IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I don't know why they'd release this as a video when there are so many better songs to choose from.
The music is, probably, one of the bests from the album. The problem is Anders. As he is for the 90% of the album.

I listen to voices or I the mask and they're fine until Anders messes with a generic and out of line chorus.

I listen to this song and it's an ok until he messes it by singing something that he cannot and doing a total waste of a chorus.
Call My name is like the one case on this album where I will agree Anders ruins the song, those verses are so painful
I haven't logged into this forum in years, decided to stop by to check out other people's impressions. How's everyone, you still clinging to the idea that Colony 2.0 is coming one of these years?

I have no idea how Anders thinks to pull off singing live this new stuff, it's obviously way beyond his capabilities.
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Just woke up, let's see what the album has to offer.
Me too, I just listened to In This Life first. Doesn’t sound like anything SC to me. Sounds like one of the most happy and upbeat songs IF ever did... major key all the way?
I haven't logged into this forum in years, decided to stop by to check out other people's impressions. How's everyone, you still clinging to the idea that Colony 2.0 is coming one of these years?

I have no idea how Anders thinks to pull off singing live this new stuff, it's obviously way beyond his capabilities.

Bro :D I don't think you've posted since the SC days. Good to see you.

I think we're just hoping for a SOAPF 2.0 at this point. Dreams of another Colony or Clayman are dead.
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Dreams of another Colony or Clayman are better off dead. Thats like straight from the lyrics of the new album.

DTB man, good to see you here!
Interesting that in "We Will Remember" Anders makes a reference to clearing skies... a shout out to DT?
Interesting that in "We Will Remember" Anders makes a reference to clearing skies... a shout out to DT?
Interesting that he's naking references to old songs in the most "rock" song of the album. I don't remember that level of teolming since George Lucas made Jar Jar the cause for the fall of the Republic.
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Interesting that he's naking references to old songs in the most "rock" song of the album. I don't remember that level of teolming since George Lucas made Jar Jar the cause for the fall of the Republic.

Jar Jar... the best sith lord that never was :(

But yeah, I think I commented in my intial review that it's weird how the least IF sounding song (other than House) on the album is used to call back to older albums/lyrics :D typical Anders, a troll through and through.
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Decent opener. Cymbals are too harsh on the ears in the beginning of the song. Not a fan of how Anders sings the chorus. Guitar tone is too muffled (got a feeling this will be a common thing I'll say). Björn with his wah-wah again playing some random solo that sounds out of place.

I, The Mask:
Excellent song. Anders singing is good, lyrics about us more critical fans is kind of neat, but let's face it, what makes this song shine is the breakdown.

Call My Name:
Damn, catchy start! I like this! Ouch, some harsh frequencies in the guitars at 35 seconds in, it even pops and crackles... this shouldn't happen. Chorus is okay, not a fan when he sings high notes, something he can't in concert. If you can't sing it at a concert, don't do it on the record.
The track overall had a super big potential but it all just fell flat.

I Am Above:
Drum samples as fuck. - Song's great though. Singing is great until he goes high near the end, it just feels off.

Follow Me (on Twitter, Instagram, Facefuck and Snäpchät at @Inflamesofficial):
Great song until the wah-wah strikes again. ...And then he goes high again. And more wah. Started off great!

Music is great except for the fucking cymbal samples.

We Will Remember:
Fantastic opening melody, then, it opens up. Killer riff. C'mon Anders... nail this.
Good singing. Shame the power of the music itself fucked off. - Sweet breakdown.

In This Life:
....What? Oh, hi. That was a worrying 3 seconds. Musically, this is fantastic. Snare a bit too low down in the mix, but whatever.

Did I hear this before? I can't remember. Strong song with annoying vocals.

Deep Inside:
What is THIS?! Very interesting start here. ...Nice nice, solo works great. Cool acoustic part. Hope it leads to something big though. ...It works. May be the best song in MY OPINION. Props to Björn on the very interesting riffing.

All the Pain:
Before I start... the title worries me greatly. Don't be a whine, thanks.
Oh for fuck's sake.
...Just waiting for it to start.
Whew, finally. Oooh, nice! Sweet work here, Björn!
Vocals works, if a bit too ;-; for me.
Overall, I think it is a fairly strong song.

Stay With Me:
The album lacks fast songs, this needs to be one.
Hmm, okay, acoustic start. Will start any second now... Please? Thanks. Slow song again. Hoping they understand it needs a big finish. They understand. Fantastic guitar melody in the end. Now I just hope it won't fade out, that's the ultimate killer of songs. - Fucking FUCK. It is a TERRIBLE fade too.
I can't blame the band for that. It isn't a bad song at all, bit slow to get going but that's fine. Boy, that fade has me furious though. Anyway...


Album lacks fast songs, it isn't a great album, nor is it bad. Some interesting songs here with some cool ideas. Björn needs to be de-wah-ified because it is overused, but I get why - so he can save his solos live if he screws up. Wah-wah is basically the ultimate "I fucked up the solo" savior.

Now forget all I said. IF should do whatever they feel like doing.
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Björn needs to be de-wah-ified because it is overused, but I get why - so he can save his solos live if he screws up. Wah-wah is basically the ultimate "I fucked up the solo" savior.

Now forget all I said. IF should do whatever they feel like doing.

In fairness Bjorn's abuse of the wah pedal and Anders' abuse of autotune is basically a staple of the In Flames' formula now.
I listened to the album up through “House” on the way to work this morning.

I love the first four songs. The one-two punch of “Voices” and “I, the Mask” is just awesome. “Call My Name” and “I Am Above” are just as good, imo. So at least 1/3 of the album is very much to my liking.

“Follow Me” is extremely good shit. Love the intro and verses, and I really like how the second verse’s instrumentation differs from that of the first. Song has a really good progression. The second verse is straight-up Passenger. Think “Circles” or “Drowning City” or “In My Head”.

I liked the bridge, too, and the outro. I’m not sold on the chorus, though. I don’t dislike it, but it wasn’t quite the payoff I was expecting after the verses. So this song is a little like “With Eyes Wide Open” for me. Overall, great stuff.

“House” is fine. It’s dumb fun. I put it in the same category as “World of Promises” in that I don’t take it very seriously. But it should’ve been a bonus track like WoP so I could just disregard it as necessary.

Will resume with “We Will Remember” after work. I’ve already heard “Burn” and that one’s a step down from the first five songs already.
Burn is about a million times better than Call My Name, on an approximate scale. That's just a fact.
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Maybe if you’re using the Kelvin scale.

“Burn” is just kind of flat, imo. “Call My Name” has a somewhat similar sound and structure but it’s, melodically, far better to me. And I actually really like Anders’ vocals on CMN, even if it’s delivered in kind of that half-scream half-sing style that I usually hate.

I do like the solo in “Burn” though.
Cmon bro, even Vjeshta admitted Call My Name is the weakest track on the record, and dude thinks this is basically modern day Master of Puppets. Ciko, Anders' favourite son, said "BUT THE VOCALS ARE SO DAMN BAD. EVEN THOUGH I'M ANDERS LOVER, I HATE IT."

You're way out on your own with this one. So far that you've drifted beyond the horizon's edge.
There's no way that cmn is the weakest track. Anders cannot sing it and the chorus is weird. But there are worse songs than this one.