IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Honestly brother, even though I personally think they're more generic than they ever were, they still have the basic in Flames identity. Even listening to Call my Name the riffs scream In Flames. Hell, even Our House has that In Flames feeling so I don't agree with you that they have lost their basic identity

While I understand what are you saying, a few familiar sounding riffs or melodies here and there is far from having an identity. House really doesn't sound like IF at all. Actually the second thing that annoyed me in that song, right after that fucking choir, was just how unmelodic, unmusical and boring the first riff in the song is.

Second thing I'm not OK with is how they are trying to emulate whatever they think is popular at that moment. Once they were leading the way, setting the trends and spawned a million of more or less copycat bands, now they are doing what everybody else is doing, and not very well.
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Lets not kid ourselves here, Magma was a drastic change in style for Gojira, especially vocally. I think Magma is a good album, but it's nowhere the fuck close to From Mars to Sirius or The Way of All Flesh which I regard as two of the best albums ever created in the Metal genre personally. I've seen recent videos of Gojira and either Joe's vocals are crushed, or he just wants to do clean-like vocals mostly nowadays, which could definitely be true considering Magmas more drony type of vocals. It doesn't sound completely bad, but he was untouchable on From Mars To Sirius with his pitched type of scream/growl that I don't know anyone else could sound like. It's going to be interesting to see what their new album this year will sound like, but I doubt they are returning to a more heavier sound this album.

I enjoy all 3 albums very much, each in its own way.

And it's not a question of crude heaviness (for me). Sometimes heavier is not better (ahem, Everythings gone). It is about conviction and quality. Like... I love the whole Damnation and Burden is a gem of a song, but I still think the last 3 Opeth album are not that good.
I enjoy all 3 albums very much, each in its own way.

And it's not a question of crude heaviness (for me). Sometimes heavier is not better (ahem, Everythings gone). It is about conviction and quality. Like... I love the whole Damnation and Burden is a gem of a song, but I still think the last 3 Opeth album are not that good.
Yeah I know that, for me personally I just think they absolutely perfected their sound on those two albums, L'enfaunt Savage is also almost at the same level. First two albums aren't THAT great for me, they didn't have the same groove or production. Magma is way less aggressive and less of a crushing production than previously, which is obviously what they wanted to go for which is fine, I just prefer the other stuff way more. I mean it's only really The Cell who has some sort of solid speed and aggression on the whole album, and even that song is kinda slow and drony in the verses. I haven't heard anything sounding like From the Sky, In the Wilderness, The Art of Dying since or anything even resembling that type of stuff on Magma. The combination of pounding drums, crushing groovy guitar riffs and beastly vocals was nowhere to be seen on all of Magma pretty much. What's cool about them though is that I believe they've never had a solo in a song in their career, which sounds pretty weird but I've never felt like there's a solo missing in any of their songs, they have cool breakdowns instead.
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For those who care, In Flames are doing a Kerrang Radio Hijack right now, first song Bjorn Chose was by Rainbow, predictable. Then Anders chose Multiple Stab Wounds by Malevolent Creation... So it's safe to say hipster Anders still enjoys his metal!
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No new songs played ( besides the title track ). It was nice to know what these guys are listening to. Anders seem to have more (death) metal backround than Björn, who seems to have rock influences. I did enjoyed Disposable Heroes though.
What? I'M downloading it right now. It is really fucking slow.

Just keep choosing the right side option on the russian site. It wil lstart a timer with 60. Once it depletes, just keep clicking the link, and it starts downloading. I can't say if it's legit yet, as I am stil ldownloading.

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