanner Wayne surfing at the beach. They aren't exactly fighting in Syria.

"This perfectly flows into the melodies of “We Will Remember,” and the gentle-swaying lament of “In This Life.” Truth be told, the latter track could easily be the newest Good Charlotte tune."

I assume that last sentence is an insult?

"There is absolutely nothing amiss with I, The Mask."

Absolutely nothing. Right. Except in the very next sentence...

"However, for a band known for their eclectic abilities to cross genres fluidly and with finesse, it all feels a bit generic and lacking in the panache that fans have come to expect from the legendary In Flames. "

So that's something pretty fucking big to be amiss, isn't it?!

"Pushing boundaries, exploring new avenues and kicking down doors. 10/10"

It's a review written by ThePhobiac! Kidding bro, but seriously, you know you're about to be fed some foul smelling bullshit when that is the first sentence.

"With each new In Flames album comes a new evolution in feel and songwriting maturity."

Oh yeah, that evolution from SOAPF - SC - Battles, incredible maturity and evolution there bro.

"“I, The Mask” demonstrates how versatile In Flames have now become, heavy, brutal riffs with catchy, wailing, harmonious vocal lines. What’s not to love?"

Nothing if you aren't into metal or good singing, I guess!

"The album concludes with “Stay With Me” a downbeat acoustic symphony that highlights Anders new vocal ability and shows that they could probably write a ballad… if they really wanted too!"

What, like Satellites & Astronauts, Dawn of a New Day, Metaphor, Evil in a Closet, Come Clarity, The Chosen Pessimist, Liberation, and most of Siren Charms? Has this idiot actually listened to literally any of the IF back catalogue?

"Production on “I, The Mask” is stunningly good. Some of the best I’ve heard in a long time"

Actually, judging by this he doesn't listen to much music at all.

"I can’t understand the metal “purists” who ridiculed In Flames going down a more mainstream route."

Probably because you haven't listened to any songs prior to this album.

"Yeah, it’s not traditional “Death Metal”, and maybe they sold out, so what? Who can blame them?"

Just... :D

In short, reviewers are idiots and make people like Slave, Phobiac and Ciko look totally unbiased and reasonable.
Some quotes from reviews that are now hilarious having listened to the album.

"One thing I, The Mask does do well is maintain a lyrical theme throughout, one that is somewhat compelling, too. The album offers some astute social commentary that doesn't come across as sanctimonious"

:D oh yeah, those deep social commentaries. Anders the philosopher.

"Yep, they’re still legends.

Thirteen albums later, the greatest Swedish melodic death metal band, In Flames is still crushing it. Releasing worldwide on March 1st, 2019, ‘I, The Mask’ breaks new ground as In Flames constantly tweaks and evolves their phenomenal sound."


"The tone of In Flames’ music has softened over the years while maintaining a consistent musical heaviness that keeps the band in the “melodic death metal” genre."

Oh yeah, SOAPF, SC and Battles, Melodic Death Metal classics :D

"The clean guitar intro on the song “Follow Me” reminded me a lot of “Sleepless Again” on their 2006 album A Sense of Purpose."

Here I was thinking their 2006 album was Come Clarity. They must have just released ASOP twice.

"Beautiful guitar licks constantly sweep through In Flames’ new songs in between Anders Fridén’s dramatic vocals. Anders Fridén has greatly expanded his vocal capabilities on ‘I, The Mask’. His wonderful voice ranges from sounding broken and hopeless like at the beginning of “All The Pain,” to the classic heavy metal Anders in “I Am Above.” Although Anders’ clean singing capabilities have improved album by album, the range and control of his voice truly shines on I, The Mask."

Dramatic vocals :D I guess that's one way of putting it.

"Even in their vulnerable sounding songs like, “All The Pain,” In Flames manages to quickly transform the song from sad to another heavy In Flames classic"

Yeah man, All The Pain is up there with classics like Jotun, Colony, Only For The Weak, etc for sure.

"Album after killer album, In Flames, manages to change their sound for the better"

Yeah, definitely better to change from Clayman to what we have now. So much improved.

"Purist In Flames fans may not respect the changes In Flames has made over the years, insisting on old albums like The Lunar Strain and The Jester Race but the true fans are absolutely going to love this album."

Guess I'm not a true fan, guys :(

"‘I Mask’, a beast of a record with a heart at the center of it, In Flames triumph by making it a lucky thirteen."

Oh yeah, nothing says "beast record" like over half the songs being slow, mid tempo ballads. Fucking beastly.

"Fans are then introduced to a clear album standout in leading single, and one of the more mainstream tracks, “(This Is Our) House”. Packed with violent verses and a recurring, singalong chorus by vocalist AndersFrieden, you would be lying if you said it hadn’t hooked you in the first time around."

So not only am I not a true fan, but I'm apparently also a liar. Bad times.

"There’s an inevitable level of scorn dribbled from the mouths of metal elitists toward any heavy band with mainstream aspirations. Just as there were with Metallica. But if elitism is all that is keeping you from expanding your scope of experience, you’re missing out in the case of ‘I, The Mask’, an album that balances both ends of the metal spectrums."

If Elitist is liking good music then yeah, I guess I am missing out.

"Pioneers of the Swedish Melodic Death Metal scene, the band formed back in 1990 in Gothenburg. Shortly thereafter, they delivered their debut album, Lunar Strain, in 1994, and would go on to release a truly impressive 11 additional albums over the next 22 years – including 2002’s Reroute to Remain, 2006’s Come Clarity, 2011’s Sounds of a Playground Fading, and, most recently, 2016’s Battles."

Why randomly list these albums? :D strange.

"There’s an almost delicate 1980’s Thrash influence to the band’s fancy fretwork on the verses of “Call My Name,”

80's thrash? Are you fucking joking?

" it paves the way for the inspirational “Follow Me,” which urges listeners to find a home away from their sorrows, to overcome the darkness in their souls."

Oh wow, amazing. Thanks for being such an inspiration, Anders.

"Continuing this anthemic feel is “(This is Our) House.” Here, amongst pummeling rhythms, gang vocals add a sense of urgency to the band’s plea that, yes, this is a fight for our lives."

What is a fight for their lives? They're recording the song in LA whilst sipping on Starbucks and liking instagram posts of Bryce Paul and Tanner Wayne surfing at the beach. They aren't exactly fighting in Syria.

"This perfectly flows into the melodies of “We Will Remember,” and the gentle-swaying lament of “In This Life.” Truth be told, the latter track could easily be the newest Good Charlotte tune."

I assume that last sentence is an insult?

"There is absolutely nothing amiss with I, The Mask."

Absolutely nothing. Right. Except in the very next sentence...

"However, for a band known for their eclectic abilities to cross genres fluidly and with finesse, it all feels a bit generic and lacking in the panache that fans have come to expect from the legendary In Flames. "

So that's something pretty fucking big to be amiss, isn't it?!

"Pushing boundaries, exploring new avenues and kicking down doors. 10/10"

It's a review written by ThePhobiac! Kidding bro, but seriously, you know you're about to be fed some foul smelling bullshit when that is the first sentence.

"With each new In Flames album comes a new evolution in feel and songwriting maturity."

Oh yeah, that evolution from SOAPF - SC - Battles, incredible maturity and evolution there bro.

"“I, The Mask” demonstrates how versatile In Flames have now become, heavy, brutal riffs with catchy, wailing, harmonious vocal lines. What’s not to love?"

Nothing if you aren't into metal or good singing, I guess!

"The album concludes with “Stay With Me” a downbeat acoustic symphony that highlights Anders new vocal ability and shows that they could probably write a ballad… if they really wanted too!"

What, like Satellites & Astronauts, Dawn of a New Day, Metaphor, Evil in a Closet, Come Clarity, The Chosen Pessimist, Liberation, and most of Siren Charms? Has this idiot actually listened to literally any of the IF back catalogue?

"Production on “I, The Mask” is stunningly good. Some of the best I’ve heard in a long time"

Actually, judging by this he doesn't listen to much music at all.

"I can’t understand the metal “purists” who ridiculed In Flames going down a more mainstream route."

Probably because you haven't listened to any songs prior to this album.

"Yeah, it’s not traditional “Death Metal”, and maybe they sold out, so what? Who can blame them?"

Just... :D

In short, reviewers are idiots and make people like Slave, Phobiac and Ciko look totally unbiased and reasonable.

This whole post made me laugh for the pure smartassness. I still like the album, but of course everyone has their own tastes and opinions.
I actually kinda wish Stay With Me was recorded with a different vocalist. There's some good stuff going on in this song musically, it really deserves a proper singer to do it justice.
Well I can see people loving the lyrics because they relate to the things with their personal lives or whatever, but I can't stand these type of lyrics, I hate them, especially with that vocal delivery. You could have the same lyrics but with growls and all of a sudden they wouldn't sound so cheesy cause it's not emotional singing, instead it's a powerful scream or growl which gives it a different feel even though the lyrics are the same. But like I said, I'm sure there's thousands of people that are going to absolutely love the lyrics
Stay With Me has a good musical idea for the most part.

I love how reviews call out "metal purist" for wanting "Lunar Strain". Like, how many people like that there are in the real world? Between 12 and 17 I guess.

Also, it would seem I'm a metal purist. LOL. Now excuse me while I strap my studied leather armor on and go sacrifice a virgin to the Gods of Metal!
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Well I can see people loving the lyrics because they relate to the things with their personal lives or whatever, but I can't stand these type of lyrics, I hate them, especially with that vocal delivery. You could have the same lyrics but with growls and all of a sudden they wouldn't sound so cheesy cause it's not emotional singing, instead it's a powerful scream or growl which gives it a different feel even though the lyrics are the same. But like I said, I'm sure there's thousands of people that are going to absolutely love the lyrics
My problem with the vocalsm regarding your concerns is that they sound "fake". Not because they're autotuned, but because he doesn't seem to be really "feeling it". If you get what I mean. Passion is the word that I'm looking for.

And the lyrics are so predictable. It's almost as if I know what comes next because it has been said in that same way many times before.
- Call My Name - Where do I begin with this one... Didn't expect this one bit, love the acoustic melodys, and Anders really shines here. Love how he unleashes that first scream right at the end, feels so cathartic, and a great end to the album. 9/10
You mean Stay With Me :D
He said Reroute to Remain is In Flames' best album ffs. I like it too but that's a ridiculous comment.
All right, let's compromise: Reroute is my favorite IF record, and to me, it is their best one. Maybe if we use some scientific metrics, we would arrive to a different record.
I know why he likes it. It's filked with awful midtempo songs that might be ballads or not. The same as SC.
Wow, I strongly disagree. SC and Reroute is nothing alike. To me, the R2R-STYE-CC era is very unique (or should I say one of the uniques) part of the IF catalog, and - for better or worse - nothing really compares to those before and after. Also, SC is like a lullaby, while Reroute is crazy, agressive, distorted, dirty, and for the most part, fast tempo.

And I wouldn't be afraid of "losing Slave". First of all, haven't listened to the album since waking up, so I can't comment on my second impression, but even if I were to like it, it doesn't mean I am going to go into a battle(s?) for it. I don't know how it will stand the test of time, I don't know yet how the record flows from start to finish, but I do know that I am glad that they are doing this approach instead of Battles, and I am very happy for Stay With Me.

If this is the worst they can produce from this point onwards, then they can release a new record every 2 years, I don't mind. Just don't waste our time with Battles.

From what I can remember, the biggest hinderance of this record are the choruses on most of the songs. They break the flow, they are extremely safe, they are just weird. Not much emotion. Like Follow Me. The last chorus is great, but the first two are like... okay, I guess. Anders excels at singing like he is in agony, and CC is probably one of the best examples. The guy is dying in Leeches or in Our Infinite Struggle. I think this is the flaw of Benson, as he doesn't want to let the vocals be flawed.
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As a side note, the victim complex is strong in the IF camp.

Oooh, so I'm not a real fan because I like Battles, huh?? I guess my money, presence and support doesn't mean as much as yours, huh?? I guess I don't know music as well as you, huh??? vs. Oh, so I am some metal purist asshole who wants TJR 2? Yeaaaah, totally dude, CC is absolutely not my favorite IF record, sure buddy. I was here defending Reroute when everyone was calling them sellout, but sure, it's me who needs to have an open mind. Oh, I guess fuck me for daring to criticize them, right??
All right, let's compromise: Reroute is my favorite IF record, and to me, it is their best one. Maybe if we use some scientific metrics, we would arrive to a different record..

To be honest it was more the guy who replied to you with "yeah Reroute is undoubtedly their best ever record" which made me laugh... like it's some statement of fact that could in no way be challenged :D I can understand you personally liking it as your favourite, but to suggest Reroute is categorically the best is just really funny to me. Like, I doubt majority of IF fans would cite Reroute as their favourite ever album. I'm guessing at the very least TJR, Clayman, Come Clarity and maybe even SOAPF would be above it. I very much doubt Reroute would come out on top and other than personal preference I don't see how you could argue Reroute is the best of their output in any category.
Oooh, so I'm not a real fan because I like Battles, huh?? I guess my money, presence and support doesn't mean as much as yours, huh?? I guess I don't know music as well as you, huh??? vs. Oh, so I am some metal purist asshole who wants TJR 2? Yeaaaah, totally dude, CC is absolutely not my favorite IF record, sure buddy. I was here defending Reroute when everyone was calling them sellout, but sure, it's me who needs to have an open mind. Oh, I guess fuck me for daring to criticize them, right??
Yep, that's like us.:p
To be honest it was more the guy who replied to you with "yeah Reroute is undoubtedly their best ever record" which made me laugh... like it's some statement of fact that could in no way be challenged :D I can understand you personally liking it as your favourite, but to suggest Reroute is categorically the best is just really funny to me. Like, I doubt majority of IF fans would cite Reroute as their favourite ever album. I'm guessing at the very least TJR, Clayman, Come Clarity and maybe even SOAPF would be above it. I very much doubt Reroute would come out on top and other than personal preference I don't see how you could argue Reroute is the best of their output in any category.
I've read a bunch of old threads yesterday while listening to the new material, and I have come across some very interesting opinions. The Colony vs. Clayman stuff were probably the funniest, as people shit on one while praised the other. It was also funny how people were ragin in the setlist thread about the STYE songs. MSS and TQP are probably their best fucking songs live, but doesn't matter, STYE is bad so don't play those songs :D

Reroute has an easy argument for itself, because that production makes it very unique. Unque stuff are easy to hate and fall in love to. I love the whole atmosphere. To me, it gives a much bigger feeling of satisfaction, than reading the guitar tabs while listening to Clayman, and snapping my finger at a very smart play. It also has a bunch of interesting songs, like Metaphor, Dawn, System, and Trigger is probably the single best IF song to me, beating out Crawl Through by a small margin. Even live, the biggest reaction was to Trigger. which surprised me. I mean, the whole crowd was jumping up and down through (almost) the entirety of OFTW, but Trigger was still bigger.

Sorrym I should have made it clear. I'm not talking about raroute but I the mask. The second half of the album has that SC feeling. My opinion.

True, but they mostly fail to capture that glorious feeling <3 But the whole record is like a mash-up between SOAPF-SC-Battles, with a few older elements here and there.
True, but they mostly fail to capture that glorious feeling <3 But the whole record is like a mash-up between SOAPF-SC-Battles, with a few older elements here and there.
I had the feeling that this is how ASOP was intended to have sounded. But that's just me.
I've read a bunch of old threads yesterday while listening to the new material, and I have come across some very interesting opinions. The Colony vs. Clayman stuff were probably the funniest, as people shit on one while praised the other. It was also funny how people were ragin in the setlist thread about the STYE songs. MSS and TQP are probably their best fucking songs live, but doesn't matter, STYE is bad so don't play those songs :D

Reroute has an easy argument for itself, because that production makes it very unique. Unque stuff are easy to hate and fall in love to. I love the whole atmosphere. To me, it gives a much bigger feeling of satisfaction, than reading the guitar tabs while listening to Clayman, and snapping my finger at a very smart play. It also has a bunch of interesting songs, like Metaphor, Dawn, System, and Trigger is probably the single best IF song to me, beating out Crawl Through by a small margin. Even live, the biggest reaction was to Trigger. which surprised me. I mean, the whole crowd was jumping up and down through (almost) the entirety of OFTW, but Trigger was still bigger.

The old threads are great. Some of them are fucking vicious, too. Makes the spats on here look like toddlers fighting :D

ITM isn't that far away from being a decent record. It just needed more uptempo songs like the title track and IAA, much less autotune, stronger, thicker production on guitars and for House & In This Life to be erased from the record and existence.
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Fuck, I found an archive of the old Everdying board but all the links are broken. I want to read the flame wars.

So apparently there are lots of ballads on I, the Mask. What I want to know is: are we talking "Come Clarity" / "With Eyes Wide Open" ballads, or are we talking "Here Until Forever"? I'm super-cool with the former, but if it's the latter I'm none too pleased.
A mix of cc with sc ballads and here until forever. But with little come clarity. My opinion. If you like the songs so far then you're going to like the album.
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