IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Also, watching the Montreal 1999 vid, can't help but note that at 28 minutes during the Moonshield interlude the cameraman blatently zooms in on some girl's boobs for nearly a minute :D smooth, bro.
Also, watching the Montreal 1999 vid, can't help but note that at 28 minutes during the Moonshield interlude the cameraman blatently zooms in on some girl's boobs for nearly a minute :D smooth, bro.
See? If they were playing some banger like House or EG, the camera guy couldn't have taken off his eyes and lens from the band.
I'm still enjoying this version quite a lot:


btw, from the comments section:

Nice gypsy music.
See? If they were playing some banger like House or EG, the camera guy couldn't have taken off his eyes and lens from the band.

I dunno, they were a good set of boobs in fairness. Not sure there was a need to zoom in on them twice, but oh well :D dude must have been going through a dry spell.

Time for IF to do a TJR celebration tour. Anders' vocals now sound as close to that album as they ever have. Even back in the day his vocals live sounded nothing like they did on TJR. Somehow in 2019 he's closer to that sound live than he was in 1997.
The biggest obstacle is them not wanting to do it, and to be honest, they shouldn't. The first album (in order of release) which may sound nice live from start to finish is Colony.
All right, here it is again:

1. They don't want to do it. They say this in every second interview.

2. It would suck. They have a different audience, and while blasting out oldies but goodies like Moonshield in the setlist is a great way to treat the fans, TJR from start to finish was more like an artist blowing himself live on stage, than actually giving out something cool to the fans. Nine Inch Nails for example played The Downward Spiral 1994 record in its entirety a few times in their "farewell" tour, but that made tons of sense. First of all, it was their first, and possibly biggest hit both commercially and critically, something which can not be said about TJR. Second, it had no dated tracks. Their first record (Pretty Hate Machine - 1989) had many outdated songs, which sounded cool back then, but listening to a synth-rock song about masturbation, or a 50+ year old dude crying about a girl with lyrics like "that's what I get!!!!!" would not translate well. They could've chosen The Fragile (1999) to be played in its entirety as well, as it was also a highly successful record, but it was a double record, with tons of instrumentals and drawn-out songs. As great as it is artistically, a live setlist is not about sitting back in your chair and enjyoing the music, well, not for a "rock band" anyway. The Downward Spiral is a raw, aggressive, fast-paced record, greatly suitable for a live environment. TJR is not. You could argue for Whoracle, but I think Colony, but especially Clayman were much more important records in the band's life, so it would make sense to play those.

Asking for TJR to be played live is a selfish, niche wish. Sure, it would be cool, and it would be certainly something for the history books, but a live show is for the live audience, and not for us wankers here. Imagine paying for any band you want to see, and then they do a setlist where they play their unreleased, shitty demos from 30 years ago. Wow, cool, what a rare sight, how fucking special I am, great, but how about I get some fucking songs I came here to see?
You're talking like I'm asking them to play Lunar Strain in its entirety :D TJR is not a fucking demo and most of the songs sound great live. They've regularly played the likes of Moonshield, Graveland and Artifacts of the Black Rain on tour. I was there when they played the TJR medley in either 2009 or 2010, and the opening to TJR (song) sounded incredible live, crowd was very much into it too. I think Dead God in Me was in the medley too and sounded pretty sick. IF speed up all the older tracks and add stuff in to make them better live. Moonshield is altered fairly significantly, whilst Graveland and Artifacts are sped up accordingly and also sound awesome. If you think TJR would sound shit live then you are dead wrong I'm afraid, unless you have a massive dislike for melodic death metal in which case yes, it would sound shit. But as the comments on FB/Twitter and elsewhere signify, the band still has a shitload of fans who love TJR and want them to play stuff off it live.

Keep in mind TJR is only 10 songs, and two of those are instrumentals. So if you cut out Jester's Dance and Wayfaerer that's only 8 songs. On a standard IF headlining tour they play up to 22 songs, so that still leaves 14 songs they can play off whatever album they want. Also they'd surely advertise it as being a TJR celebration (or whatever) tour, so no fan would be duped by going unless they were a total idiot. In which case they should only be pissed off at themselves for being so dumb.

Check out these fans not giving a shit about this terrible song from TJR. Or no, actually, song sounds great and the crowd are digging it. No reason to think the reaction would be significantly worse for awesome songs like Dead Eternity or Lord Hypnos. You'd have to be deaf or a non-metal fan to fail to appreciate it, frankly.
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Oh shut the fuck up, you link their second most played song from the record, when they only played 3(!) songs more than 100 times. Lord Hypnos, Wayfearer and DGD have never even been played. TJD had its live debut in 2017, December Flower was only played in 1996, which means by the time Whoracle came around, the band already dropped it for whatever reasons.

The band already moved away from that sound by the time of Colony, and more than half of the songs had already fallen out of favor even when they were still old school. Why the fuck would they think about that record as anything more than your first bike, which is eating rust somewhere in your parents' attic. Good memories, nice to occasionally take a look at it, but even back then you were quick to move onto something more expensive and cooler, so why on earth would you want to trek miles with that shit?

Whoracle is a better TJR (fight me), Colony is the first ever non-underground record, and Clayman is the first record that helped them reach the stars. No one wants the entire record live. Oh, you think you do? Listen to the remake version of Sonata Arctica's Ecliptica, if you want to hear what 15 (in case of IF, 23) years older people do with their songs which were written as some raw, youthful material back then. It's shit. It's mighty fun when you puke all over your room after some drinking when you are just some teenager, but when yu do the same as a 40 years old, it doesn't have quite the charm.

Name more than 3 TJR songs for which people would kill to hear instead of anything else of their choosing from the catalog. So, even before you jerk off to the though of them performing the mighty Wayfearer, think about how they could play songs like Jotun, Ep. 666, JST, FFTG, Zombie Inc., Embody.... etc. But sure, when you see them live once a year and you pay a moderate sum for it, you don't want those songs, because you want Wayfearer. And notice how I didn't even talk about the newer fans, because when I think about the newer (eh, is 2002 and onwards new anymore?) fans and I match Wayfearer against System, Drifter, Minus, Shadow, Touch of Red, Crawl Through... obviously Wayfearer still wins. In fact, they should play it twice. How about that?

I don't mean to shit on TJR, because it IS a very unique and unrepeatable material, which has historical significance, and it's nice listening to it, especially in hindsight, when you think about how this is (almost) where it all started. But live? The whole thing? From start to finish? That would do a major disservice for other records (Colony-Clayman-R2R), which would deserve this much more, and which would be more pleasureable experience to the live audience as well. You know, the ones that they are playing for.
Oh man. When an album is fully played live is for what they mean and represent. Jester race and Whoracle are held amongs the most influential metal albums ever. And they will do a solid live act. No other In Flames album will ever have the recognition those two have. No matter how good they are.

The only In Flames album that could not stand to be fully played live is Siren Charms because is fucking boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring.
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Check out these fans not giving a shit about this terrible song from TJR. Or no, actually, song sounds great and the crowd are digging it. No reason to think the reaction would be significantly worse for awesome songs like Dead Eternity or Lord Hypnos. You'd have to be deaf or a non-metal fan to fail to appreciate it, frankly.

\m/ \m/
Name 3? Easy

Artifacts of the Black Rain
December Flower
Lord Hypnos
Dead Eternity
The Jester’s Dance
The Jester Race

Ahh fuck it. Just play the whole damn thing.
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IF speed up all the older tracks and add stuff in to make them better live.
Whoops, missed this post entirely.

IF they play the entire record sped up, then why are they even playing the entire record?? If you ask for your favorite cookie, then you want your favorite cookie, not something very similar with a different recipe. This or the historical significance argument needs to die, because they are in direct opposition of eachother. You either say they should play TJR from start to finish, because it's the magnum opus (it's really not though) of the band, but then they shouldn't mess with it, or play a more live-friendly version of the songs, but then where is the honoring part?
Oh man. When an album is fully played live is for what they mean and represent. Jester race and Whoracle are held amongs the most influential metal albums ever. And they will do a solid live act. No other In Flames album will ever have the recognition those two have. No matter how good they are.

The only In Flames album that could not stand to be fully played live is Siren Charms because is fucking boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring.
Too bad if they kept releasing songs like that, then they wouldn't have 1/10th of a following as they have now, or at the very least used to have. Clayman and R2R were much more important records than TJR. If we strictly want to talk about MDM, then Clayman is still the ultimate form of that music, at least by In Flames.

TJR is nostalgia, but it's not even top 3 most important record in the band's life. If we want to argue schemantics, then they should play Lunar Strain, because if a record label doesn't give them a chance after LS and Subterranean, then there is no TJR to begin with.

I can compromise by a "remember the past" tour where they play like 2-2, or maybe 3-3 songs from their pre-Clayman, maybe even pre-Colony material. But TJR in its entirety is a big no-no.
Name 3? Easy

Artifacts of the Black Rain
December Flower
Lord Hypnos
Dead Eternity
The Jester’s Dance
The Jester Race

Ahh fuck it. Just play the whole damn thing.
Okay, but it will be announced to the whole audience, that you are the reason they will be playing Graveland instead of Zombie Inc. You may not even live to see it.
Heavy overlap between Colony and TJR fans. I don’t think there would be a problem there. If they announced it then I would be hailed as a god and would have a ton of girls hanging off me that night.
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Too bad if they kept releasing songs like that, then they wouldn't have 1/10th of a following as they have now, or at the very least used to have. Clayman and R2R were much more important records than TJR. If we strictly want to talk about MDM, then Clayman is still the ultimate form of that music, at least by In Flames.
No. They were not. Just ask anyone that has the slightest idea about music. TJR and Whoracle appear on evwry list of influential albums regarding metal.

Clayman and R2R are important in terms of sales, but nobody cares about them if we talk about influence and relevance. You just won't admit because you're stubborn and have little appreciation for those albums. But the rest of the world knows.
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If they were to play some album in its entirety, one alternative to a full "special" tour could be just doing a one-off show (and recording it), preferably in Gothenburg. I'm sure any album would get a good response in their home town, be it TJR or Battles.

As for December Flower, it includes a guest solo by Fredrik Johansson, which may be the reason the song hasn't been played live since 1996. Neither Jesper nor Glenn felt comfortable playing the solo on stage, apparently, because that part is skipped in the Köln 1996 video.
Honestly, trying to talk to Slave about TJR is like attempting to explain Mozart to a hillbilly. "Someone get muh banjo, hyu hyu hyuk".

A list of idiotic conclusions drawn from Slave's insane ramblings:

- TJR is the equivalent of "an unreleased, shitty demo from 30 years ago"
- No TJR songs sound good live. Except the ones they've played live
- Majority of IF audience would hate to hear TJR songs live
- IF audience would be pissed to hear TJR songs on a tour designated as a TJR celebration
- Nine Inch Nails are comparable to In Flames
- Songs must sound exactly as they are on the record, otherwise they aren't worth playing
- TJR is not an important album in IF history
- Colony and Clayman were mainstream records upon their release (lol, no)
- Every IF fan in the world would rather hear a track from any album other than TJR
- Playing TJR in its entirety means they could never play any other album in its entirety
- Clayman is the ultimate form of MDM (it isn't even MDM but OK)
- People will literally riot and possibly kill somebody if they announce Graveland will be played instead of Zombie Inc

I think that about covers it and going over those points has dropped my IQ a few notches, but there we go. The world as Slave sees it. So distorted and bizarre that it can only be a product of delusion.

Take a long nap Slave.
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