IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Right now swm is my favourite if song since the soapf album. Lol.
It really is amazing. I mean, it is extremely easy to deconstruct it if someone wants to be cynical. It's not The Wall by Pink Floyd, but still, that is not exactly the metric pf great music. Sometimes basic stuff can hit all the right spots. Not that I think stay with me is basic, Anders did a really fucking good job there. Who would've known if he let his voice to be imperfect (yes, it's still autotuned, but it's not invasive) he would be on the top of his game.

And Björn too. There are like 3 or 4 great guitar ideas from him. Lately they sticked with just one... "hey, you like this riff Anders? cool, then the song is done, ont othe next one"

Deep Inside is still a sleeper imo, I have to get off from the swm hype to evaluate with a clear head. It's an amazing track as well.
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Also, it is the funniest thing to read comments in fbook and youtube. People are digging this stuff, and the "haters" are being flamed, LOL. No, I still don't think comments worth anything, but since many of you liked to refer to them during the SC/Battles era, I guess it's fair to bring them up.

Edit: woooo, this is now officially the most replied to thread on the IF board!
In fairness I never considered myself a "hater" :D I had and have good reasons for disliking a fair portion of the songs from the previous two albums, but I've always been positive about songs like WEWO, Become the Sky, The End, Before I Fall, etc. I've never totally hated IF output, just certain aspects of albums and songs which really irritate me. But when IF get it right they are still one of the best bands around, imo, it just happens a lot less frequently now than it did back in the day.

For me the haters are an increasingly small number still clinging onto another "classic" album being produced, or even another Come Clarity. Realistically that just ain't going to happen, and if this is what you're waiting for you should just stop listening to this band and do something more productive and positive with your time. I think people like me, A88 and Eochaid fall into that category where IF can still produce something we like, but it needs to be in the vein of SOAPF or the musical element of ASOP. I don't think any of us are still hoping and praying for another TJR or Come Clarity. That ship has sailed, but I think it's still realistic to expect songs closer to the level of SOAPF.
What about reroute to the jester race? Or battles and whoracles? I, the clayman? Sounds of a Colony Fading...
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Did IF pick the singles or was it the label's job?
I think it's different for different albums. I know some times they have said they picked the first single or whatever, and other times they said they did the album then handed it to the label. Labels are the ones promoting the album so it makes sense that the label is involved in the singles. But obviously it differs from band to band, some bands probably want to decide themselves and others don't care and just want their music out.
Just to extend the SWM discussion, I like to think how great are the lyrics in terms of IF cooperation with Benson:

Don't ever let them use you
They will bring you to your knees
I'll try to lead you for awhile
But every time I talk to you
You're too afraid to see

And "I can see the light" is exactly how I feel. They did good on this album. They just need to stay away from the darkest of nights, from the king of burgers.
If IF wants to reach true commercial success they need to double down on songs like Stay With Me. I agree with Slave that this song is so close to breakthrough success. As soon as this gets picked up by a drama tv show IF could see a Come Clarity level of success again. A lot of chance, ifs, luck, but SWM is the songwriting maturity required to make it big. Greatest Greed and pop punk anthems aren’t gonna get them there at least at their age.
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Listened to I, the Mask again.

I think the massive dip in quality starting from "(This is Our) House" up through "Deep Inside" puts this album on the same level as Battles for me. It's just too hard to reconcile it with the actual good songs on the album. So right now I'd say this is probably the second-worst In Flames album. Or third-worst. Lunar Strain isn't my favorite IF album by any stretch but it has more good songs than I, the Mask does.

I also compared "Here Until Forever" and "We Will Remember" back to back and "Remember" is actually worse. I'm still stunned that IF would put out a song that bad. Holy shit.

Christ. The good songs are fucking stellar but I can't give a pass to an album where nearly half of the songs are bad. That shouldn't be the case with this band.
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So in sum, that's my verdict. A little more than half of I, the Mask is excellent, and if the entire album was of that same quality, it'd surpass Sounds of a Playground Fading and A Sense of Purpose for me, and pretty easily. But those five other songs are mediocre at best and offensive at worst.

So I'm disappointed. Could've been a contender, but held back by some really shit songs. The good ones are keepers, though.





I leave the forum for one day because I'm at a gig and i miss all this... Unbelievable.

@ThePhobiac the cringe at the SC reference XD
I'm dissapointed in you man, this album is good (on the whole).

This album ranking thing seems fun and I haven't tried it for a while;

God tier: SOAPF, Clayman, TJR
Holy tier: Colony, Come Clarity
King tier: RtR, Whoracle
Lord Tier: STYE
Citizen tier: ASOP, ITM, Siren Charms
Peasant tier: Lunar Strain
Coathanger Abortion tier: Battles
1 Voices
Really good opener. Driving, relentless. Not a guitar virtuoso song but something really good. To me this is like STYE (which I don’t like really) evolved and fully realized with good production. Subtle melodies, harmonies, keyboards. Love the solo (too short though) and the rhythm guitar progression behind the solo. Always driving forward. The last song with this kind of driving feeling was Where The Dead Ships Dwell. I think Where The Dead Ships Dwell is still better musically but I’m actually so surprised to see IF put out a song like this anymore. I would adopt this as a personal theme song.

2 I, The Mask
Great song that picks up the pace. Love the fact Anders starts the song with just raw screaming. And that they hit the verse twice before the chorus. But I like the chorus a lot and the vocals are great. I think this is a place where auto tune was used tastefully. The vocal harmonies are so sweet. I really like that “Who am I?” harmony part. It catches your attention every time. Whatever harmony they engineered there is awesome. They actually built a chord there. The chorus structure itself is interesting and has like two parts to it. And the chorus continues to be fast paced and doesn’t slow down. Very solid.

3 Call My Name
Song starts so freaking strong. Maybe the strongest on the album. Verse is great, prechorus is great. Thinking to myself this is the 3rd banger in a row. BAM!! Get hit in the face with a slow boring chorus. Thankfully it’s pretty short, verse starts up again. But then the verse is only 1 line long and the second chorus is repeated literally 17 seconds after it ended? WTF??

Awesome intro, verse riffs, awesome pre chorus, BAD & BORING & SLOW CHORUS. Great bridge, great short solo (no wah wah). Ignoring the chorus, only thing the song needs is a death growl at 1:55. But this song is really hurt by the chorus. It’s like they wrote the slow first part of the chorus but didn’t write the second half of the chorus that picks up the pace like in I Am Above. But at least half the song is good so I will label this a “potential grower”.

4 I Am Above
Intro that reminds of Colony, black n roll verse riff, all good stuff. Rhythm guitar not just power chords, some actual harmonic content (like old school IF). First part of the chorus is a little slow and weak but then picks up the pace again in the second part of the chorus and song gains steam. Solo is solid. Overall great demonstration of what current IF can do.

5 Follow Me
Great acoustic intro, and really interesting and mournful verse taking me back to some Ulver Kvellsanger vibes.. *thinking to myself: guys, don’t mess this up, please just let this be a “weird” track, just keep it acoustic, we don’t need a chorus, seriously, do something different this time... oh shit, not again with this!!! No! No!!!!!!!!!11111”

6 This is our House
The Truth 2.0. Whatever, I’m cool with it. Lyrics might be a little disingenuous but Anders has been doing that for 2 decades now. Solo is a Square Nothing excerpt but that’s one of my favorites so I can’t but help this one. Enough said on this topic.

7 We Will Remember
I agree with everyone who said this is Here Until Forever 2.0. But not just that. Verse riff is kind of cool and borrows/rips off vocal patterns and melody from Ropes (which is one of my favorite SOAPF songs). But the chorus and everything else is a bunch of boring power chords. I don’t even want to look at the lyrics and get interested in them. Definition of radio rock. Definition of a forgettable track.

8 In This Life
I like it. I think someone might have described this as a love child between SC and Battles. Musical style of SC plugged into the mood and tone of Battles. But it is not like any song on SC at all. Upbeat and major key all the way. Favorite part might be the quiet part right after the solo. They are channeling the best of Coldplay there. I think it’s a cool song.

9 Burn
Ok song. Average and safe to be honest. Heavy “modern” SOAPF influence plus Battles chorus. But what is going on with the breakdown from 2:00-2:50 that goes nowhere? We’re missing a lead guitar track or something. Way too much chunky/puffy SOAPF without any ornamentation. Voices, IAA, ITM are stronger. I won’t go out of my way to listen to this, but I don’t dislike it either.

10 Deep Inside
Not impressed by this one. Intro middle eastern riff is cool and strong, but then it’s gone. And they use it so superficially. But they also ripped off one of Arch Enemy’s big hits from 2017. Listen to The World is Yours 3:07-3:22. Anyway, the middle eastern stuff is very superficial, isolated, and most of the song doesn’t even retain that style at all. The chorus is some crap Battles power chord garbage.

But, the solo is cool and afterwards I agree there is heavy Clayman influence (wow, the “In Flames talking” as me and my friends used to call it, is back!) like Satellites and Astronauts. So, some cool elements but overall not feeling this song.

11 All The Pain
Wow the intro is amazing. Clean and good singing from Anders. No obvious autotune. Sounds so clean and good. No drums until 1:00 in. Builds to a really solid pre chorus. Chorus is okay. Post chorus has a wicked sweet harmonized solo part. Good tension build up as we go through verse and chorus again. Finale and outro is adequate but almost doesn’t quite explode the way I thought it would. Solid track.

12 Stay With Me
Amazing song, very mature song writing, epic, honest. This is the kind of song that would win them the next Grammy. A New Dawn is the last IF song to have similar epic emotional power.

Classic metal: Voices, I The Mask, I Am Above
Progressive: Stay With Me, All The Pain, In This Life, House

Call My Name

Follow Me, Burn (Ok but not a stand out), Dead Inside, We Will Remember

Main Stand Outs
Voices, I The Mask, I Am Above, Stay With Me, All The Pain

Overall Impression
I’m a fan of IF through Clayman. I’m not that interested in the 2000s new In Flames. SOAPF was my next favorite album that kind of brought me back. I’m not going to rank ITM that high yet, but this album piques my interest enough to possibly live in that space. In fact, to me ITM is possibly the most listenable album since Clayman. All the other albums had huge production issues until SOAPF. But SOAPF was so sterile and not classic IF sounding, plus several filler tracks. It’s good but I need to be in the mood. Then SC which is a lot different and very moody, then Battles which is so flat. I don’t know. ITM might be overall the best SOUNDING yet especially for casual listening.

In Flames always says that melody is their #1 element. But I disagree. The thing that always attracted to me to them was the balance of light and dark. Look, I’m into black and death metal, and hardcore. I like it raw. But I can’t exclusively listen to that. IF came on the scene and could balance aggression, melody, dark riffage, uplifting solos and melodies. Clayman was the last true album that did that for me. ASOP got close but overall fell flat.

All the reviews talking about balance are kind of true. They do balance the elements. But I do not agree that every song is balanced. Several songs are deficient. And good songs don’t need weak parts to be “balanced”. That’s BS. And weak songs with good parts aren’t “balanced” either.

TLDR For me, IF is back.

When it comes to what songs are picked as "singles", it really depends on how big the band is and how big the label they are attached to are. For an independent band, or a band with a smaller fanbase, they're free to pick which songs they want to promote the album with. In the case of In Flames, or a really big band like Slayer, they typically just hand the album off to the label and said label promotes the album accordingly, maybe with some input from the band.

I get why a lot of people on here dislike Lunar Strain; it's raw, not quite as developed as the albums that came after it, and the drumming is kind of lopsided (good job, Jesper). I love it though, there were so many great ideas brought to the table, even the weakest songs (Hargalaten, title track) take a massive dump on Siren Charms and Battles. In a sense, it reminds me of The Red In The Sky Is Ours with how innovative and heavy it was. Jesper, Glenn, and Johan were merely getting their bearings, and Subterranean managed to improve on it in every way a year later. I'm also one of the few people on this planet who likes Everlost part 1, I think its criminally underrated as a doom metal track.

Everything In Flames has put out after Clayman has been hit or miss (I guess they never miss, huh?) for me. Reroute got so much flak when it came out, but it still felt like a classic In Flames album with some experimental (and some really terrible) tracks. STYE was bad and used to be my least favorite until Siren Charms came out, but at least STYE had some solid tracks on it. ASOP was horrifically maimed by bad production, which is a shame because there's a good album underneath all that castrated distortion and Axl Rose tier yelling. Come Clarity and SOAPF show that modern In Flames can still be good.

I definitely agree with you guys that the band as we know it will never go back to the style of their first five releases, and that's for the best. If their hearts were truly in it, it would be great, but I'm glad Anders is being honest about where they're at now, musically. And let's be real, we all knew things would never be the same after Jesper left. I just want them to put some genuine effort, passion, and soul into what they're doing again. SOAPF definitely felt inspired, SC and Battles felt very phoned-in, which is why those albums are mostly trash. I mean, fuck, Katatonia went from being one of the pioneers of the death/doom genre to making insanely good depressive rock/alt-metal, and that's because those guys are talented songwriters. Bjorn and Anders could stand to take a page from their book, I'm just saying.
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Pretty decent review. Don't give up when he says they are back, because eventually he is going to trash them, and give the record a 2/5.

I agree with some of the stuff he says and strongly disagree with others (how the fuck have they improved album by album since SOAPF? :D) but yeah, he puts his points across well and it actually sounds like he did listen to the album unlike most reviewers, so fine.
I get why a lot of people on here dislike Lunar Strain; it's raw, not quite as developed as the albums that came after it, and the drumming is kind of lopsided (good job, Jesper). I love it though, there were so many great ideas brought to the table, even the weakest songs (Hargalaten, title track) take a massive dump on Siren Charms and Battles. In a sense, it reminds me of The Red In The Sky Is Ours with how innovative and heavy it was. Jesper, Glenn, and Johan were merely getting their bearings, and Subterranean managed to improve on it in every way a year later. I'm also one of the few people on this planet who likes Everlost part 1, I think its criminally underrated as a doom metal track.
Man I feel so bad I put Lunar Strain at the bottom of my list. I like it and I respect it. It’s more like I don’t feel like it’s essential in their catalog and don’t need to listen to it often. I guess in that sense it’s more like ASOP to me. Not STYE which I actually dislike.

I don’t agree it’s on the same level as The Red In the Sky is Yours though. That album is on a whole other level of amazing. It’s raw but not really. Once you get into it’s its very refined and thought out and it’s NOT a demo or ATG’s first recording at all.

I’ll go back and revisit LS soon though in a few weeks. To me the Subterranean material always outshone the LS material when they packed those albums together. I’ll listen to LS by itself and see what happens.

. I mean, fuck, Katatonia went from being one of the pioneers of the death/doom genre to making insanely good depressive rock/alt-metal, and that's because those guys are talented songwriters. Bjorn and Anders could stand to take a page from their book, I'm just saying.
Really good point. Katatonia showed how you could change styles and not sell out in the process.
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Man I feel so bad I put Lunar Strain at the bottom of my list. I like it and I respect it. It’s more like I don’t feel like it’s essential in their catalog and don’t need to listen to it often. I guess in that sense it’s more like ASOP to me. Not STYE which I actually dislike.
Lmao, it is not important at all. Praising LS is either some weird taste, being a hipster, or being overly sentimental. That record is nothing more than a demo, which did not do them any favors or success. In Flames was just another [name any Gothenburg band, which consisted of some variance of the same ~15 people]. Same with Subterranean.

Is it important? Sure, the same way as Jesper taking a shit one day back in the 90s, which made him miss the train, so he took the next one and met with Björn or something like that. Is it important i nthe success of IF? No, it's not. It started with TJR.

I mean cool if you like the youth energy and agression and imperfection which LS represents, these records are definitely one of a kind, because those guys eventually learned how to be proper musicians, but that's it, nothing more.
Man I feel so bad I put Lunar Strain at the bottom of my list. I like it and I respect it. It’s more like I don’t feel like it’s essential in their catalog and don’t need to listen to it often. I guess in that sense it’s more like ASOP to me. Not STYE which I actually dislike.

I don’t agree it’s on the same level as The Red In the Sky is Yours though. That album is on a whole other level of amazing. It’s raw but not really. Once you get into it’s its very refined and thought out and it’s NOT a demo or ATG’s first recording at all.

I’ll go back and revisit LS soon though in a few weeks. To me the Subterranean material always outshone the LS material when they packed those albums together. I’ll listen to LS by itself and see what happens.

If you don't like Upon an Oaken Throne then you're dead inside.

Wildfiiiirrreeee :cool:
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