IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Maaan, Follow Me reminds me a bit to Come Clarity, the song. Anyway, The weakest point of that song are the first two choruses. They are not bad, but everything else around them is just really fucking good. But the final chorus is really powerful.

It has decent lyrics (no, no perilious djinns, so still just basic stuff), and a not artificially lengthened build-up (aka TCP). I don't know about it being already the best balald of 2019 or anything like that, but it is a good, non-lazy song.
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We Will Remember is like a SOAPF track through and through. Probably the only reason it would stand out is the vocal work during the chorus, because it has Benson all over it. The melancholic part of it would also fit SC.

Man, I really like the heavy parts, ie. the intro, the breakdown and the. Honestly, once again, if they were to tweak those choruses a little, this could have been a really neat song. It's just weird how even the last chorus is the same.
In This Life is Battles meets Siren Charms. Oh man, the guys gonna fucking loathe this one :D :D :D

Well, it is shit to be honest. This is B-side material, no saving grace, no excuse.
Holy shit.... This is some good stuff, album is a good'un! Will listen a second time in the morning and will give my opinions after that, but initial thoughts, holy shit Stay With Me is incredible, Anders sounds mega, as does he on We Will Remember
In This Life is Battles meets Siren Charms. Oh man, the guys gonna fucking loathe this one :D :D :D

Well, it is shit to be honest. This is B-side material, no saving grace, no excuse.
OMG BRO I just listened to all of it... I regret saying so much shit about this song without listening to it, its fucking amazing.. Im sure that 95% of people wil hate it on here, but the chorus is soo godamnnn catchy i love it
Deep Inside... lol! What the fuck is that chorus? This is probably the best song for me right now, including the already released songs. He even fucking SCREAMS somewhat similar like i nthe golden era at the end!!! It gave me goosebumps. But there is just no fucking excuse for the first two chorus... once again.

All The Pain... I have a feeling that this song is actually shit, but I kinda like it. Proper build-up, decent vocals, heavy sound, finally not an annoying chorus. The lyrics are basic, but I like the line "you're the monster that brought me here", it's pretty cool. They really worked on this record, haha, it's pretty refreshing after Battles tbh.

Stay With Me: acoustics again?! Man, they are doing a bunch of new stuff here. I'm opening my eyes, Anders, what now? Okay, jokes aside, those vocals has some fragile pain in them, which Anders has been really good in the past to convey. Battles was too plastic, but this one works here. It's funny, compared to these slow, ballady songs, Like Sand sounds like some demo they've put together in 2 hours or less. I'm staying with you, Anders-kun-sama-chan. This is a good fucking song!! I may actually have to consider buying this record, but if they won't tour here then not, because fuck them. STAYYYY WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I think I may like this more than FOllow Me. Mixed signals here. follow him or stay with him? Am I staying with him if I am actually following him?

Not Alone: that intro riff and effect is totally STYE like. Then comes robot Anders to ruin every hope for a possible STYE track :D Oh , this is a bonus track, I'm just reading it now, so it doesn't matter if it's shit. Cool. I mean, it's not shit, but it's like a boring, more streamlined version of House, but it doesn't have a catchy chorus. Meh, it's okay for a bonus track, would probably be better if it was included instead of In This Life. This song is pretty positive. All the new songs just made me sad, but this one is all happy. Conclusion? If you stay with and follow Anders, you are not alone! Yay!
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I love All The Pain, really good performance from Anders, and the clean guitars sound really good.
Stay With Me absolutely blew me away, was not expectinrg somethinrg that powerful! I thought follow me was going to be the standout but my god... Hilariously Not Alone falls into the cheesy but damn good category! Chorus is annoying, but them verses... So bad it's good!
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You guys are deluding yourselves. Wait until you get over the hype and realize that science has concluded that I, the Mask objectively sucks.

Just kidding.

Going to listen to the album when I get it this weekend. Excited to hear it.
Album on the whole is fucking killer! House is the outlier in every way, In This Life is also very different but is okay... The Singles are the heaviest songs on the album. Stand Out songs for me are Voices, Follow Me, All The Pain and Stay With Me. Shoutout to Deep Inside though as that is a sleeper that I know will grow on me. Will do a full track by track review tommorow, so brace yourselves!
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Yeah I'm about to smoke up soon and then listen to each song individually.. I shall also be back with a review within a few hours
First listen...Just blown the fuck away! Wow! I am really impressed! Sounds so fresh! These guys had me doubting and well...!
Much sounds like the 80's Glam scene! Takes me back to 8-9 years old!
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Still waiting for someone to back me up that "In This Life" is actually a really nice song
I don't know man. I've just finished listening to Stay With Me again, while reading the Reroute thread from 16 years ago, IF's best release, so it's probably not too fair to give In This Life another chance, haha.

Or maybe it is the best time, because I know exactly what standard to hold it to. It has a certain lull to it, a strange atmosphere. It is really on the verge of being a dumb fucking throwaway track or being an interesting little exception on the record. The guitars are nice, the vocals make me feel like it's a bittersweet Christmas right now...

Dunno. It's better than House, let's stick with this for now.

And now, on to listening to STay With Me again.. fuck, I want to listen to the other tracks as well, but this is just too fucking good!
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I don't know man. I've just finished listening to Stay With Me again, while reading the Reroute thread from 16 years ago, IF's best release, so it's probably not too fair to give In This Life another chance, haha.

Or maybe it is the best time, because I know exactly what standard to hold it to. It has a certain lull to it, a strange atmosphere. It is really on the verge of being a dumb fucking throwaway track or being an interesting little exception on the record. The guitars are nice, the vocals make me feel like it's a bittersweet Christmas right now...

Dunno. It's better than House, let's stick with this for now.

And now, on to listening to STay With Me again.. fuck, I want to listen to the other tracks as well, but this is just too fucking good!

Agree with you that Reroute is without a doubt their best release but "In This Life" reminds me of "Dead Eyes, With Eyes Wide Open" from SC, except i think its better than both.. The way he sings the word 'life' in the chours is so catchy my god.... This Liiiii-aaaah-ahh-ifeee... this li-aaaahh-ahh-ifeee.. love it
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