Honestly brother, even though I personally think they're more generic than they ever were, they still have the basic in Flames identity. Even listening to Call my Name the riffs scream In Flames. Hell, even Our House has that In Flames feeling so I don't agree with you that they have lost their basic identity
While I understand what are you saying, a few familiar sounding riffs or melodies here and there is far from having an identity. House really doesn't sound like IF at all. Actually the second thing that annoyed me in that song, right after that fucking choir, was just how unmelodic, unmusical and boring the first riff in the song is.
Second thing I'm not OK with is how they are trying to emulate whatever they think is popular at that moment. Once they were leading the way, setting the trends and spawned a million of more or less copycat bands, now they are doing what everybody else is doing, and not very well.