IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I just did. Still the same opinion, though obviously your points are exaggerated. You spend more time nitpicking what I said, or may have implied, than actually talking about the harsh realities. Wew, Slave said something which can be argued if I interpret it this specific way, let's talk about it, at least that's a lil' bit more time I don't have to actually give a proper reason why TJR should be THE record to play in its entirety!!

TJR was impactful on the music scene, but I dare you to ask anyone (even Jesper) what do they think was their most important, or best record. Let's say the all time last 4 records can not be nominated, so they are not allowed to give a bullshit answer like of course their newest record is the best.

Let's ask all the people we consider the heart of success for the band, so the line-up that was formed by Colony. Peter and Daniel would obviously not pick a pre-Colony record, Björn was a drummer on those, so he most likely prefers songs where he had more input and creativity, and Anders was nothing more on TJR than your regular "noname guy who growls decently during the music". He is onedimensional, and the lyrics are not even entirely his own. The record itself also wasn't some grand architecture that blasted them into professionality, fame, or even huge critical acclaim. Nine Inch Nails is a good example, because they usually had big breaks between albums, so when The Downward Spiral (1994) was released, then it WAS the band, it WAS the music for 5 years. It propelled them into mainstream success overnight, while also raking in critical acclaims. That record changed the band's life.

TJR was like a semi-amateur product, followed by another semi-amateur product that was Whoracle. You talk about TJR like it had that huge impact. Oh man, how could I forget the period of 1996 February - 1997 October! Clearly the golden days of the band. TJR was such a blast that they recorded their next album within a year with session members and people not even playing their main instrument.

But go ahead, ask Jesper what he thinks was either the best IF record musically, or what he considers THE ultimate In Flames record, which he believes truly shows what that band is/was. The one record he would proudly show to his grandchildren, that here, this was the absolute best me and we could do.
It's pretty hilarious that you keep saying "ask Jesper" whilst in the past you've criticised him as being a lying, unreliable drunk. You've got issues man.

Personally I couldn't give a shit what any of the band members say at this point. They've chatted so much shit in interviews over the years that I no longer trust their opinion on anything related to their own music. They've been warped by living in the bubble. Although with that said Anders has said multiple times on stage that "if you don't have TJR, you aren't an In Flames fan" or something similar, so he clearly does rate the record pretty highly.

TJR is the seminal IF record, whether you or the band themselves want to believe it or not. You don't see people saying "release another Whoracle/Colony/Clayman", it's always, always TJR. I'll let you figure out the reason for that, Mr Slave. You shouldn't need to think too long.
Jester... The world does not move around you. No matyer what you say about tjr it will ever he highly esteemed and regarded as one of the most influential metal albums. So deal with it.
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Again, you are still using some of the lowest forms of arguments. In the same argument where I called Jesper untrustworthy, YOU defended him. I proposed asking him, since YOU hold his words in a much higher value, than I do. Don't try to turn it on me, because once again, you try to overpower me, and not the things I say.

TJR is the seminal IF record, whether you or the band themselves want to believe it or not. You don't see people saying "release another Whoracle/Colony/Clayman", it's always, always TJR. I'll let you figure out the reason for that, Mr Slave. You shouldn't need to think too long.
What an absolute troll you can be. At least it's somewhat witty trolling I guess, because I actually had to make a double take on this to decide if you were actually this dense.
Jester... The world does not move around you. No matyer what you say about tjr it will ever he highly esteemed and regarded as one of the most influential metal albums. So deal with it.
Yeah, whatever. The matter of fact is, they should NEVER play any of their record from start to finish. They already have more than enough great tracks to even rotate during a tour, no one wants to hear random fillers from any of their records instead of other, better songs.
Slave is getting cranky :D needs another nap.

Metallica played Master of Puppets from start to finish on a tour once, I guess that was a stupid decision too. What about the new fans who wanted to hear stuff from Load, Reload and St Anger?! Why play the fillers from MOP?!

Of course you'll say "that's different, it's Metallica and MOP is better than TJR and more well known herp derp" but in context it's not a dissimilar situation at all. MOP & AJFA are essentially the TJR & Whoracle of Metallica's discography, followed by the Black Album which you could say was their Colony/Clayman. You saying Jester Race is unimportant is essentially the equivalent of somebody saying Master of Puppets isn't important because the production isn't as good, band members were different and it didn't sell as much. Total bullshit but here you are anyway.
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Slave is getting cranky :D needs another nap.

Metallica played Master of Puppets from start to finish on a tour once, I guess that was a stupid decision too. What about the new fans who wanted to hear stuff from Load, Reload and St Anger?! Why play the fillers from MOP?!

Of course you'll say "that's different, it's Metallica and MOP is better than TJR and more well known herp derp" but in context it's not a dissimilar situation at all. MOP & AJFA are essentially the TJR & Whoracle of Metallica's discography, followed by the Black Album which you could say was their Colony/Clayman. You saying Jester Race is unimportant is essentially the equivalent of somebody saying Master of Puppets isn't important because the production isn't as good, band members were different and it didn't sell as much. Total bullshit but here you are anyway.
Okay, explan this to me, because I am mighty curious how the FUCK is TJR the MOP of In Flames? MOP is like the absolute perfected sound of Metallica, and it took them many records to get there.

See, here's my problem with another Metallica example: to me, you are keep saying how Kill em All is the most important and best Metallica album out there, while I try to convince that it is bullshit, and if Metallica should ever play a record from start to finish, it should be MOP or Black.
Okay, explan this to me, because I am mighty curious how the FUCK is TJR the MOP of In Flames? MOP is like the absolute perfected sound of Metallica, and it took them many records to get there.

See, here's my problem with another Metallica example: to me, you are keep saying how Kill em All is the most important and best Metallica album out there, while I try to convince that it is bullshit, and if Metallica should ever play a record from start to finish, it should be MOP or Black.

Metallica only had two records before Master of Puppets - Kill 'Em All and Ride the Lightning, how is that "many records"? :D all two of them.

MOP is like the absolute perfected sound of Metallica/TJR is like the absolute perfected sound of In Flames

You may not agree but then I'm sure there are Metallica fans who think AJFA or Black Album are Metallica's perfected sound, not MOP. I know you struggle with seeing others perceptions so I'm trying to be kind here, but at the same time, stop being such a bell end.
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I'm certain I can remember them being asked about playing TJR for the 20th anniversary and they didn't sound interested at all really. Although I also remember Björn in like 2008 being asked about potentially re-recording Lunar Strain and said they weren't opposed but wasn't sure they'd have the time/have the timing to do it. I'm all for doing some cool 25th anniversary though, with Anders current vocals TJR live would be sick imo since he'd probably just death growl almost all the time during it. I think Whoracle would be also very fitting, and closer vocally to todays live vocals than TJR is, he uses a bit deeper vocals on Whoracle.
Why is TJR so important? The Jester Race is irreplaceable in their discography.

No Whoracle? That’s ok, at least I have TJR and Colony.

No Colony? Shit, at least I have TJR, Whoracle, and Clayman.

No TJR? All I have is Subterranean which is awesome but way too short.

TJR is the soul of In Flames. Without TJR I think In Flames would have turned into some alcoholic party trash band. Like mid-2000s Bodom.
I'm certain I can remember them being asked about playing TJR for the 20th anniversary and they didn't sound interested at all really. Although I also remember Björn in like 2008 being asked about potentially re-recording Lunar Strain and said they weren't opposed but wasn't sure they'd have the time/have the timing to do it. I'm all for doing some cool 25th anniversary though, with Anders current vocals TJR live would be sick imo since he'd probably just death growl almost all the time during it. I think Whoracle would be also very fitting, and closer vocally to todays live vocals than TJR is, he uses a bit deeper vocals on Whoracle.

Yeah I would imagine the remaining regular band members (Andurz and Bjorn) wouldn't really be interested in playing a full TJR set. Wouldn't kill them to do it once as a special one-off show somewhere though. Record it, sell some DVDs/Blu Rays. "TJR/Whoracle LIVE" ... I'd buy that shit with Anders in the form he's in at the moment. Maybe they could even get some of the older guys to come back for one night to play that stuff with them. I'm sure Peter & Daniel would be up for it, and maybe even Jesper too. It would be the most awesome IF show of all time.

Obv there would be bells like Slave who would break down and have temper tantrums if they did. "WHAT ABOUT SIREN CHARMS YOU ASSHOLES?!", but screw 'em. Do it because it would be amazing, not because some immature little toerags can't handle the reality that IF from 1996-2000 obliterates anything that came afterwards.
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Yeah I would imagine the remaining regular band members (Andurz and Bjorn) wouldn't really be interested in playing a full TJR set. Wouldn't kill them to do it once as a special one-off show somewhere though. Record it, sell some DVDs/Blu Rays. "TJR/Whoracle LIVE" ... I'd buy that shit with Anders in the form he's in at the moment. Maybe they could even get some of the older guys to come back for one night to play that stuff with them. I'm sure Peter & Daniel would be up for it, and maybe even Jesper too. It would be the most awesome IF show of all time.

Obv there would be bells like Slave who would break down and have temper tantrums if they did. "WHAT ABOUT SIREN CHARMS YOU ASSHOLES?!", but screw 'em. Do it because it would be amazing, not because some immature little toerags can't handle the reality that IF from 1996-2000 obliterates anything that came afterwards.
I kind of agree, although I don't actually think anyone in the band would have a problem doing TJR live, I just don't think there's demand for it. I'm sure if they were being completely bombared about it on social media it could change, but I honestly think it's a minority of people asking for those things. It would be cool for some one off thing, with old members returning to perform stuff, like when they did the Behind Space with original line-up in 2004. Dunno about the "obliterates anything that comes after though", manys songs yes but there are new songs I rank above many old songs, like A New Dawn, Where the Dead Ships Dwell, Vanishing Light, Vacuum. TJR-Clayman definitely strongest consecutive 4 album era though.
I'm just talking about pure albums, rather than individual songs. Not saying every song between the 1996-2000 period is better than what came after it, but imo there's nothing close to the overall album quality that the band had during that period. Closest they've come since for me would be Come Clarity or SOAPF, but those albums are still some way below the big four.
Clayman is great and my favourite tracks are 1-11, but when's the new Cyhra album coming out ffs?
I've said many times on here that ATFRT is one of IF most underrated songs of all time, let alone on Clayman. It's weird because Anders' vocals sound incredibly strained on the track, but somehow it works perfectly with the desperation invoked in the lyrics (which are also amazing).

There's no place that still remains
Just deserted space all left in grey
Why did we lose the knowledge of time?
Is this the price, the hell we pay?
The poisoned fear known to man
Is he who tries to find his path
The collective force blaming you
"This is day day we split in half"

The hopes and prayers of things to come
I've lost them all with glory
Urgent to aim for that short-lived joy
I see gold in all that lies before me

So we ignore the beggers cup
Praise your act in the Grand Finale
Teach the unborn the winners sign
A welcome grin to the World Royale

When people are like "why you always want Anders to go back to writing lyrics about space and wolves and shit LOL" I'm like, no, I want him to go back to writing awesome stuff like As The Future Repeats Today. Knowing he can write like that makes me sad that we get shitstains like ASOP, SC & Battles which have lyrics that look like they were written by an angst-ridden 14 year old.

But yeah, I love everything about ATFRT, it's perfect. Those crushing opening riffs, the way the guitars and vocals make the song sound so desperate and powerful at the same time, "the collective force blaming you" line, the guitar lead into the chorus, the drumming throughout the song (love how there's a vocal pause just before the "as the future repeats today" line), the incredible solo which sometimes still gives me goosebumps, and even the ending chorus with the final, hopeless sounding "anyway..." at the end... it's a fucking tragedy that this song isn't better known and loved. It might seriously be my favourite IF song ever.
A few weeks ago Jesper posted a picture of the Clayman album cover and said

Blast from the past19 years today. Actually my personal favorite with the band. . Whats Ur favorite tracks from it? #inflames

He posted a video on FB where he's playing some riffs from the title track about a year ago:

He obviously has a lot of love for that album - and so he should, it's incredible. Funny though because the band have often said Clayman was one of the most difficult recording experiences they had. Anders was in a bad place, Nordstrom was pushing them to keep the dual guitar work rather than drop it as they wanted to do, etc. Thank God they kept Nordstrom around until 2000 at least, as otherwise Colony might have been the last IF record of the golden era.
Obv there would be bells like Slave who would break down and have temper tantrums if they did. "WHAT ABOUT SIREN CHARMS YOU ASSHOLES?!", but screw 'em. Do it because it would be what I selfishly want, not because the majority of your fanbase rates other records in much higher regard, even just from the pre-2002 period.
Fixed it for you m8.
A few weeks ago Jesper posted a picture of the Clayman album cover and said

Blast from the past19 years today. Actually my personal favorite with the band. . Whats Ur favorite tracks from it? #inflames
What?? Jesper's favorite record is the most cohesive, final evolution of their MDM-sound, and not some glorified youthful experimentation????? How is that possible??? Color me surprised!
I've said many times on here that ATFRT is one of IF most underrated songs of all time, let alone on Clayman. It's weird because Anders' vocals sound incredibly strained on the track, but somehow it works perfectly with the desperation invoked in the lyrics (which are also amazing).

When people are like "why you always want Anders to go back to writing lyrics about space and wolves and shit LOL" I'm like, no, I want him to go back to writing awesome stuff like As The Future Repeats Today. Knowing he can write like that makes me sad that we get shitstains like ASOP, SC & Battles which have lyrics that look like they were written by an angst-ridden 14 year old.

But yeah, I love everything about ATFRT, it's perfect. Those crushing opening riffs, the way the guitars and vocals make the song sound so desperate and powerful at the same time, "the collective force blaming you" line, the guitar lead into the chorus, the drumming throughout the song (love how there's a vocal pause just before the "as the future repeats today" line), the incredible solo which sometimes still gives me goosebumps, and even the ending chorus with the final, hopeless sounding "anyway..." at the end... it's a fucking tragedy that this song isn't better known and loved. It might seriously be my favourite IF song ever.

Great write up. I really agree. This song sums up everything good about mature In Flames in a single song. The solo portion is amazing.

To me Pinball Map and Bullet Ride are somewhat generic and never really draw me in. I tend to skip. And Only for the Weak is great but overplayed, slow, and basically while it’s great I don’t need to hear it again because it’s so memorable.

As The Future Repeats Today is when the album really starts for me. Clayman has so many middle track gems. If I’m just hanging around and I want some casual In Flames without getting into the “heavy feels” of the early stuff I play this song first. Then Square Nothing, Swim, Suburban me.