IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I listened to the whole album just one time. Follow Me, Deep Inside, All The Pain and Not Alone where the ones that caught my attention ( from the unreleased tracks ).
It's on Piratebay already, so no need to give your PC AIDS.

I won't judge until at least couple of spins, but at least good information is that the album is not going downhill after House. In Battles it could have been just the first half of it, this one seems more balanced.
And it's better than ASOP. Obviously.

If you like mid tempo ballads featuring excessively autotuned vocals then this is your album. If not then less so. It's not really my style personally, but I think most modern IF fans (eg. Slave) aren't really into metal that much so they might dig this album quite a lot.

Follow me don't be afraid.
I will lead you to a better place.


This song is the example of everything that's wrong with Anders.

Anders does seem to have some kind of Messiah complex :D always talking about people following him, walking with him to be set free, etc. He obviously sees himself as some kind of Swedish Moses who loves singing with autotune machine.
Currently with stay with me. Lol. At least the final riff is good and Anders screaming. The rest is a joke. What the fuck happened with the vocals? They're awful.

No. Seriously. From the second half of the album I cannot stop laughing.

Deep lyrics y ass.
To be honest during the second half of the album I mostly rated the tracks by ignoring the vocals/lyrics and focusing mostly on the music. If I want to listen to a dude who can't sing abusing an autotune machine I'll throw on some T-Pain.
So. My opinion. The album is generic and boring. Maybe the message of the lyrics is deep, but it has been translated into a stupid way. Most of the time I found myself thinking: I cannot believe what I've just heard, because thats what I was expecting to hear.

The first half is meh. The second half is awful. Autotune should be a member of the band. Or maybe they should use prerecorded voices live and let Anders do the back voices.

Best song I am above. Best riffs call my name. Best solo none of them. Avoustic guitars were taken from tcp and that song bjorn released for charity back in 2010.

General feeling. I'm listening to 30 seconds to mars with members of rise against and scorpions. Bjorn gelotte special guest. Mixed and produced by some random dude.

Lol. Worst than SC. Best than Battles.

They have not changed that much... You can still hear old In Flames in their music...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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If you like mid tempo ballads featuring excessively autotuned vocals then this is your album. If not then less so. It's not really my style personally, but I think most modern IF fans (eg. Slave) aren't really into metal that much so they might dig this album quite a lot.
TBH, I don't find those vocals that invasive autotuned as they were on Battles. I love Anders singing in Leeches, Metaphor, Cloud Connected and Trigger, not the super singing robot. Still, with this album I think I've come to terms with this autotune, still wrong, but far better than recently. Get rid of the fat fuck Howard and hell yeah, I'll call your name in this life.
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To be honest during the second half of the album I mostly rated the tracks by ignoring the vocals/lyrics and focusing mostly on the music. If I want to listen to a dude who can't sing abusing an autotune machine I'll throw on some T-Pain.
The music is soooooooo boring with some bits here and there.

Ah, I see that we've lost slave again. This boy has a terrible taste for music.
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TBH, I don't find those vocals that invasive autotuned as they were on Battles. I love Anders singing in Leeches, Metaphor, Cloud Connected and Trigger, not the super singing robot. Still, with this album I think I've come to terms with this autotune, still wrong, but far better than recently. Get rid of the fat fuck Howard and hell yeah, I'll call your name in this life.

Those songs you mentioned did have some studio magic, but nowhere near how it is now. His cleans on those albums were still somewhat raw. Nowadays it's just autotuned to the point where I imagine it's almost unrecognisable from the original take. My main question would be why listen to this when there are far better bands and singers doing exactly the same thing? The reaction to the middle eastern style riffs on here and elsewhere genuinely made me laugh. Have you guys seriously never heard that before? IF didn't invent this, a ton of bands have done very similar riffs with the same vibe. I think even Eminem did once.

The music is soooooooo boring with some bits here and there.

Ah, I see that we've lost slave again. This boy has a terrible taste for music.

He said Reroute to Remain is In Flames' best album ffs. I like it too but that's a ridiculous comment.

ITM would have been better as an EP with IAA, ITM, Burn, Voices and maybe We Will Remember. This is another album with a huge identity crisis, where the band aren't sure if they want to play rocky, mid tempo ballads (weird that Slave would like the album so much considering how much he supposedly hates rock music) or generic, slightly heavy melodic metal. I wish they'd just pick a side and go with it.
Those songs you mentioned did have some studio magic, but nowhere near how it is now. His cleans on those albums were still somewhat raw. Nowadays it's just autotuned to the point where I imagine it's almost unrecognisable from the original take. My main question would be why listen to this when there are far better bands and singers doing exactly the same thing? The reaction to the middle eastern style riffs on here and elsewhere genuinely made me laugh. Have you guys seriously never heard that before? IF didn't invent this, a ton of bands have done very similar riffs with the same vibe. I think even Eminem did once.

He said Reroute to Remain is In Flames' best album ffs. I like it too but that's a ridiculous comment.

ITM would have been better as an EP with IAA, ITM, Burn, Voices and maybe We Will Remember. This is another album with a huge identity crisis, where the band aren't sure if they want to play rocky, mid tempo ballads (weird that Slave would like the album so much considering how much he supposedly hates rock music) or generic, slightly heavy melodic metal. I wish they'd just pick a side and go with it.
I know why he likes it. It's filked with awful midtempo songs that might be ballads or not. The same as SC.
Those songs you mentioned did have some studio magic, but nowhere near how it is now. His cleans on those albums were still somewhat raw. Nowadays it's just autotuned to the point where I imagine it's almost unrecognisable from the original take. My main question would be why listen to this when there are far better bands and singers doing exactly the same thing? The reaction to the middle eastern style riffs on here and elsewhere genuinely made me laugh. Have you guys seriously never heard that before? IF didn't invent this, a ton of bands have done very similar riffs with the same vibe. I think even Eminem did once.
Sure, they had "studio magic", but this Benson style is nowhere near magic, is more of a total overdose.
Can't agree with better bands doing same thing - can't be really better if they use excessive amounts of autotune.

As for the middle eastern style, best recent example is Death of a King by Amorphis. Still, I like this one from IF, it's not musically fresh, but sounds good enough for me. And has really nice screams. This album has best harsh vocals since Come Clarity, that's for sure.
Sure, they had "studio magic", but this Benson style is nowhere near magic, is more of a total overdose.
Can't agree with better bands doing same thing - can't be really better if they use excessive amounts of autotune.

I probably worded that badly, I meant there are better bands doing ACTUAL singing and solid mid tempo ballads, not relying on autotune machine to sound passable.
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I probably worded that badly, I meant there are better bands doing ACTUAL singing and solid mid tempo ballads, not relying on autotune machine to sound passable.
Bjorn "So we're gonna use lots of autotune..."
Anders "Lots..."
Bjorn "And then we'll play these song live..."
Anders "Lol no!"
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As for the middle eastern style, best recent example is Death of a King by Amorphis. Still, I like this one from IF, it's not musically fresh, but sounds good enough for me. And has really nice screams. This album has best harsh vocals since Come Clarity, that's for sure.
I would understand it if it had some purpose. But it just sounds as if happened by chance and then they thought it should be cool to put it into a song.
Wow, this one really surprised me. At first I didn't like it, but then I realized just how good and deep this album is. It could really be the Album of the Year for me. Probably the best thing IF did in decades. From the monster riff-fest of ITM to smart take on modern society and ecology in House. I think the experimenting and brave song structures redefines the genre and takes it one step further. Also, you can really hear that Anders was doing a lot of work and lessons before the recording. From infernal lows to soaring highs, his vocals are an absolute killer, and pretty much every chorus is a fucking hit. To wrap that all up, we have the perfect little story behind the lyrics and full, clear and powerful production of H.Benson. Hands down, its a 10/10 album for me.

P.S. You guys just shut up, don't be haters, they are not going to make another TJR, that would be boring.

P.P.S. I feel that, all this time, I kind of wore something to hide my true love for modern IF. Like an evil mask, full of anger and hate. But behind it, I was just a jester that wanted to be free. Finally I can. Tnx Anders!
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I would understand it if it had some purpose. But it just sounds as if happened by chance and then they thought it should be cool to put it into a song.
"Hey, Anders, I have a cool little idea on a new song.
-does it fit well tho'?"

Cmon mate. They just came with a thing they thought would try, it sounds well, why would they drop it? I don't expect every album to be so consequent. I'm just glad it sounds good, I won't be listening to entire album since I have to skip House anyway.
Because sounds should have a purpose? It's ok to come with a cool (it was not) riff. But then you must develope it and make a theme out of it (also talking about the lyrics).

If this was a movie soundtrack you would expect to see some oriental city or landscape, not fucking Ibiza.
In fairness I can't think of a song with middle eastern riffs that isn't based thematically on something related. It is a bit strange.
Just yesterday I was listening to a psychologist in the radio and, since carnival is at our doors, she was talking about masks. What she said was that we don't use masks to hide ourselves but to show our true selves. Or what we want to be.